Chapter 25: Early

Your POV
you were watching TV when someone knocked on the door. You opened it and was welcomed in a huge hug. "(Y/n)! I miss you!" You looked down to see your sister. "Hey there (S/n)!" You said as you picked up your sister. "Hello guys wlcome back" You said to them as you smiled. "Did the boys bother you?" Slenderman asked. "Not at all. They were actually behaving well." You replied. "That's a shocker. Even when I'm gone?" Insanity commented. "Yup." You said and your sister spoke. "Hey guess what? We're immortal now!" You looked at her wide eyed then at Slendy. He nodded and then you smiled. "That's great!" You said and your sister giggled then asked. "Where's daddy?" You laughed and stepped aside for them to come in. All of them went to their rooms and slept. 'Guess they had a rough day.' You thought. 'No shiz sherlock' Insanity said. 'shut up...' You went to the basement where the guys were hanging out. "Hey guys! They're back!" They looked at you shocked. "You're serious?!" Jeff asked. You nodded your head and asked, "Where's BRVR?" "In the infirmary, fell on the stairs because of Smile..." Jeff shrugged. You looked at Smile tapping your foot. The mutt turned into a human and flashed you an 'innocent' smile. "It was Grinny's fault!" Th male said. "Hey! It's not my fault ze mutt is chasing me!" "You stole my ball!" And the other male snickered. You went to the infirmary and saw BRVR with his head bandaged. "Hey BRVR." You said and the male looked at you. "Hey (Y/n)." He groaned. "How you feeling?" "Like shit..." Then you pinched his ears. "OwM What was that for?" "No swearing in front of the child!" "What child?!" He asked and your sister poked her head behind your legs. When she saw BRVR, she looked happy. "Daddy!" She said running up to him. "Hey (S/n), how are you?" "Fine. I'm immortal now!" "Really, that's great!" "Uh huh! What's this?" She asked as she pointed at his bandage. "Daddy fell from the stairs, let's go he needs to rest." You said. "No, I want to play with her." He whined. "No." "Please?" "No, rest." "Please?" "Ngg, fine..." "Yay!" your sister said as BRVR stood up and they went outside. "Was that your sister?" A male voice said. "Huh? Oh hi Smiley!" You greeted as he nodded. "Yeah she is." "Are you and BRVR in a relationship? I can't help but notice your sister is calling him 'daddy'" "Huh? No, she just really want a father since, we killed our ral one and BRVR reminds her of dad before he was a drunkard." "I see, well that's good." "What do you mean?" You asked and he pinned you to his desk and kissed you. "Because you're mine." You blushed and he let go when he heard the door open. "Oh, nurse Annie you ar back early." He said and you stood up. "Hi Annie!" "Hey, (Y/n), Smiley, we finished training early than expected." "I see." Smiley replied. "I gotta go bye!" you said as you rushed out of the room. As you arrived in th living room Slendy spoke up. "(Y/n)." "Yes Slendy?" "Meet Cyan, I want you to train her to become a proxy." ' why me? can't masky train her?' You opened your mouth to speak but Slendy interrupted. "And no. Masky is busy, I expect you to train her starting tomorrow." You nodded and looked at the girl. She had skyblue hair and red at the tips, pale skin, wearing headphones. "Hi I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you! You better rest so we can train tomorrow." She nodded.

well that's for now see yah!
