Chapter 5

Bella's pov

Once I went into the back room of the loft I saw that the was a red dress with red pumps and so I groaned because I didn't like wearing dresses but I just went over to the chair they were on and I took my top and my trousers and my shoes off and then I put the dress on me and then I took a breath as I grabbed the pumps and threw them onto the ground and then I slipped them onto my feet.

Then as soon as the dress and shoes were on me I walked over to the mirror on the wall and I looked in it and I concentrated real hard and then I saw my eyes go to a glowing yellow like before and then I looked down and I saw the claws like before to and then I started getting angry real angry as I thought of the Cullen's leaving and I thought of my parents and how they think I'm dead and how I am now a werewolf.

So then I growled and started grabbing stuff and throwing it around the room and with my new hearing I heard Derek say what the hell is that girl doing and then Isaac said don't know but she's really angry and then I blocked them out and I tried to calm myself down and I started breathing in and out and finally I calmed down but I could calm down enough to make my eyes stop flowing and to make my claws go away and I kinda got scared so I ran out of the room panicking.

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