Chapter 3.2 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Horikita proposed to organize a meeting to discuss the arrangements that she had come up with. I took the lead in inviting them to my room so that we could talk in peace.

We only created the group chat yesterday, and Horikita had already come up with the arrangements of the study groups.

When everyone arrived, she told us our group, and, honestly, she did a great job. The groups she made actually made sense.

For example, in my group, I had Hasebe and Sakura, who were good friends, as well as Sudou and Miyake, who were somewhat friends, but definitely shared common attributes. Since I was supposed to also take care of Yamauchi and Ike, Horikita decided to only put four other people in my group. She was surprisingly mindful when coming up with these groups.

Also, in Hirata's group, there was Karuizawa'a friend group, which also made sense. Karuizawa and Hirata had started dating only a little while after the beginning of high school. However, to be honest, I doubt it is a true relationship.

We then discussed how we would go about things. We decided that for the first study session, we will evaluate the other students with a self-made problem sheet. Starting from there, each student will undertake personal training, and each tutor will have to prepare individual worksheets for everyone in their group.

The meeting had ended, so everyone left my room.

"Thanks for letting us use your room, Ayanokouji," Hirata said.

"Yeah, this was a really productive meeting," Horikita said.

The others agreed.

"See you tomorrow, Ayanokouji!" Kushida was the last one to leave my room.

However, I quickly realized she had forgotten her phone on my desk.

Her room was in a different building than mine, so I quickly followed her to give her back her phone, until she stopped at a dark place.

I stopped as well and instinctively hid behind a tree.

"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!" she screamed.

Was that really... Kushida?

She seemed like a completely different person. So that's her dark side, huh?

I immediately decided to record with my own phone. I simply couldn't miss an opportunity like this.

"Screw you, Horikita! You think you're so cool and all, you think you're so great just because you're pretty... go to hell! And those perverts, who do they think they are?! Disgusting creatures, ogling at the sight of girls, I wish they all die! And to those girls that act all girly and all, nobody likes you either, bitch! I ha-"

At this moment, Kushida's phone I had in my hand made a sound. She had received a notification.

Talk about bad timing.

"What? Who's there?"

I guess there's no way around it.

"It's me, Ayanokouji. You forgot your phone at my pl-"

"Did you hear?" she suddenly rushed over to me and grabbed her phone.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?"

"If you tell anyone about this, you'll pay."

"I won't do that, they wouldn't believe me anyway."

"Tch... why did I have to forget my phone."

"Kushida... why do you hate Horikita?"

"That's none of your business."

"Is it because she came from the same middle school as you?"

"What? How did you know?"

"She told me. Simple as that, I guess."

It was true. A while ago, Horikita told me to be wary of Kushida and that she went to the same middle school as her.

"Listen here, Ayanokouji. I don't care who you are. You and her knowing about my past are the greatest dangers to my school life. Know that you just became my number one enemy at this school. I will do everything to expel you. If you tell anyone about this, I'll say that you attempted to rape me."

"That's unreasonable, Kushida. What made you think you were in control of this situation?"

I took out my phone that was recording the whole time from my jacket.

"Screw you, Horikita! You think you're so cool and all, you think you're so great just because you're pretty... go to hell! And those perverts, who do they think they are?! Disgusting creatures, ogling at the sight of girls, I wish they all die! And to those girls that act all girly and all, nobody likes you either, bitch! I ha-"


"What? Who's there?"

"Are you kidding me? You jerk, you've been recording this whole time?"

"The truth is, Kushida, I never believed your fake act even for a second, since the moment we met on the bus. I saw through your mask since the very beginning. I knew how important hiding your past was to you. From now on, you will work for me. You will help me with anything I need. Disobey me, and I will leak this recording to the entire school."

"Tch... What do you want? Don't tell me you're afte my body too, you pervert!

"I'm not after your body, Kushida. Now, I need you to do something for me..."


The next day, at lunch, I went to the cafeteria and approached my target.

"Hey, are you an upperclassman?"

"Oh ho! If it isn't my favorite kouhai!"

"I don't know you, who are you?"

"I'm Kiryuin Fuka, a second-year. I finally met you, Ayanokouji! Did you know that ever since the news spread here, I wanted to meet you in person? Today's your lucky day!"

"Why is it my lucky day?"

"Ah ha ha, seems like you're also quite funny, Kouhai-kun. Anyway, yes I'm an upperclassman. What do you want?"

"Do you have the midterm exam paper of your first year in high school?"

The key to scoring high marks on the midterms was the mock exam. One might ask themselves, why were there those difficult questions? Actually, it was a hint. Chabashira-sensei told us that there is a way for us to all pass the midterms. When I looked at the most difficult questions, they were beyond the level taught during the first year. That's why they were actually hints. Upperclassmen, is what these questions whispered into my ears. In other words, they reuse the same midterm exam papers for each year's first year. Therefore, I wanted to get my hands on the previous years' midterms, and compare the questions to that of the mock exam. If they're the same, then it's safe to say that the questions on the midterms will be exactly the same.

"Oh? Finding a way to cheat already?"

"I'm not cheating. It's for studying purposes."

"You're interesting, Kouhai-kun. But I'm afraid you'll have to pay for that."

"I'll pay you 15,000 points."

"You know, I would normally ask for more than that, but since you're my favorite kouhai, you have a deal! I can send you the photos by message."

"Sure, I'll give you my phone number."

With that, we exchanged contact information.

After a while, I received the midterms photos from Kiryuin-senpai. Indeed, the questions matched the ones on the mock exam. The first part of my plan was a success.


After class ended, I went back to my room to create a group chat with my study group.

[Hello everyone, it has been decided that you will all be part of the same study group. The first study session will be tomorrow after class in the library.]

Isn't that a bit too unwelcoming?

[Let's all get along and get good scores.]

Now that's better.

[Hey, Ayanokouji! I'm so happy you're our tutor!](Hasebe)

[Yeah! With you as our tutor, we'll definitely pass!](Sudou)

[I prayed for a good tutor, and my prayers have been answered!](Miyake)

[I'm looking forward to studying with you all.](Sakura)

[That's all I have to say for now]
[See you guys at tomorrow's study sessions]

Seems like everything is going quite well.


I was sitting in the library, waiting for my study group to arrive for the first study session.

"Hey, Ayanokouji!"

I looked around to see Hasebe and Sakura approaching me.

"H-hey... A-Ayanokouji..."

Seems like Sakura is quite shy.

"Come on Sakura, no need to be shy, we're all study buddies here!" Hasebe said.

"Maybe you're right..."

Not long after, Sudou and Miyake arrived as well.

"Alright, I'm fired up, I'm going to get full marks!" Sudou ambitiously cried out.

"Dude quiet down, we're in the library," Miyake responded.

"Oh yeah, my bad."

The four of them chuckled, it seemed like they were already starting to get along.

I took out of problem sheets that I prepared for the four of them.

"Okay, let's start. First I want you four to answer these questions. That way, I can know how to individually help each of you to study for the midterms."

"This is amazing dude... it must've taken a long time to prepare this," Sudou said

"Yeah I'm grateful, I didn't expect you to be such a good guy Ayanokouji, seems like I completely had the wrong impression of you," Miyake agreed.

"Hehe~ Ayanokouji, seems like you're taking this seriously," Hasebe teased me.

"T-Thanks... Ayanokouji," Sakura timidly said.

After the four of them were done, I went over their answers. Hasebe was the one to get the most questions right, she's not in need of much help. Miyake's score was decent. As for Sakura and Sudou, they'll need to put in more effort.

For the entire study session, I decided it was best to first go over the courses' materials. I would make sure to answer their questions if they had any.

Soon, the study session came to an end.

"Man, why do I feel ten times smarter?" Miyake said.

"I know right, A-..."

"What's wrong, Hasebe?" I asked her since she just stopped talking so suddenly.

"Hmm... I know! Let's all call each other by our first names! That way we can all become good friends! What do you guys think?" she finally said.

"Yeah, let's do that!" Sudou agreed.

"Sure," I also agreed.

After we exchanged our first names, we started calling each other by our first names.

"Akito is kind of boring, and totally not cute... I know, from now on, you're Miyacchi!" Haruka said.

"What?" Akito was visibly confused.

Luckily she didn't give me a nickname.

"Kiyotaka... why does your first name have so many syllables?" Haruka asked me.

"How am I supposed to answer that?" I honestly answered.

"Hmm, I know, I'll give you a nickname! Kiyo... Kiyoto, no... Kiyop... Kiyo... Kiyopon!!!"

I talked too soon.


"Haha what the heck Haruka?"

"Pfff... that's a ridiculous nickname... haha."

Akito and Ken started laughing their heads off. I also noticed Airi smiling too.

"Yeah, Kiyopon! It's such a cute nickname! Kiyopon... or Ayanon! They sound sooo cute~ I prefer Kiyopon though, so I'll be calling you that! You better get used to it!"

"Ah... I guess I have no choice but to get used to it right?"

"I knew you'd be this understanding, Kiyopon! Also, why don't we come up with a name for our new friend group?"

"Oh... I-I like that idea," Airi said.

"Yeah, but what?" Akito asked.

The four of them were seemingly trying their hardest to come up with a nickname.

"How about the Ayanokouji Group?" Haruka proposed.

"The Ayanokouji Group?" Ken questioned.

"Yeah! I mean, Kiyopon is the one who brought us all together right?" she replied.

"I agree with Haruka's idea," Airi said.

"Okay then, let's go with that, what do you think, Kiyotaka?" Akito turned to me.

"I don't mind."

"Yay! Today marks the formation of the Ayanokouji Group! A day to remember!" Haruka cried out.

"Shhhhhhhh," the old grumpy librarian intensively stared at us, ordering us to keep quiet.

The four of them silently laughed.

The Ayanokouji Group, huh? It sounds like a horrible company name, but I guess it'll do.


(Haruka has renamed the group 'The Ayanokouji Group')

[Today was so much fun!](Haruka)

[Yeah, who knew studying could be this fun?](Ken)

[That's because we barely studied, Ken]
[Prepare yourself to get serious]
[You still have a lot of basics to master]

[Hehe~ you're mean Kiyopon](Haruka)

[Aw man](Ken)

[You got this Ken! Let's all kill the midterms together](Akito)

[Today was fun!]
[I'm looking forward to the next session](Airi)

[We can barely talk in the library though...](Haruka)

[Yeah, that grumpy librarian pisses me off](Ken)

[Maybe we can find another place to study?](Akito)


[You guys can come to my room]

[Oh ho~ Kiyopon's room, I wonder what it looks like](Haruka)

[THE Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's room... Awesome!](Akito)

[Sounds good to me](Ken)

[So when would it be?](Airi)

[Are you guys free after tomorrow??]




[Yes Kiyopon-sensei!](Haruka)

[Then I'll see you guys the day after tomorrow after school]
[I'm in Room 401]

After ending our conversation, some tutors started chatting in the tutors group chat.

[How was everyone's first study session?](Hirata)


[Everything went rather well](Horikita)

[Same here!](Mii-chan)

[Everything is successful so far](Yukimura)

[Same here]

[Ayanokouji, how do you plan on dealing with Ike and Yamauchi?](Hirata)

[Yeah... those idiots...](Mii-chan)

[I'm not sure yet]
[But don't worry, I'll figure something out]
[You guys don't have to take care of it]

[Well, if you say so, then I'll trust you, Ayanokouji!](Kushida)

[Sounds good, Ayanokouji](Hirata)

Today was a success.


Today, the Ayanokouji Group met up in my room for the second study session.

I had specifically prepared questions for each of the four of them. They were not too difficult, not too easy, just the correct difficulty to maximize one's progress.

I was in my room when someone rang at the door.

"Hey ho Kiyopon! It's me and Airi!"

I opened the door.

"Can we come in?" Airi said.

"Of course, come on in."

The two of them entered my room.

"Well... this is a disappointment, Kiyopon. Why is your room so empty?"

"I was never the type to buy any decorations and things like that," I said. It was true. I also never deemed it necessary.

Soon after both Ken and Akito arrived.

"Alright! Let's get started!" Ken cried out.

What's gotten into him? It's like he suddenly decided to become serious. Remarkable.

After an hour or two of them working on the questions I had prepared, they were all improving at their own speed. Ken was making great progress. In two weeks, he'll probably be ready for the midterms. The same can be said about the other three. Of course, all four of them would get the midterms question and answer sheets the day before like everyone.

"Phew... today was tougher than the previous study session," Haruka said.

"Yeah, Kiyotaka's not going easy on us," Akito chuckled.

"But thanks to him, we'll be able to pass the midterms without a sweat," Ken said.

"Let's all do our best," Airi timidly said.

We all agreed to do our best.

The five of us then had a casual conversation, talking about the school in general, our habits, and all kinds of things.

I never knew what I was like to make friends or to have friends.

I never deemed it necessary, of course.

However, based on what I had read about friends in books, maybe this...

This is what it would feel like to have friends.


Author's Notes


Kiyotaka finally sees Kushida's other self for himself. Kushida now has no other choice but to obey Kiyotaka's commands (at least for now...). What did he ask her to do? And will Kushida end up betraying him?

The Ayanokouji Group has formed! Press F to pay respects for Yukimura.

Anyways, that's all I have to say!

See you soon!
