Chapter 9: A day with Smile

Your POV
"I'm so BORED!!" You said as you check each channel on the TV to watch as you were minding your own business Smile walked up to you wagging his tail and a ball in his mouth. "Hi Smile! Wanna play catch?" You asked as you scratch behind his ears. He barked at you happily as he grabbed the ball and ran outside. As time passed you were starting to get worried. "Um Smile? Where are you taking me?" You asked. As a reply Smile ran off deeper into the woods. Again you started to get worried and chased the mutt. "Smile? Where are you?! Smi-" you were cut off from your sentence as you saw the amazing view. There, stood an open field filled with blooming flowers and tall grass, and a lake that has crystal clear waters coming from a waterfall residing on a mountain. "Woah!" You said. "Like what you see?" You heard a famillar voice from behind. As you turned around you sportted Smile in his human form with his hands behind his back. "Smile this is amazing! Hey what's behind your back?" You asked. "Well since your birthday is due on a week or so I might as well give you an advance present right?" Smile answered. Then he gave you a (f/c) box."Well? Open it." He flashed you a smile. As soon as you opened the box there you saw a silver necklace with a heart shaped locket. "Smile I-I can,t take this. This is too much! H-how'd you get it?!" You asked."No it's fine, take it. I hope you remembered to whom that necklace belongs." Smile replied. You opened your locket and there you saw a picture of yourself and your mother. "I-it belongs to my mom, she was suppose to give it to me but, she died...h-how'd you find this?" You said as tears welled in your eyes. "I went at your place and found it. So I decided to give it you so that you won't forget her..." Smile explained. "Thank you!" As you said those words you hugged Smile."I miss her so much!" You sobbed on his chest. You pulled back and wiped your tears away. "I'm sorry for gettong your clothes wet..." You apologized. "It's okay as long as you're fine now."Smile gave you a warm smile. You put on the necklace around your neck and wiped your tears. "Hey I know how to cheer you up!" The male said. "How?" You asked. "By doing this!" He tickled you and you luily escaped his grasp and ran away. The male chased you around and tried to grap you so he can tickle you again but miserably failed. You lost jim as you hid behind a large rock. "(Y/n) where are you!" The male asked eagerly. You pounced at him and tickled him from behind."It's payback time!" You said as you start attacking him with tickles. "Haha hey! Haha stop it! I surrender!" The male laughed. "I can't hear you!" You said. "Mercy haha!" He replied. You stopped and stood up. You held out your hand for him to take. He gladly tool it but instead of you pullinhim up he pulled you into hoschest and you landed on top of him. You blushed and rolled off him and stared off into the blue sky. "This is ice." You said. "Yeah, glad to see you you're happy again." He replied. "Well we better go before Jeff finds you..." "Yeah." Soon the both of you stood up and headed into the mansion.
Aww that's so cute!
Jeff: What the?! Smile you come here you stupid mutt!

Smile: What?!

Jeff: You traitor! She's mine you know!

Smile: Well I don't give a sh*t!

Jeff: Why you little. Come back here!

Smile: Don't tell me what to do!

I guess that didn't end well... anyways sorry fothe late update, we didn't have WiFi for the past few days or maybe weeks. But don't worry I survived! Well anyways thanks for reading and if you like this story vote and follow me if you want. Oh and also don't forget to comment on the comment section for any suggestions or requests. Arigato~
