
From the time Mingyu and Wonwoo woke up, up until lunch, everything was going great. Mingyu thought it was unusual that they weren't disturbed but he liked it, but of course everything has to come to an end. They got their lunch out of their lockers and went outside to the other boys. Like usual they were being crazy or stupid or just talking to each other. As Mingyu and Wonwoo got closer to the group of boys they noticed Joowon and Suwoong sitting with them.

Joowon noticed the two boys walking towards the group so he quickly spoke up, "Oh, hi guys. I hope you don't mind Suwoong and me sitting with you and your friends? It's fine if you don't want us to sit with you guys, we'll leave if you want."

"No it's fine you don't have to leave." Mingyu told Joowon in the nicest voice he could make. Mingyu was fine with them sitting there but he didn't want Wonwoo to get close to them just in case something bad happens.

"Hey Wonwoo, let's go sit under the tree together. I don't feel like being around a crowd of people." Mingyu whispered into Wonwoo's ear to which he agreed on. They sat down under the tree and watched their friends from afar. Wonwoo brought his hand to Mingyu's and held it tightly which made Mingyu smile.

Wonwoo placed his head on Mingyu's shoulder and said. "Am I going to your house this afternoon or mine?" 

"Yours, this morning Mum told me to go to your house because she'll be there." Mingyu explained and Wonwoo hummed in response.

The two boys kept quiet listening to the other students talking to each other and yelling. Occasionally they would share a few words but it wasn't anything important, just random questions. Mingyu looked at Wonwoo, who was now off his shoulder, and was admiring his face. To Mingyu nothing could compare to the beauty that was in front of him. As he was staring at Wonwoo's face his eyes caught onto people in the distance walking towards them. When he looked closer he realized that is was Amaya and her friends. Mingyu rolled his eyes and looked away from them hoping that they wouldn't come near them, but his thoughts were wrong.

"Hi guys, how have you been?" Amaya asked as she sat down in front of the boys. The two boys kept quiet and stared at her, then they looked at each other and back to Amaya. Amaya kept a smile on her face waiting for someone to reply but when she realized that none of them were going to speak up her smile faded. "Aren't you going to answer my question? Is it because of how I was rude to you guys before? Let's put all of that behind us and turn it into something that we can laugh at instead of bad or inappropriate memories." Seoyun and Jihye agreed with Amaya's words.

"We just want to have a peaceful lunch without being bothered because if you haven't realized school has been hell for us and for once people are leaving us alone so could you please leave." Wonwoo told her, he tried to sound nice but he knew that it sounded like he hated her.

"Okay. Well, enjoy your lunch!" Amaya said cheerfully as she got up and walked away with Seoyun and Jihye. "Well," Mingyu started, "That was different, and they didn't even try to flirt with us. Do you think it's because they know we're gay?" Wonwoo shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the sky, watching the birds fly around. The bell rang and the two boys reluctantly stood up and went to their lockers. The last two periods were boring and they felt so relieved when it ended because they could go home and not feel a dying pain of having to do school work. They got Mija and Bohyuk and walked back to their houses.

"Mingyu Oppa, are we going to Bohyuk and Wonwoo's house?" Mija asked, Mingyu mumbled a yes and a smile grew on Mija's face. 

"Wait why didn't you call me Oppa?" Bohyuk asked Mija, she giggled and gave Bohyuk a quick hug. Bohyuk blushed and made sure that no one could see his face so he didn't get teased about it. Once they reached the Jeon's house they entered. All four of them greeted Mrs. Jeon and Mrs. Kim before they went their separate ways. 

As soon as Wonwoo entered his room he jumped onto his bed and laid on it like he was dead. Mingyu joined him and cuddled up next to him while Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Mingyu's body. The two boys stayed like that for a while before Mingyu got off of the bed and went to play on the Xbox. Wonwoo decided to join him too because he knew Mingyu would be hopeless at the game he picked.

Downstairs the two Mothers were talking; their conversation went from cooking to shopping then to their sons. They got along well, very well. Maybe a bit too well because Mingyu's Mum seemed to forget that Wonwoo's Mum doesn't know everything she does.

"I'm so happy Wonwoo found a friend," Mrs. Jeon said. "We moved here because he wasn't doing too well at school, I don't know what happened but one day he just started getting bullied and it got worse and worse each day."  She explained to Mrs. Kim.

"Well, I'm glad that our boys found each other, otherwise they wouldn't be together with each other today." Mrs. Kim said with a smile on her face.


"Yes, together. Didn't Wonwoo tell you?"

"Oh, he did I just forgot. I'm happy about that too but would you excuse me for a moment, I'll go see if the boys want anything to drink or to eat."

Mrs. Jeon got out of her seat and proceeded to walk to Wonwoo's room. She thought that when Mrs. Kim said the word together that she meant friends but Mrs. Jeon got more than she expected. She had an unsettling feeling in her stomach; she didn't want Wonwoo to be gay. In her eyes it was wrong, a sin, which should never be committed or even existed. Once she reached Wonwoo's room she pushed open the door and felt relieve once she saw that they were playing on the Xbox and not doing anything else. 

"Do you boys want anything to eat or drink?" She asked startling the both of them, both boys responded with a no and turned their attention back to the game but Mrs. Jeon wasn't finished. She quietly walked over to Wonwoo's bedside table and turned his phone on, she was stunned when she saw his background. It was the two boys kissing. Mrs. Jeon had mixed feelings inside of her, anger, disappointment, confusion but the one that was showing the most was disgust. She put his phone down and walked out of his room back downstairs. She continued talking to Mrs. Kim, gathering more information, until she had to go.

Mingyu gave Wonwoo a hug and kiss before he left to go downstairs to meet his Mum and sister. "I'll see you guys soon I guess, have a nice night!" Mrs. Kim said before they left to go to their house. Mrs. Jeon sat on the couch to soak up everything that she found out, she didn't want a son like him in the house who could potentially ruin their family but she couldn't just disown him.

"Wonwoo! Could you come down here for a second! I have to talk to you!"


Hello fellow potatoes/Unicorns~!

I finally updated, I'm really sorry I took forever to update but I had assignments and tests to do and they kept me busy, I did a test and then the next day I got an assignment for that class because my school hates everyone plus I haven't been well for the past 4 months. Other than that I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

There is only 3 more to go before the end of the book ;-;

Wonwoo wrecked my life in BoomBoom what even is this kid.
