Living with a demon isn't that bad... at least

Ah my head hurts *Y/N opened his eyes looking around* what happened? *Y/N grabbed his shirt putting it on while walking out* where the hell am I? *Y/N explored his new surroundings* is this some type of castle *Y/N opened a door staring at the purple tentacles* why are there tentacles here? *Y/N quickly closed the door turning around as they banged at the door*. ? *Y/N looked at the ground as some tentacles broke through the floor* just perfect.. *Y/N jumped over the tentacle and started running* where the hell is that Beelzebub!?  

Hm? *Beelzebub turned around as she heard destruction coming from the castle* this is some bullshit.

Hold on who was that other guy? *Y/N stopped running as a tentacle grabbed him* well this is just fine and dandy *Y/N was left dangling up in the air* my my what have you gotten yourself into while I was away~ where the hell have you been. I was busy.

Well a little help here please *Beelzebub snapped her fingers as Y/N dropped towards the ground* thank you *Y/N dusted himself off* so why are there tentacles and where are we? first we're in my castle, second there are other things in this void and I happened to befriend this tentacle monster. this is going to be the death of me.. no it won't! why did I pass out umm well I myself don't even know, I lent you some power but... but what? it seems that lending you power jump started something in your body jump started?

Yes when I lent you some of my magic, you should have been able to use my powers to a limit but? your body seemed to have adsorbed it making it your own oh so like this?

interesting *Beelzebub touched the sickle slightly cutting herself* its sharp nonetheless so you can transform your body into slime? no no its just like I said you adsorbed my magic making it your own, you see the walls here? yes what are they made up of? the void here! I can control this substance to some limit. It seems your entire body is made up of it *she poked Y/N as her finger sank into his body* so you can make anything with this material? yes you can! interesting its fun doing this actually.

*Y/N changed it from a sickle to a sword then a knife* but this requires more testing to see if this power is enough you really are power hungry aren't you? power is everything without power you will be trampled upon. I can agree with that! *Y/N's belly grumbled* you need to eat that wasn't me wasn't me *Y/N's belly grumbled again* ... ... come on I'll walk you to the kitchen, What's your name? Y/N Morningstar *Beelzebub stopped walking and turned around* Morningstar you say eh?.

Yes ... interesting name nonetheless *she opened a door showing the kitchen* WELCOME TO MY KITCHEN! this place is a mess..

I wasn't expecting guest nonetheless my fault *Y/N opened a fridge seeing purple goop all over the fridge* you don't know how to cook do you? *Beelzebub started sweating even more* do you at least have some food that isn't covered in goop that's not goop... what is it th- *Y/N watched as a small drop fell onto the ground melting the floor*.

W-We can hunt some monsters here! where did this acid come from.. m-m-me... ... your a danger to me NO I'M NOT!

fine I'll cook something up *Y/N looked around spotting some pancake batter* ... *he grabbed it staring at them* "why not learn how to cook,stop being useless" *Y/N shook his head dismissing the voices* I'll mak- *Y/N looked for Beelzebub seeing her chase Gale* GET BACK OVER HERE YOU FUCKING RODENT I'LL KILL YOU AND MELT YOU. *Y/N shook his head with a slightly smile on his face* I'll just make some pancakes for us...

*Beelzebub grabbed Gale holding him above her mouth as she smelled something* what's that smell? hungry, made pancakes *Y/N handed her a plate as Gale escaped from her grasp*.

And these are for me? I already made some for me *Beelzebub looked at the pancakes then at him* best moment of my life WATCH WHERE YOU DROOL! *her purple drool fell onto the ground melting the floor and pancakes* enjoy *Y/N walked towards the table to eat his food* ... *Y/N turned around as Beelzebub looked up from her empty plate*. I just gave you that it was good can I have some more? haaa *Y/N looked at his plate and took some pancakes off his plate* there have some of mine. .

THANKS! mhm *Y/N ate his pancakes watching Beelzebub with a slight smile* you enjoyed them? THEY WERE GREAT! Thanks I worked hard on them.. something wrong? nope I'm fine also what is this thing on my shoulder oh that's a sign of our contract! a fly symbol eh makes sense since you're a fly. Could you tell me how you even got here? I was trapped here for all of eternity by Lucifer and her high prosecutor why? I may have done a tad bit of trolling...

... *Y/N simply stared making her sweat even more* I tried overthrowing her.. oh my goodness why the hell would you do that LISTEN ITS HELL AND I WANTED TO TAKE OVER! do you even know how to get out of here? well the thing is I can't leave but you'll be leaving... what do you mean by that?. Well since you don't belong here you might be sent back to your world, I don't know when I just know that you'll be leaving.. 

So that's why you said "be with you" until I go? yeah it gets lonely down here... well then there's no point in sulking *Y/N stretched* we don't know when I might be leaving so lets make the most of it now *Y/N extended his hand* then lets enjoy this time that we have together *Beelzebub stared at his hand then grabbed it smiling* yeah...

End of Chapter
