
*Nothing in this story is mine. Full credit goes to Plush Frog on Quotev*

(You can skip this chapter if you want. It's just to explain a few things about the main characters and stuff in this story)

Dean Winchester



Mechanic at Bobby's Parts

Older brother to Sam Winchester

Oldest son to John and Mary Winchester

Dean's a normal guy. He's a little bit of a Playboy, but respects the people he sleeps and flirts with. A relationship probably isn't what he would do good at but he'd try and make sure his partner feels loved. He likes classic rock and a little bit of metal.

He's been trained by his father and Bobby for years to make and repair cars, and does a good job at it. Bobby plans on leaving the place to Dean once he retires.

Sam Winchester




Younger brother to Dean Winchester

Youngest son to John and Mary Winchester

Sam is another normal guy. He was engaged to the love his life before she, unfortunately, passed away. He threw himself into his work and is now one of the best lawyers America has ever seen. He would like to be in a relationship, but remembering Jess makes it hard for him to get back into the dating scene. He's more for modern music, unlike his older brother, and will also listened to classical music.

He lives across the country from his family, but still comes around for the holidays. At least, he tries. It's not always easy to get back to his family in his line of work, but he does his very best.

Mary Winchester




Mother to Sam and Dean Winchester

Married to John Winchester

Mary is living happily with her family. She's only had two sons, but that's good enough for her, and her family is complete. She likes to make Sam and Dean home cooked meals when they find the time to come home.

John Winchester



Mechanic/Supervisor at Bobby's Parts

Father to Sam and Dean Winchester

Married to Mary Winchester

John is a proud father of his sons, even if Sam didn't follow in the family business. Being a lawyer provided more income than mechanic would though, and John was extremely proud of Dam when he got into college. He lives happily with Mary and will work until he's blue in the face to please a client.

Robert "Bobby" Singer



Mechanic/Owner of Bobby's Parts

Adopted father of Adam Milligan

He finds he's too old to marry again

Robert "Bobby" Singer lives a good life, and still gets around easily despite his stuff bones. Hd occasionally took Sam and Dean hunting when they were younger, but neither could ever pull the trigger on an animal. Now he spends most of his time running Bobby's Parts and plans on giving his shop to Dean once he's too old to work anymore.

Adam Milligan


Adopted son to Bobby Singer

"Brother" to Sam and Dean Winchester

Adam Milligan lost his mother in an accident when he was 15. Bobby found him starving on the side of the road, trying to make a living out of nothing. That's when Bobby took him in. Bobby started to train Adam once the teen was fully fed and no longer sick, and Adam took to it like a moth to a flame.

Adam's been looking for other job offers that he thinks might suit him, but so far, none have fit his tastes other than Bobby's. Bobby's Parts is his second home, and he thoroughly enjoys helping Dean, John, and Bobby fix up cars.

Y/N Novak



Baker at Gabe's Sweet Treats

Only daughter of Chuck Novak and Delilah Jones

Only sister to Samandriel Novak, half sister to Michael, Nico, Gabriel, Castiel, Balthazar, and Gadreel Novak

Y/N is kind of a laid back, yet energetic person. She has a close bond with all of her family members, but her closest bond is with her true brother, Samandriel. Gabe offered her a job at his sweet shop and she accepted. Ever since then, Shea been making the sweets, cakes, And other desserts at the shop, with her older half brother helping her out quite often.

Samandriel Novak



Stocker/Intern at Gabe's Sweet Treats

Youngest son of Chuck Novak, only son of Delilah Jones

Youngest brother of Y/N Novak, half brother to Michael, Nick, Gabriel, Castiel, Balthazar, and Gadreel Novak

Samandriel is an excitable yet shy person. He helped his sister pay for her motorcycle, and in return gets to go on rides with his sister and was taught to ride the motorcycle. He mainly runs the register at Gabe's when his brother is busy in the kitchen, and rarely has any trouble with the customers. Since his older brother is the owner, he is able to command any customers to leave, and to hit any customer that hits him first. He looks younger than he is, which always shocks people when he hits back just as hard. It's a good thing his big sister taught him how to fight.

Castiel Novak


Author under the name "C.S. Novak"

Son of Chuck Novak, youngest son of Patricia Lawrence

Younger brother to Balthazar and Gadreel Novak, half brother to Michael, Gabriel, Nick, Y/N, and Samandriel Novak

His mother's youngest son, he is often teased and pushed around by his true siblings. They don't hate him, they just like to tease him. In the Novak household, Castiel is actually one of the favorites of both siblings and father alike. Cas has managed to tick off his siblings before with his sass and enjoys doing it rather often

Balthazar Novak



Editor for "C.S. Novak", "Carver Edlund", and more

Son of Chuck Novak and Particia Lawrence

Brother to Castiel and Gadreel Novak, half brother to Michael, Nick, Y/n, and Samandriel Novak

Balthazar doesn't give a don't about anything other than his work. He can get drunk and be perfectly fine the next day. He gets into fights a lot, and enjoys sparring with Michael and Y/n, since they have both practiced in martial arts and other fighting skills.

Gadreel Novak




Son of Chuck Novak, oldest son of Patricia Lawrence

Older brother to Castiel and Balthazar Novak, half brother to Michael, Nick, Gabriel, Y/n, and Samandriel Novak

Gadreel wanted to help others, which is why he got a job as a doctor
He recalls taking a few classes with a Sam Winchester when he was in college, and recalls that the man wanted to be a lawyer. Sometimes he'll run into his older half brother, Michael, when he brings in someone who got injured for various reasons. Nothing really shocks Gadreel anymore. He once had to surgically removed a toy that somehow got stuck in a grown man's intestines. Once you do that, there's rarely anything that shocks you.

Gabriel Novak



Owner of Gabe's Sweet Treats

Son of Chuck Novak, youngest son of Amelia Tanner

Younger brother to Michael and Nick Novak, half brother to Gadreel, Balthazar, Castiel, Y/n, and Samandriel Novak

Gabe LOVES his job. He put his heart and soul into his sweet shop and having his younger siblings work there makes him very proud that they chose him over his other siblings. It makes him feel like the favorite. During his middle and high school years, he was teased about getting fat from eating so much junk food. For a while, he stopped eating, but when his half sister was born, she encouraged him to eat more. The others didn't really know what to do, but Y/n helped pull him out of his own personal hell. He is maintaining a healthy weight for someone his age, and is actually rather muscular. He could easily kick your ass if he wanted to.

Nick "Lucifer" Novak



Florist/Part time waiter

Son of Chuck Novak and Amelia Tanner

Brother to Michael and Gabriel Novak, half brother to Balthazar, Gadreel, Castiel, Y/n, and Samandriel Novak

Nick was nicknamed Lucifer with how often Chuck called him a "devil child." His older brother started to call him "Wucifer" as the young child couldn't properly pronounce Lucifer. Nick doesn't mind being called Lucifer. He actually loves the nickname, thinks it makes him look badass. Co-workers bad customers alike look at Nick oddly when one of his siblings come in and call him Lucifer though, although he doesn't care.

Michael Novak



Police Officer/Captain

Oldest son of Chuck Novak and Amelia Tanner

Oldest brother to Gabriel and Nick Novak, half brother to Castiel, Gadreel, Balthazar, Y/n, and Samandriel Novak

The oldest of all his siblings is seen as serious and somewhat gruff when you first meet him. Watch him around his family, and that demeanor instantly changes. He's known to pull pranks on his brothers, and falling victim to pranks that his siblings pull back on him. He smirks at his siblings' stupid jokes because he honestly finds them humorous and he will tease his younger siblings to no end. He is still protective of his family, though, and would kill to protect them. He'd give up anything, from his job, to his life, to protect them.

Chuck Novak



Author under the name "Carver Edlund"

Father to Michael, Gabriel Nick, Balthazar, Gadreel, Castiel, Y/n, and Samandriel Novak

Ex husband of Delilah Jones, Patricia Lawrence, and Amelia Tanner

Chuck never meant to get married. He got a girl pregnant when he was 19 for God's sake. He married the girl, Amelia Tanner, to try and create a healthy relationship for the child that they would have to raise. Michael was born, and a year later, so was Nick. By this point, Chuck and Amelia's marriage was deteriorating, and Chuck was already seeing another woman. This woman, Patricia Lawrence, also got pregnant, and gave birth to Gadreel. Amelia knew of his affair but she didn't care, seeing as she was having one of her own. A year after Gadreel's birth, she gave birth to Gabriel and left Chuck. Are this po🎫, he married Patricia to try and raise four kids that they were going to raise, not knowing that Patricia was pregnant with Balthazar as well.

A few months later, Balthazar was born, and left the newlywed couple in a panic as they tried to raise three young toddlers and two babies. A year after that, Castiel was born. Around this time, Patricia was getting tired of having to take care of the children, even her own. When Castiel was two months old, she left Chuck and the kids in the middle of the night, not bothering to take anything except the clothes on her back.

Chuck was left alone to raise six children, something that he somehow managed to do rather well. When Castiel, the youngest at the time, was seven, he met a nice lady called Delilah Jones, who had just broken up with a cheating ex husband. She was a teacher at his school, and he decided to get Delilah, his favorite teacher, together with his father. The two married and had Y/n, and four years later, Samandriel. Unfortunately, Delilah passed away when Samandriel was born, but by then most of Chuck's children were able to help their father in caring for their younger siblings.

Chuck decided not to marry again. It always ended in failure and more kids, and eight was more than he had ever wanted. But he still loves his children, no matter what they put him through, and he hopes that they never have to go through the struggles that he did when he was younger.
