The Thanksgiving Pies

It didn't take much longer for the pies that Dean had ordered to get out of the oven. He had also ordered a batch of cookies after Samandriel had made a comment that the cookies in the mason jar were free. One with each purchase. Dean had immediately ordered a batch, and Gabe gave a knowing smirk.

After paying a surprisingly cheap total of $24.47, Dean was on his way. He gave Baby a small pat and a smile as he climbed in the driver's seat, placing the bag of pies and cookies in the seat next to him. It was only 8:43 AM when Dean had left the store, leaving him quite surprised. More time had passed in there than he thought.

Samandriel and Gabe had told him more stories, and Y/N had butted in quite often. It was kind of funny to see the siblings interact, and watch how they tease each other. It reminded Dean of how he and Sam used to act, and how they used to act around Adam, an orphan who Bobby took in when the older man found the teen on the side of the road.

Dean made the quick drive to his parents' house, and got out of his car, making sure to bring the bag with him.

His dad was at work, which was why the SUV was missing from the driveway and why Dean was the one helping his mother prepare for Thanksgiving. He knocked on the white door to his parents' house, and a minute later, his mother opened the door. Her blonde hair fell in soft curls around her face, and Dean smiled at the sight of her. There wasn't much in the world that could rival the love between a mother and her child.

"Hey sweetie!" His mom hugged him tightly, which he gladly returned with his free arm. His mom pulled away. "You brought the pies, right?" Dean grinned and held up the bag.

"Got 'em right here!" His mother smiled, before stepping aside to let Dean in. His mother quickly retreated to the kitchen, and Dean followed her after closing the front door.

Dean put the pies and cookies on the counter, and he noticed his mother raise a brow at the pack of cookies. "So, where did you get this stuff from?" She asked, gesturing to the pies and cookies.

"You know that Gabe's Sweet Treats place that's on the way to Bobby's?" His mother nodded. "Well, I went there when I realized that we were so busy that I had forgotten to buy the pies. It's a nice little family run place, two brothers and a sister. They made all this stuff in probably half an hour while making like, seven cakes I think. At least, that's what the owner said. Anyways, the stuff there is fresh, and just...try one of these cookies." Dean pushed the container over to his mother, who opened the plastic box. She grabbed the cookie and bit into it. Dean saw her expression change instantly.

"That is good. How long have they been open for?" She closed the box and pushed it away, trying not to take another cookie.

"The owner said only about three or four years. Every time I've seen them though, they always looked busy." Dean answered.

"Well, I can certainly understand why. Now, you might want to put those away so that we don't eat them before dinner's ready." His mother gestured to the pies, and Dean nodded. He put the cookies away too, just in case.


In just a few short hours, someone had come knocking on the door. Dean greeted his brother, and Sam quickly stepped inside. Dean hugged his brother before returning to the kitchen to announce that Sam had arrived. Sam stepped into the kitchen soon after Dean did, and his mother hugged him.

"Sammy. It's been too long since we've last seen you." His mother said, looking up at her youngest son with a wistful look in her eyes.

Sam chuckled a little. "Yeah. I missed you guys."

Their mom pulled away, before putting her hands on her hips. "Well! Now that you're here, it shouldn't take much longer to finish up! You ready to help us make dinner?" The woman teased.

Sam gave a slightly nervous chuckle. "I can try"

"That's good enough! Now come on, let's get it done!"
