Chapter 18

Bella's pov

As soon as I smiled I turned around and I looked at my mom and I pulled her into a hug and then she hugged me to and I said I always knew you never wanted to be with him and my mom hugged me and said oh baby girl I'm just so glad to be back home and I said yes it's good to have you back to and then I let go and as soon as I did my dad pulled my mom into a hug and kiss her on the lips and then me, Ethan and Aidan all said eww mom, dad and I had realised I had missed that.

So then I pulled my brothers into me and I hugged them and they hugged me and then Ethan said we missed you little sis and I said I missed you both to and then Liam said um Bella sorry to break this up but what are we going to do about the others and I let go of my brothers and turned around and looked at Deucalion and Ennis and said you sure you won't change side and Ennis said no way in hell bitch and I said alright fine and I looked at my pack.

Then I laughed and I said kill them but let my mom and brothers have first go and everyone said yes queen Bella and I smiled and then I heard my pack all run at Deucalion and Ennis and I saw my dad go for the kill to and so I knew I had to prepare myself for the future so I said I'm going to bed now knowing they would hear me.

So then I walked away from my pack as they were killing Deucalion and Ennis and I walked over to the stairs and I ran up them and I ran into my room and over to my bed and I lied down on it as I started making plans for the future because I knew I had to buy a place for me and my pack to live as royals.

Then I knew I was going to have to hold a party to let other shape shifters and werewolves know that the wolf system now has a queen to deal with all the problems that wolves now have because of the vampires and the hunters of the night.

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