Chapter 4.2 - Unfamiliar Territory

The endless summer sea. The infinite blue skies. The perfectly clear air. Here, in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, we didn't feel the intense midsummer heat, and the gentle sea breeze was relaxing, to say the least. For many, this was an oceanic paradise.

"Whoa! Would you look at that view!" Ike shouted, both hands raised high in the air.

Everyone in Class D was enjoying the view from the cruise ship's deck.

"This view is incredible! I'm honestly super moved right now!"

A group of girls led by Karuizawa came out from the ship's cabin. Karuizawa pointed out to the expansive ocean, wearing a radiant smile.

"Seriously, the scenery here is just amazing!"

Many thought of this as the beginning of summer vacation. After all, after overcoming numerous hardships, midterms, and the end-of-term exams, many were saw this as a reward from the school.

But I kept my guard up.

"Wow, Ken, you must be happy you didn't get expelled!" Yamauchi said.

"You're not one to talk, Yamauchi!" Ken chuckled. He was in a good mood. He had really changed for the better these past months. His short-tempered attitude was basically no more.

While we didn't receive many points this month, we all forgot about it for a moment. On this ship, everything was free of charge. We received the best of special treatment. The cruise liner and its facilities were of the highest quality. This ship was fully equipped with everything from fancy restaurants to a theater, and even an upscale spa. To think we're able to not worry about points on such a luxurious cruise ship seemed too good to be true.

They said this trip will last two weeks. The first week would be spent at a fancy summer lodge on a deserted island. The second week would be left for us to enjoy the cruise ship.

There is absolutely no way a government-sponsored school would allow first-year high school students to enjoy themselves like this for two weeks with no catch, though.

At 5 AM today, the first-year students had boarded buses and departed for Tokyo Bay. The passenger ships departed from the port once we arrived. After eating breakfast in the lounge, we were permitted to move freely around the entire vessel. We then boarded this cruise ship, where we're able to use any of the ship's facilities feee of charge.

Apparently, the school owned a small island to the south. Our destination.

"Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to see the island soon. This is a good time to take in some rather significant scenery."

What a strange announcement issued from the ship's PA. Barely anyone seemed to have given it a second thought though.

Students from other classes began assembling on the deck.

I went over to Hashimoto to talk to him.

"Hey, Hashimoto. Can you come with me for a second? I want to talk to you."


As we got off the boat, I was talking with the Ayanokouji Group.

Our homeroom teacher then greeted us.

"I will now start the roll call for Class D. When you hear your name, please respond loud and clear."

Chabashira-sensei started taking attendance, clipboard in hand, while simultaneously instructing us to form a line. She wore the same kind of jersey as her students. This atmosphere was more akin to training camp than summer vacation. Still, many students seemed relaxed and impatient.

"Oh, come on! I want my free time already! The sea is right in front of me!" Ike cried out.

Soon, a tall teacher stepped onto a prepared white platform. It was Mashima-sensei, Class A's homeroom teacher. He was well known for having a stubborn disposition. At first glance, he could easily be mistaken for one of those bodybuilder types. He was built like a professional wrestler, but he was actually quite intelligent.

"First, I would like to say that I'm happy you've arrived safely. However, it's unfortunate that one of you won't be able to participate in the planned activites due to illness."

While Mashima-sensei surveyed the students in silence, I could see that adults in uniform had started setting up some kind of special tent nearby. I also saw a computer and other equipment on a long table. This increasingly business-like set up didn't match the natural splendor around us at all, and many students looked confused.

"Well then. We shall commence the current academic year's first special exam."

"Huh? Special exam? What do you mean?"

It was safe to say almost everyone thought this was just a school trip, only to be hit by this surprise attack.

"The test commences now and lasts for one week, concluding on August 7th at noon. This test will determine if you can live on a deserted island together as a group. In addition, I should warn you that this special exam is both practical and realistic, designed based on real-world corporate training."

"Living on a deserted island. Does that mean we're not staying on the boat, but on the island?"

Some other students voiced their concerns.

"You are correct. During the test, you will not be allowed to board the ship without a suitably justifiable reason. It will be necessary for you to fend for yourselves on this island while you are here, from creating a place to sleep to preparing food to eat. Once the test starts, each class will receive two tents, and two flashlights. You will be provided with one box of matches. There is no limit to the amount of sunscreen you can have. Each student will be provided with one toothbrush. As a special case, girls will be allowed to have as many feminine sanitary products as they'd like, without any restrictions. Please ask your respective homeroom teachers for those. That is all."

With that, the teachers began distributing the items.

"Huh?! So we have to live like survivors on a deserted island?! I don't want to hear this kind of insanity! This isn't an anime or a manga or something! We can't all sleep together in just two tents! And what are we supposed to do about food in the first place? This is unbelievable!"

A few students complained. Developing skills of self-sufficiency on a deserted island, hunting wild animals, washing in the river, building bedding from tree branches, nobody could've imagined that the school would put us through a test like this.

The teachers encouraged the students to calm down.

"Even though we're calling it a special exam, there's no need to think about it in such unhappy terms. In the coming week, you can go swimming, or hold a barbecue. It wouldn't be a bad time for you to occasionally have a campfire and chat with friends, either. The theme of this special exam is 'freedom', after all."

Freedom, huh?

"As a major part of this special exam, we've decided to distribute 300 points to each class. By using your points well, you might be able to enjoy this week's special test just as you would a normal trip. We've also prepared a manual just for that purpose."

Mashima-sensei received a booklet that looked to be a few dozen pages thick from another teacher.

"This manual lists all of the ways you can obtain points. It also explains where to get drinking water and food, as well as essential necessities. If you wanted to have a barbecue, it explains how to prepare the equipment and ingredients. We also have numerous tools for you to be able to enjoy playing in the ocean to the fullest."

Gradually, the student's grim expressions grew calmer.

Mashima-sensei then went on to further explain the special exam.

We could use our points as we pleased. However, once the special exam period is over, each class' remaining points will be added to their total class points. Our point totals will reflect this change once summer vacation is over.

This explained a lot. In previous exams, they had measured things like our academic abilities. Naturally, higher ranked classes which generally had students with high level of academic ability, were at an advantage, while Class D was always at a disadvantage. However, this exam was designed in a way that didn't create a significant gap between Classes A and D.

In other words, this was the opportunity for Class D to catch up to the other classes. If they could endure this for one week, they could see a huge increase in points received. For them, this was their chance of getting closer to being the top class.

Each class will receive one copy of the manual. In the event where a student has to leave due to illness, there will be a thirty-point penalty to the class as a whole.

The student that was marked absent from this special exam was from Class A, so they will be starting with 270 points.

I looked towards where all the Class A students were, and I noticed that Arisu was absent. All first-years had to board the cruise ship, so I assume she was left behind and stayed on the cruise ship.

Each student had a wristwatch that tells us the time, checks our body temperature, our pulse, and even our movements. It was equipped with a GPS. In the case where something bad happened, this watch will notify the school. We could also press the emergency button if we were to ever find ourself in such a situation.

There will be a roll call on each day at 8 AM and 8 PM. In the event students are absent during one of these roll calls, five points will be taken for each student absent.

In the event a student is found guilty of an act of violence toward another class, robbing another class, or causing damage to another class' property, etc... the offending student's class will immediately be disqualified, and the individual will forfeit all of his or her private points.

Each class had to decide where their base camp will be, and the roll calls will be held there.

"Where's the toilet?"

"The toilet, huh? I was about to get to that point. If you want to use the bathroom, use this."

Chabashira-sensei grabbed one of the cardboard boxes from the stacked piles. She peeled off the packing tape and took out some collapsed cardboard.

"What the heck is that?" Ken asked.

"It's a basic toilet. Each class will be supplied with one. Please handle it carefully."

The girls were shocked, to say the least.

"Don't tell me we have to use that?!" Shinohara asked.

"No way..." Karuizawa was speechless.

"I don't even wanna look at it."

"Both the boys and girls will use it. But do not worry, it comes with a single button tent that you can use when you want to change. That way, nobody will be able to see you."

Chabashira-sensei then explained how to use it, but most of the girls were way too disgusted to listen carefully.

Shinohara and Ike then get into a heated argument.

"Calm down guys, now is not the time to argue. We will figure this out after Sensei finishes her explanations," Hirata intervened.

Chabashira-sensei then went on to explain some additional rules.

During this exam, we will be permitted to roam about freely, but there are several designated 'spots' on the island. In these spots, there is what's referred to as right of exclusive possession, and only the class that occupies that spot may exercise those rights. The class that obtains those rights is entirely free to determine how they wish to exercise them. However, these rights are only valid for a period of eight hours after being invoked, after which they are automatically revoked. That means that another class can acquire those rights at that time. Also, you gain one bonus point if you occupy a spot once. However, that point is provisional, and cannot be used during the test period. Therefore, bonus points are calculated and added to your total after the test has ended.

A specialized key card is required to occupy a spot. This key card can only be used by a designated leader.

Finally, the final and most important rule.

On the final day of the exam, each class had the right to guess at the identity of the other class' leader during roll call. If you managed to get it right, then you could obtain fifty points for each correct guess. Conversely, the other class would lose fifty points. Therefore, if your leader gets revealed during the test, you could lose a great number of points. In addition, a class whose leader had been found out would lose all of the bonus points.

However, for each incorrect guess, the class will suffer a fifty-point penalty.

One person must be chosen as the leader. The leader cannot be changed unless there's a justifiable reason. A key card stamped with the leader's name will be provided once a decision is reached, meaning that the leader's identity could be discovered if one managed to glance at the card.

Once Chabashira-sensei finished her explanation, Hirata immediately spoke up.

"Guys, let's think about who the leader should be after we figure out where our base camp will be. Let's decide that first. Do we camp somewhere around here, on the beach? Or do we go into the forest? We need to think carefully about our spot."

The manual included a simple map of the island, with only its size and the shape drawn. Things like the total area of the forest and the topography were completely unknown. It was more like a blank sheet of paper. A ballpoint pen had been give to us as well for the purpose of filling in the necessary parts ourselves.

"Hey Hirata-kun. Shouldn't we decide what to do about the toilet?"

"Hmm... well, in the manual it says that temporary toilets can be purchased and installed using our points."

The girls immediately gathered around the manual.

"We absolutely need it! I mean, I really don't like that we have to spend points... but if we don't, we literally can't survive!" Shinohara said.

A lot of the other girls agreed to Shinohara's remarks, while some boys were against the idea.

"Wait, twenty points? Just for a toilet?"

Some boys and girls then got into an argument.

Seems like this exam will be tougher than we thought...

"I think it's best if we delay this decision. Let's first find a spot for our base camp, otherwise the other classes might get the best spots. Sounds good to everyone?" Hirata said.

Everyone agreed. Seems like Hirata had become quite the leader. Meanwhile, I just stood back and watched the scenes unfold.

After that, everyone decided to head into a forest to look for a spot for our base camp. It was probably Class D's lucky day, because after a short while, we came across a spot next to a river.

"Wow! Look at this place!"

"This is amazing!"

"Let's install our base camp here!"

With that, we decided to install our base camp here. Now, all that was left was for the class to chose a leader.

"So, who should be the leader?" Hirata asked.

"Isn't it obvious? It should be you!" Karuizawa said.

"Yeah! You're the class leader, so you should have the key card!"

I decided not to say anything, I looked at Horikita who was standing next to me, and it seemed like she felt the same way.

"Okay, I would like to hear other people's thoughts... what do you think, Kushida?"

"I'm fine with Hirata-kun being our leader!"

"Yeah let's all trust Hirata-kun!"



"I don't have any objections."


"No objections from me."

With that, Hirata became our leader. After receiving the key card, we secured the spot next to the river.


"This spot is ours!"

"What should we do about the toilet?"

"We don't need it!"

"Of course we do!"

"Guys stop arguing," Hirata said, "Look, I understand that nobody wants to spend 20 points, but isn't it better for the girls' peace of mind to have a toilet they feel comfortable using? The last thing we want is to build up stress and anxiety within our class. Do you guys agree?"


"I guess that makes sense."

"Fine, I guess we can buy one temporary toilet."

"Then it's decided."

With that, we called Chabashira-sensei and installed the temporary toilet. After that, we started building our base camp along the river. However, one person was sitting on top of a tree.

"Kouenji, come on! Help us out, will you!?" Ike screamed.

"Ah ha ha! A perfect existence like me shouldn't get involved in such useless activities. This exam is far from interesting, don't mind me, I'll be doing just fine on my own!"

He's definitely heading back to the ship...

"Hey, Hirata. I plan on exploring the island. Can I bring the map and the pen so that I can mark out any interesting spots?"

"Sure, Ayanokouji. Make sure to come back before the evening roll call."

With that, I ran into the forest and started exploring the island by myself.

It's time to begin.


Author's Notes

Most of the explanation of the special exam is the same as in the LN. This chapter is mostly just explanation about the exam.

What's Kiyotaka up to?

To clear things up:
In the previous chapter when Arisu said she was 'bored' and wanted Kiyotaka to join her class, she's bored not because of the class battles. It's in the sense that she's bored because she wants to talk to him and be with him more often, if that even makes sense. In this timeline, Arisu doesn't want to battle Kiyotaka like in the LN, instead she wants to team up with him (as stated in SS. 2) and dominate ANHS with him (whether Kiyotaka wants this too is unknown). Hope this helps.

Find out more in the next chapter!

See you then!
