Chapter 22

Two weeks pass, we're all waiting for Zane to finish dinner. Jaylen sits beside me, she and Kairen are mama's babies. Zane brings out the food, we dig in. I take a few bites out the cake, I feel something crunchy. Pulling some apart, I find nuts. "I made it with almonds and pecans if your wondering Jay." Zane says, taking a bite. My throat starts to close, my allergy coming fast. Getting up, I stumble, falling. Cole is beside me, Kai has my head in his lap. "Drawer....nightstand.........EpiPen." Lloyd bolts, he skids, falling. My throat is closing tight, Kai holds my hand. Zane calls Marco as my vision swims, spots dancing. "Lloyd, hurry, Jay's slipping." Nya calls. "I got it." Lloyd says, he slides on his knees beside me. Zane uncaps the EpiPin and stabs it into my thigh.

Kai's p.o.v

Zane had given Jay the EpiPen, now we wait. A minute goes by before Jay jolts, gasping for air. My shoulders slump in relief, Cole starts crying. Jay breaths deep and slow, working much needed air into his lungs. Zane puts a mask over Jay's mouth, Jay breaths through his mouth. "I'm sorry, Jay. I shouldn't have.." Jay grabs Zane's hand "It was an accident, I should have told. The fault is mine. I'm just lucky to have had the EpiPen. Aunt Edna always told me to have a spare just in case." Jay says. "Good thing you had it." Nya said, Rex beside her. Wyvern has tears flowing, she hugs Jay. The Bounty lands outside the hospital, Marco and Allison pull a gurney up. Cole lays Jay on the gurney, Marco sliding an I.V into Jay's arm. The bag on the back of the gurney. Jay's head falls back as his eyes close, his energy spent.

After an hour of waiting, Marco let's us in. Jay's hooked up to a monitor and breathing tubes. "I'm okay now, had Lloyd been a second late, I wouldn't be here. Thank you, Lloyd, I owe you." Jay said. "How long you got to stay, mommy." Ebony asks. "Three weeks, they have to flush my system out." Jay said. "They'll have to use amoxicillin." Zane says. Jay shakes his head. "That's why it'll take three weeks for me to heal. I'm not only allergic to nuts but anything cillin. So, Marco has to be careful with how he treats me." Jay said. I go to kiss hem, Jay covers my mouth. "You just ate the cake, think about it." He said. "You can get it even if one of us touches you." Jay nods "If you tasted, touched or smell of nuts, I'm done for." Jay says. Shit, he's highly allergic. Jay lays back, sleep creeping into his eyes.

Cole's p.o.v

Two weeks have gone, it's not the same without sparky. Zane has taken what happened to heart, when Jay gets back, no nuts will touch the food he makes. Me and Kai kiss lightning bug, we want hem back.

Jay's p.o.v

I sit in the room, reading a story on my lap top. One of the nurses comes in, bringing a tray of food. I thank her, she walks out. Lifting the lid, I take the sandwich and start eating. Still reading, I get almost done with the sandwich, noticing the taste. Setting it down, I take a swing of the drink, immediately my throat closing up. I gasp, hitting the emergency botton and my vision goes black.

Marco's p.o.v.

I'm looking at cases when Jay's emergency botton goes off. Running in, Jay's layed out, eyes wide and he's not breathing. "Jay's having a reaction." I call out. Grabbing the EpiPen I have, I stab Jay with it. Doing chest compressions, Jay finally responds, coughing and throws up in the trash can I put in his lap. He heaves all the food and drink he just consumed, I can smell the nut bread. Looking at the tray, it's nothing but nut foods and drink. In a fit of rage, I kick the cart, it slams into the wall, crashing over. Allison runs in, she looks at me. "Find the one that brought Jay this food, it's loaded in nuts." Allison covers her mouth, she runs out. Turning to Jay, I hate what I'm about to do.

"Do it." Jay said. I nod, getting a syringe of Ipecac syrup and inject Jay with it. Instantly, Jay's throwing up in the trash can, I have to flush his stomach out, all of it. Jay's phone rings, it's Cole's ID. Picking up, I relay what's happened and Cole and Kai are on the way. Allison comes back, two guards with her. "That's the one...(Jay wretching)." The 'nurse' glairs at Jay. "Long see...ultra." Jay throws up hard into the can. The impostor nurse, now known as Ultra Voilet, smirks. The room is filled with the sounds of Jay throwing up before I order the guards to take Ultra away.

Jay groans as he heaves nothing but acid. Another five minutes and I'll give hem the cure. The door opens, the ninja gang coming in. Jay waves before his face disappears into the can once more. Cole and Kai rubbing Jay's back as he heaves nothing but acid. The times up, so I give hem the shot to counter act the Ipecac syrup.

Jay calms down, I take the can. Jay wrips his mouth, Kai nuzzles hem. "Well, I'm going to be in here longer." Jay said. We all laugh. I pat his arm, he looks at me. Allison brings in a tray of some more food. Jay turns his nose, we don't blame hem. We leave the tray incase he wants it. Jay makes a full recovery, going home in three weeks time.

Jay's p.o.v

Laying on the bed, Kai and Cole are curled around me. Cole running his fingers through my hair. I purr in content as my husband's give me love. Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep.
