Jailhouse Wreck

The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #130 - Jailhouse Wreck

What a fine mess this turn out to be so far, huh? A very odd and bad one if you ask me...While Batgirl goes to talk to her father 'to act like someone else', Megan tries to come up with something carefully in her car while waiting for her partner.

"(Barbara, if talking to your father as Batgirl, but as someone else has to come down to by giving us the answers we need, this won't be so easy.)" she said while looking something up. "Okay, so whoever this person is must've known about Mr. Freeze's work to make some changes in some of his leftover toys are Bruce and I beaten him. No more robots of his either, or yet...this is happening to be snowing out of nowhere too. Well, whatever's going on, someone we know of is behind this mess to have three of our villains as a scapegoat to use. The first part is, to save Selina, Ivy, and Harley." Megan stopped to think that part through. "Ah! I don't mind Selina...It's Ivy and Harley, I just hope they'll come along quietly." Keep on planning, Megan.

Back at the police headquarters - Batgirl confronts Commissioner Gordon about the lack of evidence pointing toward Harley, Ivy and Catwoman's arrest. He maintains that if they're not guilty of this crime, then they're guilty of something else, and that having been a victim himself, he finally sees the menace costumed villains pose. Nonetheless, he insists that they're in protected custody, and not in any danger.

"Don't worry, Batgirl, they're in safe hands." he said. "How hard will it be for three girls in prison?"

A bit too hard on them you think? Over at the prison, Ivy unexpectedly finds herself pining for Arkham when a few nightstick-wielding police officers, led by a resentful ex-Commissioner Greenway, threaten them, preparing to open the doors.

"Open it up."

Just then, to everyone's surprise, Batgirl appears at a window, breaks their handcuffs with a Batarang.

"You three, get down!" said Batgirl.

Next, she blows open the wall and breaks them out, getting them into a laundry hamper and taking them into the sewer. But not before Megan punches Greenway to put her behind bars next.

"You!" she was mad.

"Yeah, us!" Megan takes her out and handcuffs Greenway. "Nice having you around, not! All set to go, Batgirl! (Man, that felt good.)"

"That was some plan..."

Ivy said that to know that was risky for her, Harley, and Catwoman were saved.

"Come on!" Batgirl leaves the three out. "Let's go."

They go through the laundry to get out of danger from the cop's taster guns.

"Now what?" ask Harley.

"In here!" Megan points out. "You three coming or what?!"

Ivy didn't like the idea to leave Harley to be confused.

"You got to be kidding me..."

But Catwoman didn't mind jumping right in.

"Fine by me!" she goes for it.

As Catwoman, Harley, Ivy, Megan, and Batgirl go down in time to land in the basket full of clothes...

"Now what?" Ivy asked.

"Hang on!" Batgirl got her motorcycle going and drives off.

As Megan follows her partner in her car to make their escape in time from the cops. Something's up with Gordon to be himself lately...In the sewers they go and Megan in her suit, as she and Batgirl both assure them that this isn't a pardon—once she's convinced their lives are out of danger, they're going back behind bars.

"There, we got out." Megan said. "Look, you three. Smelling bad in the sewers, this is better than nothing you know and you're welcome too."

Ivy hated to smell of the sewers.

"I can understand you not liking this, Megan, but Batgirl...You come here offend?"

Getting down to business for Batgirl tells the three this next part with Megan in on it.

"Wait, wait! Not yet. Tell them, Batgirl." said Megan.

"Let's make one thing clear, ladies. We saved you because something's not right for Megan and I have to solve this problem by any means. And once that's done and your lives are no longer in danger...You Catwoman, are going back to Stonegate Prison. And you two Harley and Ivy, are both going back to Arkham Asylum."

They agree to go quietly almost immediately.

"It's better than what's going on right now, right?" said Megan.

Only to have one little catch to it.

"You have to catch us first." said Catwoman.

"If we we do, will you three come with us quietly?" Batgirl asks them.

"Honeys, if you catch us then we'll go anywhere you want." Ivy said to the two.

Even Harley agrees with them since they each owe one another.

"Mandy Scout's honor, right girls." Harley hugs Catwoman and Ivy. "Group hug!"

Just then, the three girls were stopped by Montoya holding a gun at them.

"Nice and cute to be put behind bars."

At that moment, Renee Montoya appears, holding them at gunpoint, and Batgirl tackles her while the others leave. Megan aids them and leaves after that.

"Catwoman! Ivy! Harley! Get going!" she said. "(Sorry, Montoya, about all of this.)"

As the police close in, not about to take any prisoners, Batgirl tells Montoya to be on her guard and drops down a pipe hole, just as police surround its mouth, guns out...Too late now for her to warn Montoya on one thing...

"Keep your eyes open." said Batgirl. "Something's not right with Commissioner Gordon."

She's right about that. As Batgirl and Megan escape and Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman go their separate ways 'for now', Montoya tries to believe in the two girls about the warning being true or not.
