Don't Go.. (Part 2 of the Final)

Author's Note:
YES I HAVE DONE IT I HAVE GOTTON THE LAST CHAPTER OUT!! I saw a comment talking abt how I turned this book into a diary and I'M SORRY I JUST PROCRASTINATE A TON :')) but ya I am so bad an angst so haha I don't think people will shed tears over this. Anyways enjoy this


Author's POV:



It was the only sound ringing through everyone's ear when suddenly


"Y/YN... Y/NNN!!!" Jinx ran over to you and looked over you in horror as blood starting flowing out of your head as the gun dropped on the floor with a crash. Your frail figure was slowly picked up by Jinx

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" she screamed tears falling like a waterfall "n-no no no no NO NO!! YOU CAN'T BE DEAD YOU.. YOU JUST CAN'T!!"


"W-why did you go with t-this guy Powder..." "it's Jinx from now on please..." "o-oh... why?" "I don't wanna say" "ok." "Y/N.. promise me something.. can you please stay with me.. forever" she then fell to her knees right below the chair you were sitting on "your the only person I have left your the only one I can trust in this world!" she bursted out crying clenching onto your legs.

You meakly fell off your chair to the floor to comfort the crying girl. "I promise Jinx... I will stay with you forever no matter what.

~End of Flashback~

"YOU PROMISE DAMMIT YOU PROMISED why... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY" she picked your lifeless body and held the gun right at Silco's face

"N-no wait Jinx it's us now us aganist the world d-don't point the gun a-at me.." " i-it was gonna be us.. AND Y/N YOU BITCH"

Jinx suddenly turned her gun to Caitlyn still holding the machine gun in shock "drop the gun and the body Jinx" "no fucking way.." she pulled the gun higher up ready to shoot "drop.the.gun" Jinx dropped the gun but didn't let go of your corpse

"Caitlyn wait she's my sister" Jinx carefully layed you lifeless body on a pillar. She then put her arms above her head with a sad expressions tears still falling from her eyes

As Caitlyn kept pointing the gun questioning about shooting the girl she slowly putting her arms down and a wicked grin slowly crept onto her face. In seconds Caitlyn was on the floor knocked out while Jinx was hovering over her with her Machine gun pointing right at her.

"Powder no!" Vi screamed. Jinx looked up and everything started going blurry. "She's not gonna help you" "finish her" "no one loves you " the voices whispered. "Agh!" Jinx pointed the gun right at Vi. "yes Jink finish her!" Silco shouted. Jinx couldn't hear anything but the voices overloading her thoughts. Her knees got weak as she dropped holding her head in pain. Vi and Silco kept shouting things at her. "THEY NEVER LOVED YOU JINX NOW GET UP AND SHOOT THOSE TWO!!" That was like the trigger as Jinx eyes shot open the voices halting. In a flash she was up from the floor the gun in her hands after shooting...

"No... no NO NO NO NO"!! Jinx screamed as she watched the life slowly fade out of Silco after she shot him his chair swinging to the side. She quickly dropped the gun and ran over to Silco tears streaming from her eyes as her pink eyes slowly dimmed out from a vibrant pink to a darker shade. "No no No I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she pleaded as Silco weakly looked at her. "I never would've given you to them... not for anything.. don't cry.. you're perfect" And with that Silco bowed his head down. All that was left was a lifeless body. Jinx held his face tears still falling from her eyes as she held in screams of anger.

Slowly she stopped crying and her face formed into a numb expression. She picked up the gun Silco was holding and picked herself up from her knees. She walked over to your body which she had left laying on a pillar. She gently held your face as she planted a kiss on your cold lips. She picked you up bridle style and carried you over to the chair she had made for you. On it it had your name in your favourite colour with some of her drawings and some tattoo drawing that you had sketched and showed to her in the past. She slowly went to your ear and whispered

"I'll never forget you.."

She left your body in the chair and walked over to her chair which you had made for her in the past. She sat herself down on the chair and look straight ahead of her. "It's ok we'll get through this together" Vi told her sister trying to comfort her but Jinx just couldn't accept it 

"I thought.. maybe you could love me like you use to.. even though I'm .. different. But you changed too.. so.. here's to the new us" She got up from her chair and walked over to a gun that was near a corner and picked it up. She walked back to the table and picked up the blue crystal that was still on top of the cupcake that was going to be the ammo for this gun. She looked back at your body one more time and all that there was in her mind 

"I'm sorry.."

She started walking up the ledge with the shark like gun on her shoulder tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Once she was at the edge she looked down for a second at the ground beneath her. She looked up again and tilted the gun up to the position that she was practising for a while. She thought about shooting "was it really the best idea?". Then a image of you popped into her mind it was about 2 years back. You two were having fun running from some  grumpy food dealer who was angry as you didn't pay for the food you just took. You were laughing with a big smile on your face looking right at Jinx. It was a core memory that she never forgot about. A tear fell and she pressed the trigger. The gun started shining with the blue crystal in it. She started screaming in pain as the light engulfed her 


Well that's it (for now ;) but I hope you enjoyed the story again I am so sorry for the LONG wait but ya know procrastination. I might keep going with this book when season 2 gets out so thank you for supporting this shitty story and yeah for the last time

