Sonic's POV

I arrived at next class and got detention for being so late. And i found out through Espio that shadow had detention as well. Throughout the whole class i couldn't get that song out of my head. I looked at shadow and he was facing away from me because i had just caught him staring at me. Boy, he must be pretty embarrassed for being caught playing piano. He must be getting easily embarrassed. I hardly had my attention with class as usual. So the teacher got a few times angry at me for day dreaming. I sighed and wrote some stuff down.

Time passed quickly and soon school ended, but unfortunately i had detention so i had to stay longer. I walked inside the detention class and saw shadow already sitting at a desk. As expected i think. I sat down not to far away from him. Maybe i could calm his nerves a little by complimenting him. "you really play good on the piano." I told him and got his attention. "really?" He asked me as his eyes met mine. "yeah i really." I replied. "thank you." He said and smiled. That smile was a looked more meant then the last one he gave me did. "where did you learn how to play like that?" I asked and got his attention again. "maria taught me how to play." He replied and looked in front of him. "maria?" I questioned again. "yeah, she's sort of family of mine." Shadow answered. "oh, okay." I said and took a piece of paper and started scribbling on it.

Detention class was finally over. Both me and shadow walked out of the class. And because i was on my own here i had decided to walk next to shadow and talk to him. Shadow wasn't the talkative type. He only talked when i asked him a question.

We neared the school gate and we both part ways. i looked behind me and saw those two tough guys walk in the same direction as shadow did. 'looking for trouble, ey?' I thought and followed them.

Shadow's POV

When we left detention class it had already gotten dark. I was waking home quietly. maria must be worried about me. I hated to make her worry.

I turned the corner and i felt followed somehow. I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and pull me roughly into an alley. I fell against with the side of my face against the brick wall. When i got up i felt a bit of blood running down from a few scratches. I looked up and recognized the brown bat and the dark green hawk standing over me. I got up and the brown bat grabbed my shirt and pushes me roughly against the wall making me wince. "now, we'll teach you a lesson not to go out with my girl." The brown bat said. Two other of his buddies walked towards us as well. "we're gonna mess you up big time." The dark green hawk said smirking.

Sonic's POV

I saw two other of that bat's buddies walk in the same direction shadow did. We may not be friends, but i can't just ignore the fact that shadow was about to get his ass kicked. I couldn't be able to live with myself if i came to school tomorrow and see shadow all bruised sitting in class.

"don't worry! i'm here shadow!" I yelled and walked into the alley. "sonic? what are you doing here?" Shadow asked confused. To my surprise i saw shadow with just a few scratches on him while those four tough guys were laying on the ground unconscious. "how?" I managed to say as i kept looking at the knocked out guys. "how what?" He asked as he wasn't paying attention to the guys who just had their asses kicked by a thin guy. "n-nothing." I said and went to my knees. "are they still alive?" i asked and poked one of them. "of course they are. i wouldn't kill them for just trying to beat me up." Shadow said and walked out of the alley. I got up as well and walked out of the alley and watched shadow go home as if nothing happened.
