Shadow's POV

Me and sonic were in the hospital. The doctor had some news for sonic about his mother. "when will she?" Sonic asked the doctor. "she will very soon. ever since you've mentioned that your twin will be arriving soon she's been trying to come back it seems." The doctor said. "really?" Sonic asked and looked down at his hands. I stroked his back and he looked at me. He looked back at me and smiled. He was so happy to hear that his mother had shown signs that she was going to wake up.

"you heard that? she's going to come back." Sonic said when we had both walked out of the hospital. He sighed in relief. I heard him sob and i looked up to him. He laid a hand on his face and started crying. "oh sonic." I said and wrapped my arms comfortly around him. Sonic laid his head on my shoulder and let it all out. We were both reliefed to hear of her awakening. After being a whole year in coma she was going to wake up. The doctor had told us that we were really lucky. We couldn't wait till she would open her eyes again.

A few days passed and today it was the last day of school. It was sonic's graduation today. It was sonic's last day of school today. I felt proud of him and i'm sure his mother would be to as soon as she heard of sonic's graduation. I had went to his graduation and took picture at some moments to show his mother when she wakes up. In the corner of my eye i had seen sonic's father sitting somewhere in the crowd. But afterwards he didn't make a move towards us and just left. He was just there to see his son graduate i guess.

A month passed by. Sonic had been looking hard for a job and had found one suited for him soon. I was 9 months far now. We were both anxiouse and excited at the same time since our twin would be arriving very soon. Sonic had been working hard on his job. The first few days he came back exhausted. But as more days passed by, he got more stamina for his job and soon didn't come home as tired anymore. Because he didn't have to go to school anymore we had a bit more time for eachother. And because it was august now he had a bit of free time on his hands now. We had a few get togethers with our friends. It was nice seeing them once in a while. We often visited sonic's mother in the hospital. She had been reacting to some of the things me and sonic had been telling her.

And one time she had finally opened her eyes again. it was just for a few moments. But those few moments meant that she had awoken. When she had opened her eyes she looked at sonic and smiled and then fell asleep again. Those moments meant alot to sonic. He was so gratefull that his mother had awoken.

It was sometime past midnight. Sonic was already sleeping. And so was i till i was awoken by a strange feeling in my lower belly. I laid a hand on the spot where i felt it. I felt it again, but this time it hurt. I winced and sat up. I thought it was because one of them had kicked me somewhere sensitive. I laid back down, but then i felt it return. I was starting to get worried. These weren't contractions, were they? I sat up again and held my hand on my belly and shook sonic's shoulder. "sonic! sonic wake up!" I yelled. Sonic hummed and kept sleeping. "sonic! please!" I yelled and felt another one hit me. I felt something run down my legs. I looked between them and noticed a wet spot between my legs. "oh my god." I said and hit sonic on his head on a fit of panic. "wake up!" I yelled loudly waking up sonic. "ouch, what's wrong?" Sonic said and held a hand on his head. "oh god sonic! you're finally awake!" I yelled. "what's wrong?" Sonic asked sitting up and stroked my back. "sonic, my...my water broke." I said and winced.
