CH. 43: Jenta Kokuji & Dashing Tankshell

Kohana: Hey there, fellow readers, and welcome back to The New B-Shot: Chapter Recap!

*Audience Clapping Audio*

Kohana: As always, my name is Kohana A. Mai and this is my partner-- *Shows Aries*

Aries: Ember Aries! What's up, fellow readers!

*Audience Cheering Audio*

Kohana: Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed our previous Chapter Recap with Kirika Sumiko and her B-Daman Partner, Swarming Holly. But she is currently filming some parts that she has with Novu Moru and Force Dragren, so I can't wait for that!

Aries: That's right. Novu and Dragren may be sneaky, but Kirika and Holly can become more sneaky when they are on his side and being able to slip through to gather the information needed.

Kohana: You got that right, Aries, but we will have to wait for that, fellow readers. And now, it is time for this Chapter Recap!

Aries: Right! Let's cut to the chase and have a recap to Chapter 42: 2nd Strike at Crystal River. As it states in the title, this takes place at Shiro and Akira's middle school, Crystal River Middle School. And yes, we know that the main location is not about Crystal River, but the author will make sure to have Crystal River Middle School to have a few appearances in the chapters before the second season ends.

Kohana: So at the start of Chapter 42: We were introduced with Novu Moru and Force Dragren, standing on top of a building during the night, and calling Mr. Takakura and Rory from the WBMA Building. He was telling about the information that he got from spotting Agent Chaos and looking at a tall building in the distance, along with mentioning the Shira Corporation in his statement.

Kohana: Of course, he didn't received the possible answers from the different Agent Chaos and is now trying to find out what is going on since Agent Chaos has no memory of what happened to her.

Aries: And with that being said, a certain someone meets up with Novu and Dragren on that same rooftop. He eventually meets with the new recruit, that the WBMA sent over to Crestland, Kirika Sumiko and her B-Daman Partner, Swarming Holly.

Kohana: But Novu was able to know her and the given information that the WBMA has to offer for him about Kirika and her B-Daman, Swarming Holly.

Aries: Novu then tells Kirika that she has to get used to what he is doing, and Kirika accepts the challenge and tries to do everything in her path to help Novu and Dragren during their investigation of the Grand B-Master and what's happening, behind the scenes.

Kohana: I just hope that little butterfly is not going to cause any problems with Novu and Dragren.

Kohana: But after that little scene with Kirika's appearance at the first part, the next day comes around and the location changes to the Crystal River Middle School. Shiro-chan was walking casually to school with the other students from the other levels, and Akira-chan catches up to her best friend.

Kohana: Eventually, Akira-chan asks what was going on with Shiro-chan yesterday, and she told everything that happened. The series of events that happened in the West Area of Crestland, especially getting stuck inside the White Tiger Den against Novu, Derek, and Bakuga.

Kohana: With that being said, Akira-chan was feeling a bit sad about the eventst that happened and wish she was there, but Shiro-chan does know that it would be dangerous for her best friend to be going out with her.

Aries: However, Shiro tells Akira that she promises to bring on her with the adventures she is going with Kohana and the others. And with that starts enjoying their time at school and keeping their grades up, so they don't get left behind.

Kohana: And then, a normal school day begins and shifted locations to my Dad's house. I was training with Aries on his Special Move and became much stronger than normal.

Aries: You got that right, Partner! I'm so glad your Dad picked me out and let me become your Partner!

Kohana: *chuckles* Calm down now, Aries. Let's continue on with the Chapter Recap and not talk about you for a second, okay?

Aries: *groans* Fine...

Kohana: Anyways, after I finished training with Aries, Samuru-kun and Sonic Dravise decides to meet up with me. Of course, I had to tackle him to the ground since I really miss hanging out with him, like, a lot.

Aries: And you didn't even give me or Dravise a warning that you were literally going to tackle him. That was a bit rude of you to do something like that, Kohana.

Kohana: *giggles* Sorry about that, Aries. But I just couldn't help myself and actually do it. I literally missed hanging out with my boyfriend, after all.

Kohana: But after that, me and Samuru-kun head over to Aona-san's restaurant and grab some food to eat over there. And while we were walking to her restaurant, I got a call from Bakuga himself and, obviously, answered the call to see what's up after joining our side.

Aries: But when we answered the call, he sounded exhausted and concerned.

Kohana: So I was concerned myself and didn't know what was going on until I asked Bakuga of what the heck was happening over in the West Area. He explained that Genta Kokuji, the North Area B-Master, and his B-Daman Partner, Dashing Tankshell, had a Road Fight against him and Kreis Raydra. In the end, they lost to Genta and Tankshell, and claims the West Area is now theirs.

Aries: I still can't believed that happened to them...

Kohana: I know, but then he told me that he was going after Riki-kun and Rising Dracyan to take over the East Area. Which worries me but I couldn't go over to Riki-kun and...

Kohana: *sigh* Was already super hungry.

Aries: Pfft... *laughs* The timing was literally perfect!

Kohana: Hahahaha... Very funny, Aries...

Kohana: Ahem! Getting back to the Chapter Recap, the next part takes place inside the Central Tower of Crestland. The Grand B-Master, Roma Day, was sitting in his throne with the Darkalia Twins, Hannibal and Lilith, and telling the Grand B-Master that their plans were failing against the Angel Goddesses since they are getting stronger together.

Aries: Princess Lilith was really getting upset with the fact that you and Shiro are getting stronger by the second. But then, Neptune Hama and Agent Dark created a special potion that can make one of the Angel Goddesses sense it's dark energy while the other one cannot. Which means the Darkalia is only taking down one of the Angel Goddesses, so that they won't be able to become stronger as one.

Kohana: And with that being said, they pursue the plan with the new potion and that was during lunch time, and within the location of Crystal River Middle School. Of course, me and Samuru-kun were hanging out at Aona's restaurant and enjoying lunch together, but Shiro-chan and Akira-chan weren't enjoying it as much until a giant Darkalia monster appeared in front of the school grounds and building.

Aries: They were enjoying their lunch together until they were disturbed by a giant Darkalia and destroying parts of the area's buildings and causing a ruckus, especially the school campus. The students that were on the rooftop were heading back inside the building, but Shiro and Akira were not going back inside because they have something to take care of, and that is the Darkalia itself.

Kohana: The first part of the battle was easy enough for Shiro-chan a.k.a Surfing Sapphire to take care of. But then, the Darkalia was showing off its true strength before Sapphire, the Twins and Neptune, hitting Sapphire in different ways and not getting her close to it.

Aries: And that is leading into an advantage to the Darkalia, and making Sapphire go into a tight spot of defeating the monster on her own without Kohana's help, by her side. But she pulled through and didn't wanna give up on getting stronger against a Darkalia, all on her own.

Kohana: But when she was fighting the Darkalia, she got hit pretty hard and hit the ground, creating a giant crater and covered in dust and dirt. Eventually, this made her realize one thing that she had almost forgot about the time since before in the White Tiger Den. She was given the Pearl of the Sea from the previous Angel Goddess of Water, Noelani, and knee what she had to do after that.

Kohana: Luckily enough, Asahi and Cheetah made it to the scene and fired off their Special Move onto the Darkalia's chest to expose it's crystal weak spot. And with the power of the Pearl of the Sea, Sapphire uses that power to her advantage with her move, Ocean Blast, and completely shattering its weak spot, then wins the battle on her own, with the help Asahi and Cheetah's Emblem Charge!

Aries: Of course, they won't be seeing the last of the Darkalia Twins and Neptune Hama as they disappeared from the area and everything that got destroyed went back to the way it was before. Sapphire met up with Akira-chan and Asahi, and thanked Asahi for lending her a hand for that one.

Kohana: The school day ends after that and the trio were making their way to AONA to grab a bite to eat. But when they got there, they were encountered by yours truly and Samuru-kun, sitting at our table and hanging out together. Eventually, they told their story of what happened and I added up my part of the story on Novu's investigation and such.

Aries: But one thing in particular is meeting a new girl, who is the new recruit sent in by the WBMA with Hugo Raidoh, named Kirika Sumiko and her partner, Swarming Holly. Of course, she was interesting to look at and had a different aura around her, of course.

Kohana: And that recaps everything in the previous chapter of The New B-Shot: Season Two! And I think this is one of the longest chapter recaps that we have so far. But I think it's time we get into the actual chapter, fellow readers!

Aries: So let's get to the starting call! B-Shots!

Kohana: Ready!

Aries: Aim!

Kohana & Aries: Fireblast!

Kohana: And Action! Welcome to Chapter 43!


~Location: Central Tower, Crestland

While walking around the tower, Novu opens up a certain door with his B-Daman Partner, Dragren, to unlock it. The door opened up and he was about to walk inside, but he suddenly hears footsteps in the distance, making him surprised.

The person was walking towards Novu's direction, but he was now hiding away from being spotted. It was Agent Dark, unlocking and entering the same door that Novu was supposed to walk into. "I'll have to come back later..." Said Novu to himself in his thoughts while peeking out of the corner, watching Agent Dark stepping inside the room. He quickly steps back and walks away to try again later.

"Looks like you were in for a pickle there, Novu-san." A young girl's voice was heard. He stops and turns around, spotting no one behind his back. "Umm... Hello?" He gasped and turns back in front, seeing Kirika standing in front of him. She was holding her hands behind her back and showing a cheeky smile on her face. "Kirika...! Where the heck did you come from?" Novu asks in confusion.

Kirika chuckles, "I was able to sneak inside the tower without letting security go off. It was all, like, full-proof." She said in reply. "Besides, I saw you earlier with entering that room and stepping out after hearing Agent Dark going inside." She added. Novu sighed, "I don't even know how you got in here, but that was too big of a risk for your part." He slightly complained.

"Oh, I'll be fine, Novu-san. Don't worry about it." Kirika said in reply and giggles. Novu sighed, "Whatever the cause, you need to be careful." Said Dragren to Kirika. "I'll make sure of that, Dragren-san." Kirika turns around and walks away from Novu and Dragren.

"Just what even is she?" Novu questioned himself in his thoughts and follows Kirika down the hall. "She was sent here by the WBMA, yet she has a different kind of aura surrounding her..."


~Location: Park, South Area of Crestland

While playing Crossfire in the park in front of AONA, Kamon and Bakuga were playing Super Break Bomber against each other. But Bakuga was looking down and not playing normally. Bakuga shot a marble and goes over Kamon's side, and he catches it in his hand. "Got it!" He exclaimed and looks at the marble in his hand.

Bakuga looks at him with a down expression shown on his face with his eyes slightly covered by his hair.

"So this guy, your friend. He's the one that defeated you? The North Area B-Master, Jenta Kokuji? Am I right?" Kamon asks Bakuga.

"I feel like after all he and I have been through together... that I'm turning my back on him." He said in reply with a saddened tone.

"Hold on, your choice had absolutely nothing to do with any of that stuff." Kamon quickly corrected him and Bakuga looked at him, slightly surprised. "You joined all of us because you thought it was the right thing to do. You just wanted to leave your old life with the Grand B-Master." Kamon said with a serious tone. Bakuga didn't have anything to say.

"So it's all good!" He smiled and chuckles. Eventually, that led to Bakuga smiling a little as well.

"Kamon-san! Bakuga-san!" The boys looked up and saw the Water Angel Goddess, Shiro, flying in the sky.

"Hey there, Shiro!" Kamon greets the girl and lands her feet on the ground, then the scarf on her back disintegrates into water particles. "Where's Kohana?" Kamon asked.

"She's going to be seeing Riki-san and since school's off for today, I would be hanging out with you guys while waiting for Kohana-san to get back here." Shiro answered in reply and pulls out Gorgon. Eventually, Kamon and Bakuga went back into their game and were both firing a bunch of marbles at the moving Break Bomber box in a competitive way.

"Hmm... It seems like Bakuga is doing fine." Gorgon states with formality.

"You got that right, Gorgon. And I'm happy for Bakuga-san is feeling free." Shiro said in reply and smiled at the West Area B-Master. "But that doesn't stop us from going all out in matches like these, you know."

"We still got a long way to go, Shiro, I know."


~Location: In Another Park, East Area of Crestland

"Haaaahhh!!!" "Hyaaahh!!"

Hugo and Riki were firing marbles at the Meteor Puck, which was staying in the same place as they were firing from their sides.

"You can do it, Riki-kun!" On the sidelines, Kohana was cheering him on and holding Aries in her other hand. But in the end, Riki misfires the puck and Hugo hits it, sliding it into his slot and earning the final point to his score.

"Ahhhhh--!! Yeah!!" Hugo yelled at the top of his lungs while raising Leo and his other fist into the air. "I won 145 times and lost 55! All I got to do is to win 10 more times and I'll be right back to zero!" Hugo cheers with determination. Kohana looked at him with a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh... Did he say 10 more times?" Kohana and Dracyan asks at the same time. "Really, what is with this guy?!" Aries shouts in question.

Riki was exhausted and lying down on the game table as he catches his breath, "Ugh... I don't know how much more of this training I can take..."

Hugo crosses his arms and confidently said, "Come on! You should have at least 200 matches a day to stay in shape! Mm-hmm, mm-hmm."

Riki, Kohana, Dracyan, and Aries were in shock. "Wha--?! 200?!" Riki was surprised. "Are you being serious right now?! That's way too many for me than training with my powers!" Kohana complains at Hugo in slight anger.

"All right! 100 to go, it's the perfect time to grab a little chow break." Hugo states and walks away from the table and the two B-Shots behind him.

Kohana quickly approached Riki, "You good there, you two?" She asks.

"Ugh... I can't take any more of this. We must leave now or we'll be here all day." Dracyan states to the three of them. "Agreed. Aries replied.

"Sounds good to me." Riki replied, laughing a little bit, and quickly walks away from the table, along with Kohana behind his back.


The two got out of the area with a nearby bathroom stall and some shade above the benches. Riki lays down on the bench while Kohana was sitting on top of a tree branch.

"That Raidoh boy is a force to be reckoned with." Said Dracyan.

"You could say that again, Dracyan. No way I'm ever going up against a match with him." Aries said in reply. Kohana nods her head.

"Hmm... For sure, I mean I'm happy he came to the east area and all..." Riki states, "But I just can't keep up with his... tensity." He finishes.

"I mean... I met Kirika Sumiko, who is the new recruit that came with Hugo on the way over here. But she does feel a little different than the rest of us when we all first met her and such." Kohana said to Riki and Dracyan.

"Oh yeah, Kirika Sumiko. The WBMA have sent me a bit of profile information on the B-Shot, and I heard she was helping out Novu and Dragren on their investigation on the Grand B-Master. Novu is still pretending to be an ally for the Grand B-Master while Kirika is going to somehow sneak inside without tripping security up." Riki explains about Kirika's profile information. Kohana crosses her arms with curiosity, "Still... She's totally different from the rest of us, like I can feel her true power that she's masking away from Kamon-kun and the others."

"Yes, I feel it too." Aries said in reply.

"Appointed located. Lock on target." A B-Daman's voice was heard. Riki opened his eyes and Kohana looks down, and seeing a tall, muscular teenage boy in front of them.

"Caught ya napping, you don't look like much of an East Area B-Master." The teenage boy stated and Riki sits up on the bench. Kohana was sitting on the branch, and not being spotted by him. "Who are you?" Asked Riki.

"I'm the North Area B-Master, Jenta Kokuji." He introduces himself and approached Riki, "Now battle me!" He exclaims with confidence. However, Riki was confused. "Battle you? Why would I do that?" He asks.

"Because the Grand B-Master commanded it, bro." He said in reply. This shocked Riki and Dracyan, but Kohana and Aries are too. "The Grand B-Master? Is that why Bakuga lost to him and claimed the West Area for himself?" Kohana questions in her thoughts while eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Really? What if I refuse?" Riki asks.

"Well then it's an automatic forfeit and your title as East Area B-Master will be given to me." Genta answered.

"So are you saying we have no choice? Ugh... It's quite dishonorable of you to challenge us when we're clearly both exhausted." Dracyan complains.

"Uh-huh... Lose to me?" Jenta gets up close. "I just thought that's how you roll here in the East!" He exclaimed and made them both dumbfounded.

"What are you even trying to get at here?" Kohana asks Jenta and he looks up, spotting her up in the tree. "Who are you?" Jenta asks. She quickly jumps down from the tree branch, slides across the ground on her feet and turns around, then brings Aries out.

"Kohana Amaririsu Mai and my partner, Ember Aries." She quickly makes her introduction, but she has a different expression on her face. "I heard from Bakuga that he lost to you during a Road Fight and claimed the West Area as your territory." Kohana approached the two boys.

"Yeah, so what? The Grand B-Master told me to do so." Jenta replied.

All of a sudden, Jenta puts his B-Daman down and says, "Well, I'll just wait 'til you're rested. Until then..." He starts doing push-ups.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Riki asks.

"If you're tired, then I should be tired too. It goes against my personal code to battle a guy when things aren't totally fair." Jenta said back in reply. "Is this for real?" Kohana was totally out of it.

"So much time has been cut off." Aries said.

"Riki, tell me." He then turns to Dracyan. "Do you think this is some sort of trick?" He asks and Kohana approaches the two of them.

"Nuh-uh, I get the feeling that he's got nothing to hide." Riki said in reply. "Uh-oh..." He turns to Jenta, "that's the kind of opponent to fear the most." He said in realization.

"It's a good thing you realized that one quickly, Riki-kun." Kohana states. "Well then, are you going to do it?" Asked Aries to Riki.

"Hmm... It seems like we got no other choice." Riki answers. Kohana nods, "I agree."


A Meteor Bomber table has been set up in the same area. Riki and Jenta were standing at their stations with Kohana in the center to make the starting call. "Let's do it, Tankshell." Jenta says to his B-Daman Partner.

"Yes, Sir." Tankshell replied.

"Looks like we're all good to go." Kohana raises her hand. "B-Shots! Ready! Aim!" She brings it down while shouting, "Fireblast!" and starting the match.

The two of them begins firing marbles at the puck and, even though it only just begun, Riki was already amazed by Jenta's rapid-firing. "It's incredible! Look at that Rapid-Fire!" Riki exclaims in shock.

"He's overpowering us!" Dracyan shouts. "I'm on it!" Riki replies.

"Storm Inferno!" Jenta fires off one of his moves at the puck as he tries to overpower Riki and Dracyan's shots. "That's some rapid-firing right there... It's amazing." Kohana was also in shock too.

"Hmph... It's not like he's the North Area B-Master for nothing with those kinds of skills." Aries added.

But with no luck to stop, Jenta hits the puck away and makes it into the slot, earning the first point. Riki groans in frustration, "What's wrong, Riki? He's scoring on us with ease." Dracyan states, "Are you still feeling tired?" He asks.

"Yeah... but we can't worry about that now, can we?" Riki replies.

The second puck hits the table and the B-Shots immediately fires away their marbles at the puck with all of their strength and speed. Kohana was observing everything she can during a match, along with observing Jenta as well.

"Aries, perform an analysis scan on Jenta and his partner in secret." Kohana says to Aries, "Roger that, Kohana." He replied and she silently activates her powers from the Ruby of Flames, and transferring it into Aries.

A few moments later, Aries starts performing the scan in secret on Jenta and Tankshell. "Find anything different?" Kohana asks quietly to Aries.

"Hmm... I can definitely sense something. But it is much different than normal, it felt dark..." Aries answered and quickly finishes up the analysis scan. "Thanks for the scan, Aries." Kohana deactivates her powers and watches the match again.

The puck was slowly moving in the direction of Jenta's slot. "Here he comes again!" Dracyan shouts and Riki growls in frustration.

"You can do it, Riki-kun! Don't let your guard down!" Kohana starts cheering on for the two of them. But one thing led to another and Jenta was performing the same move as before: "Storm Inferno".

"We can't compete with the speed of his Rapid-Fire!" Dracyan shouts in exhaustion.

"I know! Let's go, Tidal Burst!" Riki fires off a marble, hits the puck and lands on the table, rolling around and gaining friction.

"Is that supposed to be a counter-attack?" Jenta mockingly asks. But Riki yells at the top of his lungs, making Jenta a bit surprised, and the marble hits the puck, then rolls around on the table, and hits the marble again as it goes through the slot. Riki earns his first point on the board.

"Whoa!" Jenta was amazed.

"You were saying?" Riki asks with slight anger and determination.

"Nice~ with those slick moves, I get how you became the East Area B-Master. I guess I'd better step it up too, huh? Tankshell!" Jenta states.

"Roger that." His B-Daman, Tankshell, responds.

"This'll tip the scales!" Jenta quickly adds a stabilizer part to the back leg parts of Tankshell. "Stabilize!"

"You thought we were faster core, our enhanced super speed will have you grinding your cereal!" Jenta shouts as he fires marbles at an even faster pace than before.

"What in the world, how the heck he can go so fast like that? This is way too much, especially coming from that guy." Kohana had shock all over her face while looking at Jenta. She turns back to Riki, "Keep it up, Riki-kun. Don't exhaust yourself too much..." The young girl was worried.

The marbles that Jenta was firing were so fast, Riki would make little movement with his shots and he was getting frustrated. Kohana was getting worried. Suddenly, something happened, and it made Riki and Kohana felt it the same way. "What was that weird energy?" Riki asks.

Kohana looks down and noticed the Ruby of Flames was reacting. "That energy felt different, just like you said it would be, Aries." Kohana states to Aries.

"You felt it too?" Dracyan asks. "I sure did. And I think Kohana and Aries felt it too." Riki said in reply, then looks at Kohana with the Ruby of Flames, glowing as it reacted to the strange energy. "It was like an extremely aggressive presence. Something most malevolent." Said Dracyan.

"Emblem Charge!" Jenta activates the emblem on Tankshell as it was letting out a bright purple glow. Jenta pushes the emblem down and charges up all of the power within Tankshell.

"Infinite Dark Inferno!"

"Blast through Time Eternal! Dashing Tankshell!" Jenta was about to fire his Special Move, but a dark image was seen through Riki and Dracyan's vision. Not only that, Kohana and Aries saw the dark image as well. "What in the world... is that!?" Kohana shouts.

"Get ready for his Special Move!" Dracyan shouts in reminder and Riki growls. "Double Emblem Charge!" He activates the two emblems on Dracyan and make him prepare for his Special Move too.

"Crushing Tidal Burst!" "Let the Waves Crash Down! Rising Dracyan!" Riki spins around, aims his B-Daman downward, and fires off his Special Move. Dracyan's B-Animal appears and flies through the emblem, and across the table towards the Meteor Puck.

"Ruby of Flames, Here my Call!" Kohana activates her powers again and her eyes immediately changes to purple. At the same time, Jenta pulls the trigger and Tankshell's B-Animal goes through the bright light, and launches multiple marbles toward the puck.

The B-Animals clashed, but Dracyan was overpowered and Riki was getting consumed by the bright light. "Incandescent Barrier!" Kohana brings a crystal shield in front of her, but the winds were so strong that it started making cracks already. She suddenly heard Riki yelling. She turns to him and gasped, seeing Riki getting picked up in the air and thrown away from the table. "Riki-kun! Dracyan!" Kohana shouted in worry.

The winds clear up and the puck makes it through Jenta's slot, earning him the second point and taking the win away from Riki. Kohana lets down her shield and approached them. "Riki-kun! Dracyan!" She got down on one knee.

"Hey... are you okay, Riki?" Dracyan asks the injured Riki. "Yeah..." He replied and Kohana was relieved. He sat up on the ground, "Ugh... I messed up my timing... my attack was a second late." Riki states and Kohana looks at Dracyan, and gasped in shock.

"Riki-kun, look!" Kohana shouts in shock and he looks down, and his expression changes. "Dracyan! You're hurt!"

"Take over of the East Area. Affirmative. Mission accomplished." Tankshell announces and the two of them look up at Jenta, standing in front of them.

"Bada-bing! Bada-boom! From now on, you gotta obey the Grand B-Master. Capisce!" Jenta says with confidence. Riki was frustrated at the guy and so did Kohana. "Hmm... See ya." He walks away, but Kohana got up and approached him.

"Don't think you can try and walk away from us, you jerk." Kohana puts her hand onto his shoulder, but that quickly alerted him. He turns around and throws a fist at Kohana's face, but she bends backwards, dodging his fist. Kohana places her left hand on the ground and flips over, hitting his hand in the air with her feet. She stands up right and glares at Jenta with her, now, purple glowing eyes.

This time, he felt intimidated by Kohana's glare. "What the? Her eyes weren't supposed to be that color..." Jenta says in his thoughts.

"Kohana! Control yourself!" Aries shouts. Eventually, this led to Jenta walking backwards and runs away from the area. "Hey! Get back here and--" Kohana was about to chase after him, but someone grabs a hold of her wrist. She looks over her shoulder and saw Riki holding onto her wrist, and he shakes his head.

Kohana's eyes went back to its normal color and the Ruby of Flames deactivated its powers. She loses her temper and calms down, "Sorry about that, Riki-kun, Dracyan, and Aries."

"No, it's okay. I know you lost your temper with me losing and Dracyan getting hurt, but it's all good." Riki said in reply. Kohana looks away from the young boy and looks down at Aries.

"I guess I really do have a temper when it comes to certain things like that." Kohana said in realization. "I'm sure you'll be able to control it better, Kohana. I know." Aries gives a pep talk to Kohana. She smiled, "Thanks, Aries."

"But more importantly, what was that terrible we all felt during the match?" Dracyan asks.

"Mystery... I have no idea but..." An image flashes of the same image that happened.

"It was creepy. I guess there's a lot more to his B-Daman than we realize." Riki replied.

"You know..." Kohana spoke up, "I let Aries perform an analysis scan on Jenta and his B-Daman, and he told me felt a certain presence that was rather different and uneasy for him to even try and make it out what it was." "And when that happened, it was the same dark presence I felt during the scan." Aries finishes the explanation.

"I need to look into this and luckily enough, the Ruby of Flames was able to snap the memory of the image, so I can examine it with my Dad and Samuru-kun." Kohana states to Riki and he nodded.

"Good idea. We'll try to look into it on our end too. But for now, we need to go and meet up with Greg to fix Dracyan up." He said. So they both make their way to the South Area to meet up with Greg and Kamon.

"Hey Kohana, don't you think that power was too strong that your crystal shield was cracking. You felt something similar, right?" Aries asks.

"Yeah... You could say that. It was similar to when Kamon-kun was getting himself brainwashed by the Grand B-Master. Too similar, in fact, that I can't even try to compare it." Kohana explains briefly.

"So what you're saying is that the Grand B-Master has that level of power?" Riki asks.

"That's right, and I need to look into this even more. With more research, I will get to see the bigger picture and I want your help to get it through, Riki-kun." Kohana said in reply.

Riki smiles, "You got yourself a deal, Kohana." He answered.

~~~Time Skip~~~

~Location: City Area, South Area of Crestland

Jenta was walking down the street, hoping that he could find the South Area B-Master and battle him. While passing by the park, he looks to the right and saw a bunch of kids playing on different tables and having fun.

"Having a Road Fight in a place like this?" Jenta questions.

"Not exactly, Chief. This is the South Area and what they're playing is--" Tankshell was cut off immediately.

"Oh, right! I forgot! So this is Crossfire, is it?" Jenta said in surprise.

"Forgive me, but you seem intrigued." Said Tankshell with curiosity.

"Uh... Yeah, right! You gotta be kidding me! I mean, it's just a silly game." Jenta replies and walks away. "I'd never waste my time on something like that. At least, not until I've taken control of all four areas, anyway." He finishes his statement.


~Location: B-Club

Inside the back room of B-Club, Greg was fixing up Dracyan with Riki, Kamon, and Garuburn watching. Behind them, Kohana and Aries were looking at the image that the Ruby of Flames has managed to capture with Shiro and Gorgon next to them.

"There." Greg lifts up his equipment and putting them to the side, then picks up Dracyan and turns to Riki. "He is good as new."

Riki then takes Dracyan from his hands and asks, "Are you okay, Dracyan?"

"Yes, I feel excellent. I'm completely repaired." Dracyan replied with a positive tone.

"What a major relief!" Riki gasped. Kohana and Shiro approaches them. "That's looking good, Dracyan." Kohana praises Dracyan and Shiro nods her head.

"I knew you could do it!" Kamon was relieved too.

Greg chuckled, "I'm amazed someone was able to damage so badly." He states. Kohana crosses her arms and Shiro was feeling concerned.

"He's a pretty tough fighter, the North Area B-Master, I mean." Kamon changes his tone on a serious note. "He really is, you know him?" Riki asks.

"No, but Bakuga told me about him." Kamon replied.

"I mean, him and Bakuga-san are good friends." Shiro states.

"Where is Bakuga anyway?" Riki quickly asks.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, he's off training with Hugo." Kamon replied. That immediately made Riki and Kohana shocked.

"What?! Are you for real?!" Kohana was in shock.

"Wha--Hugo?! I sure hope he had a big lunch!" Riki was concerned and shocked at the same time. Kohana was nodding her head so much.

"What do you mean? Is something going to happen with Bakuga-san when he was with Raidoh-san?" Shiro asks in confusion.

Kohana sighed, "You don't even wanna know, Shiro-chan... Riki-kun had it brutal when he was with Hugo." She replied with concern in her voice.


"Rawr!! Emblem Charge!" "Imperial Thunder Call!"

"Claws of the Jungle King! Jet Leo!" Hugo fires off his Special Move and Leo's B-Animal appears through the air. The marble hits the puck away from Bakuga and gets it into the slot.

Of course, Bakuga was a bit startled. On the other end, Hugo was doing his little victory dance with Derek, Misuru, and Ken watching him from behind his back.

"Would you get a load of this guy, he's a total beast. He gives it a hundo P every match." Said Derek in annoyance. The second puck comes out and lands on the table afterwards.

"Snap out of it! This is no time to be spacing out!" Hugo shouts Bakuga as he starts firing marbles at the puck. The White Tiger makes a move and fires a single marble, then the puck immediately moves towards his slot.

"Whoa! He's actually countering Hugo's Power shots!" Derek exclaims. "He does it by firing at the exact same spot that maximizes his power," Ken looks over to Bakuga. "That's how good his control is."

"Looks like he's back on top of his game again." Said Misuru with confidence. "You're right. Now let's see if he can compete with Hugo's impressive power." Ken adds as he, Misuru, and Derek looks over at Hugo.

The lion was shouting loudly as he was firing marbles at the puck and only making little movements while Bakuga was overpowering his Power shots. "It's time, Perfect Raydra!" Bakuga shouts with determination.

"I was starting to think you'd never ask." Raydra replies. "Emblem Charge!"

"Shining Combo Slash!" "Shatter the Entire Galaxy! Perfect Raydra!" Bakuga fires his Special Move with a single push of the trigger and Raydra's B-Animal appears out of the marble. He hits the puck and makes it into the slot, surprising Hugo now and gaining Bakuga the point.

"What the--?! I don't believe it!" Hugo shouts.

"That's more like it!" Misuru cheers. "Oh yeaj, he's back all right. That's the Bakuga who defeated me." Ken states with a smirk on his face.

"Young Master..." Raydra looks at Bakuga from behind his back. Bakuga's expression changed. The third and final puck comes out, him and Hugo yells out loud as they were hitting away the puck with all of their power.


~Location: B-Club

Riki steps out of the room, "It's so grest that you're all fixed up!" He states in relief to Dracyan. Kamon, Kohana, and Shiro were right behind him.

But then, they heard a door open. Kohana looks up and gasped, "Riki-kun! Kamon-kun!"

They both looked up and Riki blurts, "The North Area B-Master?!"

"You serious?! This is the guy!" Kamon was feeling angry about the situation. Shiro looked at Jenta and growled at him. Kohana puts her arm in front of her, "Don't even think of transforming into your Angel Goddess form, Shiro-chan... He doesn't know about it." She said in her thoughts.

"In the flesh! I'm Jenta Kokuji! I'm guessing you heard the deeds from the little guy and glowing eyes girl over there. So I don't need to explain things." Jenta states with a cocky tone and Kohana growled. "He noticed my eyes but doesn't know it much... Luckily, he didn't see the crystal shield I brought up during that time too..." Kohana said in her thoughts.

"Come on and battle me!" Jenta states to Kamon and holds out Tankshell to him and the others.

"You're on! But I'm not just gonna stand by and let you take over my area!" Kamon replies and holds Garuburn at his face.


~Location: On the Rooftop of B-Club

"Let's beef it up!" Jenta attaches the stabilizer to the back of Tankshell's attachments. "I'm on it, Chief!" Tankshell responds.

Kamon takes off both the arm and leg parts of Garuburn and replacing it with the Quantum Arm. "Drive Garuburn!"

"Count them down, Kohana." Said Greg to Kohana. She then raises her hand and shouts, "B-Shots! Ready! Aim!" and at the same time, Jenta and Kamon shouts with her, "Fireblast!"

They both starts shooting marbles at the Meteor puck with everything that they have.

"So this is the rapid-fire power Riki told me about..." Said Kamon in his thoughts.

"Don't let his pace throw you off." Garuburn reminds Kamon. But he didn't quiet listen. "Hey! Are you listening?" He questions Kamon and suddenly snaps out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, I totally wasn't." Kamon honestly replied. "Seriously?!" Garuburn was getting worked.

"No worries, I'm just messing with you. Come on, let's show this guy what we're made of!" Kamon says with determination.

"Are you actually enjoying this?" Garuburn asks with confusion. "If I can't battle someone tough enough to be with for a while, then I can't get fired up!" Kamon exclaims and starts firing more marbles to counter Jenta's rapid-fire. "Let's do it, Garuburn!" "Yeah!"

"Quantum Drive!" Kamon fires off his move and Jenta was surprised he stopped. "Go! Hah!" He launches all five marbles at his command, hitting the puck all at once and getting it into the slot.

"All right! That's a point to Kamon-san and Garuburn!" Shiro cheers with excitement. "Don't get too excited, Shiro. This is only just getting started, you know." Gorgon calms her down.

"Whoa! Nice one!" Jenta was impressed.

"It seems like Kamon and Garuburn are both upping the ante with this one. I like it!" Aries comments. "You could say that, Aries. I just hope they win against Jenta." Kohana replies and looks at Jenta. The second puck comes out and they were both firing away.

"Hey, why are you trying to take control of all the areas, anyway?" Kamon asks.

"Why you ask? Because I'm going to bring back the Grand B-Master's Road Fight Code, okay? To put things back to the way they were before!" Jenta answers. "But you've gotta know the B-Shots can't really enjoy B-Daman with all those crazy rules. Wouldn't you rather just play the game than have fun?" Kamon questions him again.

And this time, Jenta didn't know how to respond to that question. Kohana turns to Kamon, "Way to make things a bit more interesting, Kamon-kun..." Kohana whispers to herself.

"To have fun?" Jenta questions that line. He then remembers the B-Shots playing in the park that he passed by.

Eventually, his expression changes. "B-Daman's got nothing to do with fun!" He answers with a serious tone. "It's all about whether you can win or not. The Grand B-Master believed in me because I can out think and out play my opponents and win!" He expresses himself completely to Kamon and everyone else.

"Since the day, Papa gave me Tankshell, I've been completely focused on B-Daman. That's how Bakuga and I got to know each other."

"Back then, everyone just did what they wanted but then we met the Grand B-Master. He took us under his wing, introduced us to the Road Fight Code, and taught us the true intensity of battle." Jenta explains his backstory.

"I didn't have much else going for me, except the fact that I never lost a Road Fight match. That's when I was made the North Area B-Master."


"The Grand B-Master believed in me and encouraged me to become great, but Bakuga decided to throw away the Grand B-Master gave us. He turned his back on me!" He shouts at Kamon.

"You're wrong! Bakuga didn't betrayed you, he just did what he thought was right!" Kamon defends his statement.

"Whatever!" But it didn't matter to Jenta because it wasn't going to work. That made Kamon was little but worried. "One-handed Mode!" Jenta picks up Tankshell from the stage and fires marbles at a fast pace and wasn't stopping. "You gotta be kidding me! His Rapid-Fire is blocking me out!" Kamon was now in trouble in the situation.

The match was getting intense. Greg, Riki, Kohana, and Shiro were watching and observing the situation, especially on the puck and the marbles hitting it.

"Kamon! Use a Quantum Drive again!" Garuburn suggests, but he was struggling.

"Storm Inferno!" Jenta fires off his move and firing even more marbles that Kamon wasn't able to move it away. That led to Jenta getting the puck into the slot and earning the first point. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"

The final puck came out and hits the center of the stage. "Jenta, don't hold back your attack!" Said Tankshell. "Roger that, Tankshell! I'll end it in one shot! Emblem Charge!"

"Storm Dark Inferno!" "Blast through Time Eternal! Dashing Tankshell!"

Kohana and Shiro gasped in shock.

"Huh? What was that? I just sensed something..." Garuburn was feeling a bit concerned.

"Oh, no that weird feeling again...!" Riki was worried.

"What the heck was that just now?!" Shiro freaked out of what she felt. "Calm down, Shiro. I sensed it too, but I can't make it out." Gorgon replied. All of a sudden, the Sapphire of Aqua Pura and the Ruby of Flames were glowing, reacting to the strange energy.

"What's wrong, Garuburn? You good to go?!" Kamon asks. "Ugh...! Y-Yeah!" Garuburn replied. "I'm all fired up! Emblem Charge!"

"Quantum Blast Drive!" "Light the Blaze, Drive Garuburn!" Kamon fires his Special Move. At the same time, Jenta fires his Special Move too. All of the marbles hit the puck and were at equal power against each other. Strong winds were forming as the two B-Animals were circling around the puck, seeing if they can hit it away from the other.

"Shiro-chan, activate your powers!" Kohana shouts to Shiro. "R-Right!" Shiro responds.

"Ruby of Flames, Here my Call!/Sapphire of Aqua Pura, Ocean floors Rise!" They both activated their powers and brought up their crystal shields to protect them from the strong winds that was coming off the stage. Eventually, both B-Animals formed a giant spiral tornado in the center of the table of red and purple, and the Angel Goddesses were keeping their shields down from the craziness that's happening.

"Mystery... Dracyan, what's going on?!" Riki asks his partner. "Both Kamon and his opponent's finishing moves struck the ends of the puck at the exact same time!" Dracyan responds. "It's spinning like crazy!" Riki commented. Eventually, the crystal shields were cracking.

"I can't... keep this up... forever...!" Shiro shouts through her closed teeth. "Keep it up, Shiro! I know you can do it." Gorgon yells at his partner to hold up the shield. Eventually, the bright light fades away and smoke was coming off the table, afterwards.

"Shiro-chan!" "Right!"

Kohana and Shiro shatters the crystal shields at the same time and deactivated their powers, before they were spotted by Jenta and Tankshell.

Kamon opened his eyes and saw the situation, "Where is it? What happened to the puck?" Garuburn was confused.

"It must've gone into the goal! My rapid-fire wins again!" Jenta cheers.

"No way! My drive shot totally got me the point!" Kamon states. "But check out the score board," said Tankshell.

"They're still tied at one point each." Said Riki.

"No... It can't possibly...!" Shiro looks at the center and so did Kohana. "Look at the center of the stage." Said Dracyan. The smoke clears up and everyone was in awe, as the puck got stuck within the stage from what happened.

"Amazing... It's wedged in there!" Kamon exclaimed. "Seriously?! How's that even, like, possible, bro?!" Jenta exclaims in question.

"It's must have been caused by the intensity of all that spinning." Garuburn states.

"Your finishing moves collided at the exact same time and got that wedged in there good." Kohana makes her statement.

"Hmm... The accompanying friction drilled it into the playing field." Said Dracyan. "That was too cool! I've never seen a game end like that!" But Riki was eccentric about it.

"You're overly excited about that happening, Riki-san?" Shiro questioned him.

Jenta then asks, "Oh yeah? Then what about the match?! We're not done our battle yet!"

"It's a draw. With the playing field in its current condition, we'll have to suspend playing, definitely." Greg says in reply. "What'd you say?!" "No way!" Jenta and Kamon were both upset.

"The round ends in a tie because your skills are evenly matched." Greg confirms his statement, truthfully.

"Hmm... It is true that the playing field's in it's worst conditions yet..." Aries says and Kohana nodded in agreement.

"A tie? Reminds me of a little joke I heard. How'd the alien tie his shoes? With an astro-KNOT." Jenta states a really bad joke. No one was laughing, but Kohana and Shiro were holding it in. But then, a few seconds later, Garuburn starts bursting of laughter, that led to Kohana and Shiro giggling.

"Haha! Oh well, seeing as how you laughed at my joke, guess we can leave it at that today." Jenta says with a smile on his face. "But I'll be back! I'm gonna take over all of the areas for the Grand B-Master, for sure." He says to Kamon while holding Tankshell out in front.

"All right, then I'll be waiting for ya." Kamon holds Garuburn out in front too. "And next time, you're going down." He smiled and Jenta looked back at him, before he steps inside and closes the door behind him.

"I like the guy, even though he works for the Grand B-Master." Riki states.

"Oh, you must be getting delirious. You should get some rest." Dracyan replied.

"Uh..." Garuburn laughs out, "Honestly, I thought his joke was pretty funny." He stated out.

"You could say the exact same thing for me too, you know." Aries says to Dracyan and Garuburn. "How about you, Gorgon?"

"Not a single laugh came out from me, but only Shiro did." Gorgon replied, formally. "Oh, come on! It was a good joke!" Shiro shouts.

"Yeah, it was funny but it only made me giggle and not laugh as much as Garuburn." Kohana said with enthusiasm.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Kamon, did you feel anything weird while you were fighting him? Shiro too, you both felt something during that match, right?" Riki asks Kamon and Shiro with curiosity.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kamon was confused. "I did." Garuburn spoke up and Kamon looks at him. "I felt something strange while he was launching his Special Move."

"And not only that, the Sapphire of Aqua Pura started glowing all of a sudden, during that time." Shiro states. "The Ruby of Flames started glowing too when Jenta and Riki-kun were fighting in the East Area." Kohana briefly tells her part.

"Oh really? I was too focused on the battle, I guess." Kamon said with an honest tone. "His attacks were legit. He wasn't a dirty player or anything, and to be honest, I had a blast!" Kamon felt rather happy. Greg laughs, "That's really just like you. I felt the presence, but I'm confident there was no true malice in the boy or in his fighting style, for that matter." He explains his opinion on what happened.

"Then what about the image, Kohana-san?" Shiro asks. "Well, if what Greg-san is saying, then it might be okay for now." Kohana replied.

"Then... I wonder what it was that we sensed... Hmm..." Riki was curious to know about it even more.


~Location: Central Tower, Central Crestland

With everything in the clear and no one around, Novu and Kirika stepped inside the room that Agent Dark went into before. They both approached a computer that was inside and Novu searches through the data that was on there with Kirika next to him.

"So this is, like, the place that Agent Dark walked into, right?" Kirika asks Novu, out of curiosity.

"That's right, and we're going to be able to check out all of the information and secrets that they are hiding from us." Novu said in reply as he was typing away on the keyboard to access the data on screen. Kirika brought Swarming Holly with her as she guards Novu from any security calls in the room.

"Here it is!" Novu exclaims and Kirika turns her gaze over to the screen where multiple images and scans were popping up. "Whoa! That is, like, classified information right there. Amazing work, Novu-san." Kirika praises the silver-haired boy.

"Hmph... I'm very good myself, you know." Novu replied with a cocky tone and continues going through the information. "Well now, they've certainly done their research on the Supreme Mystical Beasts, haven't they?" He questions with enthusiasm and continues going through the data. Eventually, Novu was surprised and Kirika takes a good look at it.

"Wait, what?" Kirika was surprised.

"Is that true? How come we didn't know about this?" Novu was concerned and looked Kirika.

"This seems, like, pretty good information and we need to give the word out to Kamon-san and the others, Novu-san." Kirika states to Novu.

"It would seem that way, but we have to collect more information on this and learning about the alliance with those Darkalia Twins and the Grand B-Master." Novu said in reply. Kirika nodded, so they both went through the rest of the information that they can find.


"It seems that the potion failed to defeat one of the Angel Goddesses, I suppose." The Grand B-Master says with a cold tone to Princess Lilith and Prince Hannibal, and Neptune.

"Our apologies, Grand B-Master." Neptune apologizes, "Next time, I'll make sure to create a stronger potion for our next attack on the Angel Goddesses." He states to the Grand B-Master.

"And what would that potion be?" He asked. Hannibal and Lilith were looking at him.

A smirk came onto his face, "I would love to tell you, Grand B-Master, but I certainly can't right now. Considering I am at the early stages of brewing the potion in my laboratory at the moment." He replied with his hands out to the sides, shrugging his shoulders.

Lilith flies down in front of Neptune, "I hope you're not going back on your word, Hama-san~ You made a deal with Father, so do it right~!" Lilith shouts at the potion maker. Hannibal approaches his twin sister's side.

"I promise, Princess Lilith, I won't go back on my word." Neptune makes his promise by holding his right hand in front of them. Hannibal draws out his blade at his neck, "I sure hope you keep your word, Neptune." Hannibal growls. "Of course, Prince Hannibal, now put the blade down."

"With all of this happening, I hope we can continue our alliance together, Darkalia Twins." Said the Grand B-Master to the Twins.

"It is always an honor, Grand B-Master~" Lilith replies and Hannibal puts his blade away.


Author's Note: Hey there, Ranger Squad! I'm very sorry that this chapter is coming late than I expected. I was having a writer's block and couldn't think straight on what to do. But for those who are wondering, I'm still okay! I've been playing Anothet Eden lately and watching a bunch of videos and watching anime (Tower of God, Pokemon, Healin' Good Precure, etc.) but I will go back and continue writing this season.

This is taking longer than the first season, but I am happy of how the story is looking out and I can't wait to finish this soon enough~!

Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next Chapter! Signing off!
