Bat'ing Cleanup

The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #112 - Bat'ing Cleanup

Megan hangs out with her Barbara Gordon, at her apartment, calls her father to wish him a happy birthday; while she is talking to him, she mentally goes over her 'uneventful' day.

"Hey, Barbara, tell Gordon I said Happy Birthday to him." she said. "I mean, what I day we had, huh?"

"I will." Barbara talks to her father on the phone. "Happy Birthday, Police Commissioner. I know you hate birthday greetings, but I'm your daughter to say so and so is my friend Megan." she listens to Gordon talking while checking her Batgirl suit. "Yeah, I just got in with her. And I know it's late..." Running her hands over her costume, she finds a bullet hole, commenting, 'close call', only to say it was a baseball game on to see that her shoulder was fine.

"You okay?" Megan asked while whispering.

"I'm fine. A good game, Dad, that's all. A close all there." Barbara hears what her father ask about her day. "My day? Nothing too much."

And then is forced to make up a quick cover story as both Barbara's Batgirl and Megan both remember a fight with some crooks in an alley. Close to shooting Batgirl moves away in time to leave a bullet hole only on her costume. For she and Megan both took out the bad guys together.

"A lot to be going on working on the streets or in the office all day." Megan said.

A while later, even as Barbara's father apparently complains about her not exercising enough.

"Exercise? Yeah, I was too busy to not do anything today, Dad. And I know it's supposed to be good for you, but I had my hands full."

The two again look back on an exhausting pursuit of Catwoman, ending in her capture as a team before Catwoman got away again using the rope ball and jack smoke bombs, but she didn't not when Batgirl and Megan were both there to stop her.

"We're human to get some shape here and there." Megan added.

Then, as she eats some ice cream (straight from the tub) as a snack, her father brings up vegetables.

"Sorry, Dad, just enjoying a snack." she said while eating ice cream to hear the word vegetables from Gordon. "Huh? Vegetables?"

And last as Barbara and Megan both flash back to a close struggle with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn in a two-on-two battle to work together and stop the plant lover and crazy clown girl.

"Don't worry, we eat our greens pretty well." Megan added.

"And I had my greens too, Dad." Barbara said to her father. Thank you very much." Finally, at his request, she locks her door, the world being as dangerous as it is; she comments that she feels safe, though, 'with men like you protecting us.' "Yes, Dad, I'm doing it right now and Megan and I will be hanging out for a bit, so there's no worries. We know it's a dangerous world out there, to go a bed safely with you guys around or Megan."

"And then some."

Gordon gets it loud and clear from those two girls.

"Okay, you go then. Good night, Dad." After hanging up, Barbara hopes that he'll like his birthday present. "I hope you like your present. Hey, Megan, wanna play some battleship with me?"

"I like that." she said. "And yeah, Gordon's going to love on what he's getting outside of the police headquarters."

And what was Gordon's present? Well, there were six criminals, tied up in front of the police station, with a note reading: 'To Commissioner Gordon - [Love] Batgirl'. And Megan was right, Gordon was going to like it very much.
