
Celeste was having an uneventful day. She woke up at her usual time, 5:30 in the morning, to do her makeup, hair and change into some gothic-lolita fashion. in homeroom, she and Chihiro talked, and she screamed at Hifumi when he brought her tea that was too hot and she burned her tongue. 

The rest of her day played out like normal, until she got back to her dorm at the end of the day. It was 5 pm when she got to her room. She reached into her bag and pulled out the key she had been using for the past year. It was long and on a keychain with a drawing of black and white teddy bear's head printed onto metal. She slid it into the door and turned it.

She stepped into her room, immediately noticing something was off. She could see an empty styrofoam instant ramen cup in the trash can. She walked further into the room and noticed her new roommate. Kyoko Kirigiri was unpacking a cardboard box full of small belongings. 

Celeste cleared her throat and Kyoko turned to her. She walked towards the gothic girl and stuck her hand out. "I'm Kyoko Kirigiri, we're both in Class 78." 

Celeste reached for her hand and shook it lightly. "Yes, I'm aware." she said coldly and dropped the detective's hand. She didn't want to get too close to her, our of fear she would figure out her secret, but she didn't want to make herself suspicious either. 

Celeste was about to turn around when Kyoko said something "We haven't talked very much. I hope sharing this room makes us closer."

Celeste's face got serious. "We have not talked very much before, yes." The girl paused for a second "But, I'd prefer to keep it that way. I hope you understand." Celeste fakely smiled at Kyoko, turned and started to walk out of the room when the lilac haired girl called out for her

"What about a game of War?" she shook a deck of cards she had taken out of the cardboard box she was unpacking.

Celeste smirked a little "Why not?" Kyoko grinned lightly and split the stack into two, handing Celeste one half and keeping the other. 

Celeste flipped her card. it was a nine, which beat Kyoko's 4. Kyoko could only watch as Celeste picked up both cards, adding both them to the bottom of her stack. Kyoko reached down for another card, but her hand hit the cold wooden floor of their dorm. Kyoko looked up at Celeste with a small smile "Good game." she said, before standing and picking up the pajamas she had laid out on her bed. Celeste stared her down as she walked to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. Celeste let out a heavy breathe and put the cards away. She stood and walked to her dresser, shaking slightly. She pulled open a drawer and got her pajamas out, waiting for Kyoko to finish changing.

 Celeste was consumed with nervous thoughts, but was pulled out of it when she heard a door handle twist repeatedly. She quickly turned her head to the room to the dorm, but the handle was still. She realized it was coming from the bathroom. Celeste had forgotten to tell Kyoko, but there was a trick to her bathroom door. Kyoko must not have noticed it when she closed it behind her, but in order to open the door you had to twist the handle while lifting the door slightly. Celeste got up and walked to the door, opening it with ease, before falling onto her back. Kyoko was still holding onto the door knob when Celeste pulled the open, so she fell forward, knocking over Celeste. Kyoko quickly sat up and apologized, explaining that the door wouldn't open. Celeste composed herself quickly and told Kyoko about the trick to the door. 

It was almost 10 pm, and Celeste had taken off her makeup and fake drills, and changed into a black nightgown. She explained the fake hair and heavy makeup to Kyoko as part of her fashion sense, which was mostly true. Celeste was sitting in her bed when she got a text from Chihiro. She clicked on the message, which was an invitation to a group chat. "A few people from our class are in it, but there also some people I don't think you've met yet" Chihiro explained. Celeste yawned and sent a message to Chihiro telling him she'd think about it, before plugging her charger into her phone. She turned off the lamp next to bed, rolled over, and closed her eyes.
