
Mingyu woke up the next day and felt his head pounding. He held his head in pain and when he tried to stand up he started to feel dizzy. Mingyu laid back down in bed and tried to reach for his phone which was on his bed side table. Once he did reach it he texted Wonwoo telling him he was sick and wasn't going to school.

Mingyu tried to get up again, but slowly. Once he was standing up straight he walked downstairs where his parents were.

"Umma, Appa, I think I'm sick." He told them as he rubbed his temple, his parents looked at him worried and noticed that he didn't look well.

His Mum told him to lie down on the couch which he did and she took his temperature.

"Oh dear! You have a fever! How did you even get it?" She asked Mingyu and he shrugged but then he thought of a reason why.

"Bohyuk was sick yesterday when I went to visit him and he sneezed on me, I might've got it from him." He told his Mum and his Mum nodded her head then walked into the kitchen to make Mingyu some food.

Mingyu was laying on the couch trying to keep his eyes open when he heard the doorbell ring. Mija, who just came from upstairs, answered the door and Wonwoo was there in his school uniform with Bohyuk.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim." Wonwoo greeted Minhyuk's parents as he walked in and Bohyuk did the same.

"Hi Mija!" Bohyuk shouted as he gave her a hug, the two went to Mija's room while Wonwoo went to Mingyu who was still laying on the couch in the same position as he was always in.

"I'm sorry Mingyu, I shouldn't have let you see Bohyuk. I hope you're not too bad and you get better. Aish that kid doesn't have any sense of hygiene!" Wonwoo said and Mingyu chuckled at how cute his boyfriend was.

"It's okay, I'll be--" Mingyu got cut off by a sneeze which led to another, then another. Wonwoo chuckled and grabbed the tissues from the table and passed it to him.

"Wonwoo Oppa, we're ready to go." Mija told him and Wonwoo nodded as he placed his hand on the side of Mingyu's head.

"Bye Mingyu, I'll visit you after school. I promise." Wonwoo promised and gave Mingyu a kiss on the cheek. He knew it wasn't the best thing to do since he was sick but he really didn't care. When Wonwoo turned around he saw Mingyu's Mum standing there with a bowl of food in her hands and Wonwoo knew she saw the kiss.

"Aww you two are adorable!" She cooed then placed the food on the table. Wonwoo stood there a bit confused on why she didn't yell at him or tell him to leave the house.

"Oh, Mingyu told me about your relationship, I'm fine with it." She reassured Wonwoo and Wonwoo gave her a big smile, he was thankful for her to be understanding about their relationship.

Wonwoo, Bohyuk and Mija left the house and started walking to school. Wonwoo made sure Bohyuk and Mija went to their school before he went to his. When he did arrive he felt out of place without Mingyu. He knew he had Mingyu's friends but he didn't want a lot of friends and he didn't think he got along with them as well as Mingyu does.

He went to his locker to put his bag away and walked towards the rooftop. On his way there he met up with Suwoong and they both walked to the rooftop together.

"Where's Mingyu?" Suwoong asked as they walked up the stairs leading to the rooftop.

"He's sick, it's all my brothers fault too." Wonwoo complained, he looked at Suwoong and he could've sworn he saw him smile but he shrugged it off.

They reached the rooftop and sat down, they started talking about everything that happened yesterday and it made Wonwoo feel like shit again. Tears would swell up in his eyes, he wanted to tell Suwoong to shut up but he couldn't. 

"I wonder why Joowon would've sent the photo to every one in the first place, but what if it is true? What if Mingyu really is using you and he doesn't actually like you?" Suwoong said and it made Wonwoo feel like doubting everything he has every known.

When the bell rang for first period Wonwoo felt relieved that he could get away from Suwoong but then he realized that he had first period with him. He got his books and then walked to class with Suwoong who was still talking about all the events that happened yesterday.

When they walked into class people instantly started whispering and pointing at Wonwoo. Wonwoo sighed and sat down on his seat while Suwoong sat next to him. Wonwoo put his head down on the table not caring what Suwoong is doing and tried to block out all of the whispers.

He was happily minding his own business until someone's hands slammed on the table. He was surrounded by a group of boys who he doesn't know but he's seen them around the school before. He looked to his side and saw Suwoong wasn't there which he was grateful for but there was a gap between the boys and he could've sworn he saw him with Joowon.

"So how is it like being gay?" One of the boys asked in a mocking tone.

"If I payed you five bucks would you suck my dick?" Another guy asked and the rest of his friends laughed, Wonwoo sat there with a blank face not being fazed by any of them.

"Where's your boyfriend? Did he run away because he never liked you? Or was he scared you were going to rape him?" The same boy said and Wonwoo sighed then laid his head back down on the table.

"Look at us when we speak to you!" Another boy said while pulling Wonwoo's hair to make him look up, Wonwoo grimaced in pain.

"I heard that at your old school you dated Joowon but then he left you and you got all sad and depressed then people started to bully you, well it won't be any different from here." The boy told him then threw Wonwoo's head onto the desk and walked out of the class with his friends.

"Wonwoo are you okay?" Suwoong appeared out of no where and asked him, Wonwoo hummed in response then laid his head back on the table.

For the first two periods Wonwoo wasn't paying attention to anything but he was wondering if Joowon was getting bulled and teased by people since people knew they dated. At recess Wonwoo wanted to find Joowon and ask him even though it probably wasn't a good idea.

"Joowon!" Wonwoo shouted out as he saw Joowon walking down an empty hallway, Joowon looked at Wonwoo and his eyes widened.

"L-Look I didn't send the photos okay, I have my own boyfriend now and I'm done messing with you and Mingyu. I don't know who sent them though but I promise it wasn't me." Joowon told him as he held his hands up in the air.

"I wasn't going to say anything about that but okay, what I wanted to say was are you getting bullied and teased too? Or is it just me?" Wonwoo asked him and Joowon chewed him bottom lip nervously.

"Well I do a bit," Joowon admitted, "But it isn't as much as what has been happening to you since everyone thought I sent the pictures to them." Joowon told them and Wonwoo nodded, he really thought Joowon sent the pictures.

"So we're cool now right?" Wonwoo asked and Joowon nodded his head, "One more thing, who's your boyfriend?" Wonwoo asked and Joowon smiled at him then walked away not answering his question.

Wonwoo shrugged it off and continued with his normal schedule for breaks, sitting on the roof eating his food. Of course this time Suwoong was there, instead of Mingyu, talking to him 'trying' to distract him by talking to him which was all about yesterday and everything that happened.

Wonwoo took out his phone and started blocking out Suwoong's voice. He texted Mingyu asking how he was and told him everything Joowon told him, Mingyu said he was a bit better and he hardly believed that Joowon didn't send the texts but he believed the boyfriend part of it. The bell rung and Wonwoo got up quickly and walked to his locker to get his books then went to his next class.


Fire truck.

I love Yuta's hair. T'is why he's my bias.

Bambam walked out of a store with two girls, his hormones are controlling him. He needs to go to seventeen's dorm and find the Holy Jisoos who can read him the bible while spraying holy water on his face.
