Never leave again

Author's Note:

Hol up 3 days since I posted. So sorry about that there is just so much going on atm so I didn't get to writing but i'm trying to get back so the chapters won't be out everyday anymore but i'll keep them coimg. Also I'm putting off the yandere book till I finish this book because of my mental health, school life and many other reasons anyways enjoy btw just finished a English, French, Irish, German and History exam yesterday so my brain has just stopped working yeah uhm enjoy!


Your POV:

I wake up to see a dark room, it's cold and eery. I try getting up to look for someone but I'm quick to relise that my hands and feet have been straped down to the chair. A shot of pain ran right through my back as a winced back in pain. "Your scar has been open and dug further into again" I look up to see a man standing next to a figure lied down on a operation table. It doesn't take me two seconds to see who that person was. "W-what have you done to her" "nothing but she did this to herself after her fight with that other kid" "you saw the fight?" "no but a friend of yours did". Confused I look around to see... Silco asleep on a chair next to me. "How did just fall asleep" "uhm.. maybe he was really tired from carrying you both here" "he carried us here?" "in a total panic guess people do care about you both. You watch as he takes out one of Silco's viles which lookes like it's to ingect it into Jinx. I knew this couldn't kill her but...  this could impact the way she thinks of... everyone. Before I could say anything the man plunged the needle into Jinx. I looked in horror and her eyes shot open and started breathing heavily. She then was staring in horror at a door I needed to calm her down. I struggled as I tryed to reach my pockets for a Kunai. I cut my finger open as I poked the top of my Kunai. I grabbed it and quickly started cutting through the rope. The man was too busy watching Jinx so it gave me time to get out. As I finished cutting out my leg ropes I hadn't noticed the man was now right in front of me "oh no you don't you need to fully rest" just as I was about to kick him he injected the same serum as he did in Jinx and I started to feel everything in my body. I looked at a chair in a corner of the room and I saw me and Jinx as 12 year olds "I love you so much Powder do you love me too?" "no ew why would I like you your such a scardy cat and no one even likes you" then all my old friends like Clagger, Mylo, Vi... all started laughing at my old self then they were looking at me and laughing. Tears started flowing down my face as I watched these imaginations laugh and call me names "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP NO!" then they all dissapered and the room was dark. My eyes felt heavy and my body was aching. I closed my eyes to try and fall asleep when suddenly "wakey wakey N/n~" I quickly my eyes to see. "J-jinx"

Authors POV:

You watched as Jinx was resting her arms on your thighs with her head on her arms. She had pink eyes which got you worried, what did they put in her? you asked yourself. "Your soo cute when you sleep N/n~" she cooed which made you blush a bit. "where did t-the man go" "who knows..." she then got up close to youe ear "who cares were alone~" your face was red at this point which made Jinx giggle

Author's note:

Woah woah wait if you think im about to do smut well not the full kind cause that would be kinda copying another popular jinx x fem reader story called Accept Me but I will do some smut soon :> so A LITTLE SMUT WARNING MY FRIENDS!!!

Author's POV:

Jinx then got up and started walking around your chair which made you tense up your muscle's a bit. She placed her hands around your body from behind which made you get butterflys. "N/nn do you have people in your head now to~?". You thought for a second no you couldn't have but the image. "I-i don't think I do" you then saw Jinx face right up to yours. "Have I ever told you how aborable you are~". You started feeling warm inside and your face heat up even more with that comment your were at a lose for words at this point. Jinx giggled and slowly crawled on your lap. She straddled you and grinned at you. She got right up to your face and held your chin with 2 of her fingers and used her other hand to push back your hair. She started grinding with her thigh and looked you right in the eyes. "Wanna be mine cutie~"

Author's Note:

Ahhh this was shorter than usual but anyways hope yall enjoyed and I'll try get more chapters out anyways

