Bonus Chapter: The Gems of Revolution Starts!

Kohana: Hey there, everyone! Welcome to the Bonus Chapters for The New B-Shot: Season Two!

Kohana: So, this is going to be the first of a few bonus chapters within the second season. Considering that there weren't a lot of bonus chapters in the first season, the author wants to make a lot more of these kinds of chapters before the second season finale comes, right around the corner.

Kohana: And I'm the only one here in this studio, but I'll be okay! So for the first bonus chapter of the second season, this is going to take place before Shiro and myself went to the WBMA to meet up with Samuru-kun, Yuki, and Takakura-san, covering the situation that's happening in Crestland with Bakuga Shira, the West Area B-Master, and the Master Guardians. We didn't even know that this was even happening at that time, but we both know that a Talent Show was happening within the area.

Kohana: What did I and Shiro-chan do? We prepared ourselves and performed our talents within the Talent Show so that everyone knows who we both are without actually revealing ourselves as the Angel Goddesses of this Generation!

Kohana: With that being said, cut to the bonus chapter! B-Shots!

Kohana: Ready! Aim! Fireblast!

Kohana: And Action!


~Location: Hachiro Mai's House, Southern Crestland

.:3rd P.O.V:.

Kohana and Shiro were hanging out together in the back of Hachiro's house. With Shiro flying in the air and Kohana on the ground, she was currently doing her mentoring for Shiro and training her flying abilities to be a little bit better than her first time flying in the air. With that being said, Shiro was having a bit of trouble with flying and keeping her steadiness in the air, considering the wind is her way to guide herself throughout the air while flying.

"Stay calm, Shiro-chan! I know you can do it!" Shouted Kohana at Shiro, telling her to keep calm so she doesn't mess up and fall.

"You keep saying that and I'm losing control~!" Shiro exclaims in reply and was losing control with the gusts of wind getting a bit stronger than before, making her lose control but was trying to control herself again. "Oh, wait... I'm getting the hang of it!" Shiro shouts with excitement and starts flying around in the air with the wind, and controlling herself to be able to fly with the wind.

Kohana gasps in surprise and curls up a smile onto her face. "Nice job, Shiro-chan! Keep on going!" She shouts out loud.

"She's doing her best up there, Kohana, and you're doing a good job as her mentor until Alba gets here to help Shiro out. Just like what he did before with you." Aries states in a calm tone and Kohana holds her B-Daman up in front of her face. "I'm glad you're memory is still remembering that time with everyone else and Alba-san, as well." Replied Kohana and looks up at Shiro again.

"I'm doing it now!" Shiro shouts with excitement and does a loop in the air, and flying around in the air with the wind. "This is far more awesome than I anticipated!" Shiro states out loud as she goes up even higher before dropping herself backward, then picks herself up and comes to a halt, really close to the ground. Shiro lets out a light sigh and plants her feet back on the ground again. "She's a fast-learner, I know that she can catch up to my powers soon enough and be able to transform into Surfing Sapphire, so no one would be able to recognize her true identity that easily," Kohana states in a calm tone.

"With that being said, what percent do you think that Shiro's currently at?" Aries asks in a curious tone.

Kohana hums, "I think that she would be at thirty-six percent at this current pace and time with her training and my teachings with the different lessons." She says in reply.

"Kohana! Shiro!" Hachiro's voice shouts out loud to the girls. Kohana turns around and Shiro lands back on the ground, deactivating her powers and transforming herself back again.

In the distance, Kohana's Father was waving his hand in the air for them and shouts "Come here for a second! Someone is calling on the phone for Kohana!" Out loud.

Shiro stands next to Kohana and looks at her. "What do you think is happening?" Asks Shiro.

"I don't know, Shiro-chan. This is going to be a mystery for both of us, come on! Let's go and race ya!" Shouted Kohana and activates her powers as the Ruby of Flames emits a bright glow. Her wings come out to the sides and Kohana leaps off the ground, then quickly speeds her way across the top of the grassy fields.

"Hey, no fair!" Yelled Shiro as she activates her powers again, then quickly catches up to her mentor but was too fast and couldn't catch up.

Hachiro lets out a sigh as Kohana came to a halt in front of him. Shiro, on the other hand, came down and touching her feet, but was running towards Hachiro and immediately came to a full stop, almost crashing into Hachiro without even looking.

"Whoa!" Yelped Kohana and her Father as Shiro stopped herself, holding both of her arms out to the sides. "Are you okay, Shiro-chan?" Kohana asks.

Shiro lifts her head and nods, "Yeah, I'm fine Kohana-san and Hachiro-san!" She replies.

Kohana rolls her eyes and asks her Father what was going on.

"Come inside." Hachiro states and all three walked back inside the house, approaching the house phone. "Someone is calling you, and you might wanna talk with her for a while." He states in a joyful tone.

The two girls looked at each other with confused looks. Eventually, Kohana reaches her hand for the phone and held it up to her ear. "Hello?" Kohana asks first.

"Hey there, Kohana A. Mai! It's me, Valerie Harlow!" The person on the line replies with excitement in her voice. Kohana gasps in surprise and her lips curls up a smile.

"Oh, my gosh! Hi there! How are you doing?" Questioned Kohana. She turns to Shiro and mouths "It's Valerie Harlow" out in silence. Of course, Shiro was about to gasp but quickly covered her mouth from letting the gasp escape.

"My goodness, I'm doing well! I'm here in Crestland as a judge of the Talent Show for the Southern Crestland; the same goes with North, West, and East Areas of Crestland." Valerie Harlow states in reply, making Kohana's eyes grow bigger.

"Really? You're joking, right?" Kohana questions her, hoping that she wasn't lying or pulling a prank on her and Shiro. Eventually, I can hear light giggles coming from the other side of the line, leaving Kohana confused and concerned at the same time.

"Why would I be lying to you? Of course, I'm here in Southern Crestland! I'm expecting to see you during the Talent Show since I know you're living with your Father in the same area." Valerie states in reply in a happy but slightly serious tone.

Kohana was stunned. She wouldn't believe it, at all. Shiro was left with a confused look on her face while looking at Kohana with her eyes widely open and weren't blinking. "Kohana-san, you need to blink your eyes!!" Shiro mentally yells in her thoughts.

"That's amazing to hear, Harlow-san! I can't wait to see you again, and you might even meet a familiar face as we get over there." Kohana states in a teasing tone, curling up to a small smirk.

"Good to hear, Kohana-chan! I can't wait to see you and--" Valerie was suddenly cut off in the middle of her sentence. But after that, comes back saying: "Guess I have to go now and finish everything up before the event starts."

"No worries, Valerie Harlow! We'll be over there before you know it!" Kohana replies loudly. After a few moments, Valerie Harlow was the first to hang up on the call and puts the phone back in its holder.

Kohana turns to Shiro, who was just showing an anticipating expression on her face as if she was meeting someone well-known in the world. "What did Valerie Harlow say?" Asked Shiro. Little did she know, she was holding Gorgon in her right hand and trying to help out with her situation.

Kohana calms herself down for a few seconds and took a deep breath, and letting it all out then says: "Valerie Harlow is here and going to be one of the judges for the Talent Show here in Crestland. She told me that I should come to the event and I thought of bringing you with me to perform, along with competing with other people that are going to be with us." She explains the entire thing from the call, then lets her hand out.

"What do you say, Shiro-chan? Wanna come on stage and perform?" Kohana simply asks. Shiro's eyes lit up so bright while Hachiro, who was just leaning against the open frame. "Are you kidding me?" Questioned Shiro, making Kohana slightly surprised and her expression slowly changed.

She took a few steps away from Kohana and holds out Gorgon in front of her. "Of course, I'm going to be performing with you on stage! Just like during the event at my school!" She exclaims out loud.

"That's what I like to hear!" Kohana says out loud.

"What's the commotion down here?" Kohana, Shiro, and Hachiro turn to the sound of Samuru's voice, who was just walking down the stairs and approached Kohana.

Kohana lets out a light chuckle, "Sorry about that, Samuru-kun," she says. "My Dad told me Valerie Harlow is here in this area of Crestland for the Talent Show"

Samuru didn't look all surprised about it, but he only replied: "That's good to hear, Kohana. You are just living up to your dream of becoming a pop idol diva," then approached her and planting a kiss onto her forehead.

"Thanks, Samuru-kun!" Kohana replies and lightly giggles. "By the way, Dad." She turns to him.

"Yes, Sweet Pea?" Questioned Hachiro.

"Where does the event take place, though?" She curiously asks.

"Yeah, that's right! Valerie Harlow didn't make mention with the location!" Shiro exclaims in realization. "But..." Hachiro turns to the pink-haired girl.

"You may know a place where all kinds of events are being held, right?" He asks Shiro, curiously. At first, she was confused at what he was asking about, but quickly realized and let out a gasp. "Oh, my gosh! I think I know where the event is taking place! I'll take you there!" Shiro exclaims in surprise.

"Wanna come with us, Samuru-kun?" Kohana asks Samuru.

"Sorry, Kohana. I've been called by the WBMA and I have to go over there, the same goes for Yuki too." He states in reply.

"Oh, okay then. Well, have a safe trip back home." Kohana says, and Samuru nods his head in reply. They both embraced one another and Kohana plants a kiss on his right cheek. They both pulled away and Samuru approaches the front door, then steps outside of the house.

"WBMA? You mean the World B-Daman Association?" Shiro questions in confusion.

"That's right, the World B-Daman Association," Kohana replies in agreement and turns around. "So, Shiro-chan, show me the way to the Talent Show here," stated Kohana.

Shiro salutes her and responds with "Yes," out loud. She quickly runs past Kohana and she follows her. But, then she quickly stopped herself and approached her Father, hugging him before she left. "See you later, Dad." Says Kohana.

"You too, Sweet Pea, and good luck," Hachiro replies. Kohana slowly pulls away from her Father and turns around, then ran out of the house with Hachiro waving his hand at her and Shiro before the door was closed. "I hope they know what they're doing for this competition and go well." He says to himself and went back inside the dining room to continue his work on his laptop and reading the remaining documents that are currently with him.


Kohana and Shiro were running down the pathway and heading into the city area of the South Area. A few people were walking along the sidewalks of the city streets, so they both had to dodge them at a quick pace. "Still catching up, Kohana-san?" Shiro asks Kohana, considering she was slightly ahead of her.

"Don't worry about me, Shiro-chan! I can easily catch up to you!" Kohana shouts in reply and eventually, she caught up to Shiro and was running right next to her, on the sidewalk. Shiro was a bit startled and almost lost her balance on her feet, but quickly maintains her balance again and Kohana was surprised. She quickly stopped and grabbed Shiro's hand before she falls backward. "Got ya!"

Kohana pulls her forward and gets her back on her feet again, "You okay there, Shiro-chan?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Shiro replies. "Come on, we're almost there." She adds and they both turned a corner on the streets, to the right, and eventually spotted the venue of the event which was a bit far from where they were, but they can see the stage from a distance. They quickly ran across the other side of the road via road crossing and checking to see if no cars are running on the road that they were on. They eventually made it to the other side of the road and Shiro was getting ahead of herself, and accidentally bumped into someone without even looking what's in front of her.

"Shiro!" Kohana stops running and lets out a light gasp in surprise to see the person who she bumped into. They weren't anyone familiar to Kohana or even Shiro, but Kohana was a bit skeptical and scared about them since they looked like a bunch of bad guys, only three of them, right in front of the two girls. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" One of the guys yelled at Shiro and then she quickly moves back from him and the other two guys.

"Sorry about that, my friend wasn't looking at where she was going!" Kohana says her apology to the three men and helped Shiro get back onto her feet again, then quickly stood next to her on the left side. "Well, tell your friend to teach her a lesson or something to never bump into anyone again!" The other guy yelled at them.

Suddenly, Shiro's eyes were slightly twitching in anger. Kohana looks at her face and noticed something was wrong and was feeling worried for her. "Shiro-chan, calm down...!" She quickly but slowly pulls Shiro away from the three men and trying to calm her down again before she bursts out with anger and rage. "What are you doing, Kohana-san...!?" Shiro quietly yells at Kohana in question.

"You need to calm down, I don't want you to cause a freaking commotion in public with these guys..." Kohana whispers in reply and continued pulling her backwards. Shiro maintains herself to be calm and not making a fight happen with the three men. Eventually, they both hid behind a wall and Kohana calms Shiro down as fast she could with a bunch of tries.

A few seconds later, Shiro took a few deep breaths and went back to her calm state again. Kohana lets out a sigh or relief and leans back against the wall, "Glad that you're back to your senses again..." She states.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier, Kohana-san..." Shiro apologizes. Kohana looks at her with a surprised look. "Wh-what are you talking about? Why are you apologizing?" She asks in a confused tone.

"I was the one at fault and it's all because of my mood swings..." Shiro blames herself in a serious tone, clenching onto her left hand and tightens the grip around Gorgon. "Shiro...!" He yells in surprise, causing Shiro to widen her eyes and losens her grip around her B-Daman.

Shiro looks at Gorgon, realizing what she did earlier and lets out a sigh. "See what I'm getting here, Kohana-san?" Questioned Shiro and looks at her.

"This is because of my mood swings that came from my Biological Father. Ever since he left me and my Mother, I developed this condition at a young age and after I was left at the orphanage, it became even more hard to control and normally have emotional outbursts." Shiro explains herself, "With that being said, I was always fueled with rage and anger towards my Father or even anyone that would look suspicious, and I was raised in a Foster Family, meaning I don't have too much of the personality from my Mother but they do say that I act like her." She finishes her explanation and leans back against the wall, then slid down to her knees.

"Shiro..." Gorgon worries.

"Don't worry about me, Gorgon. You know who I am and want you to see the full of my outbursts of negative emotions..." Shiro states lowly and hides her face.

"But you're different and unique with your mood swings. You can change anything and make that change, even if you have a condition that couldn't be controlled throughout the years." Gorgon denies her partner's statement.

Kohana bends down to her knees and places a hand onto her shoulder, saying: "You've been through a lot of different things that have happened in your life, years ago. But, today you're going to change yourself; with or without your mood swings, you can still make a difference about yourself."

"I have to agree with Kohana here, Shiro! Just like your favorite motto!" Aries exclaims after and catches Shiro by surprise.

"What do you mean by "favorite motto," Aries?" Shiro asks.

Kohana bends back up and offers her hand to Shiro. "Wanna know my number one motto?" Questioned Kohana, curiously.

"What is it?" Shiro replies in question, taking her hand and Kohana pulls her up from her knees. "My motto is: If you have a friend, protect them," Kohana replies and shows a calm smile onto her face.

Shiro was a bit surprised and looks down, her hand holding onto Kohana's. "Kohana-san..."

"Don't worry about everything. We're friends, and if we have each other, we protect each other, you know." Kohana states calmly and shows the smile on her face, making the young girl's hopes to be a little bit higher. "What do you say? Feeling a bit better?" She asks.

Shiro snaps out of her thoughts and shakes her head, then looks at Kohana with a determined expression on her face. "Ready as I'll ever be, Kohana-san!" She says with determination and Kohana pulls her hand away from Shiro's grasp. "Thanks for helping me out!" She states with excitement.

"Glad that I'm around to help with your mood swings, Shiro-chan," Kohana replies and turns her back on her. "Now, let's get over to the venue and present our talents at the Talent Show!" She exclaims and runs out of the corner, then makes a turn to her left, and Shiro follows while shouting "Wait for me" loudly.

Gorgon looks at Shiro and states: "Without Kohana, you wouldn't have to suffer your mood swings and emotional outbursts that much."

Shiro looks at him with a smug look, "She may not be the best for good advice, but Kohana-san is an amazing person and it's fantastic to be best friends with her!" Replied Shiro.

"Sure you are, Kohana is, by far, the most reliable person to be and ambitious to chase her biggest dream down," Gorgon adds another statement in a formal tone. "And with that being said, you can trust her with everything."

Shiro looks at Kohana, who was getting a little ahead on the sidewalk, and nods off a bit before she picks up speed again to catch up with Kohana.


At the venue for the Talent Show, there was a line that's leading up to the event, that was currently going on and some of the people were performing their talents while the judges are giving them credit for what kind of competition suits them best within the Talent Show. Fortunately, Kohana and Shiro both make it, just in time, before the line gets even longer. Shiro was panting heavily from running so much while Kohana just took a few light pants, making Shiro looked surprised.

She then asked Kohana: "How are you able to do light pants?" In a surprised tone.

"Well, I have my ways to keep my stamina up and running all the time," Kohana says in reply, "You should try it sometimes, Shiro-chan. Get some exercise to increase your stamina." She holds up her thumb up.

Shiro lets out another heavy pant and bends up back again, "Yeah, sure thing... I don't know if I'll ever to get that considering I am training my entire life with hand to hand combat," Shiro states, slightly unamused and Kohana lightly chuckles at her tone.

"Thank you for that, I guess, Shiro-chan," Kohana thanks her calmly and took a step back as the line was now moving, and everyone behind Shiro soon followed, taking a step forwards within the line. While waiting in the line, Kohana was going through her social media on her phone and having a text conversation with Samuru, since he was going back to the WBMA with Yuki.

Kohana starts typing in her message and sent it over to Samuru through the messages. The message says: "If you meet up with Takakura-san, tell him that I said Hi, okay?" and was now waiting for his reply afterward.

Five seconds later, Samuru sends his message, which read: "Sure thing, Fire Flower. I'll tell him that, and for the second time, I wish you the best of luck for the Talent Show." A tint of light pink slowly fades in onto her cheeks as she smiled at Samuru's message and quickly typed in a reply, then sends it to him, saying: "Thank you so much, Samuru-kun! Talk to you later!"

Shiro, on the other hand, was swaying her body from side to side and having a few small talks with Sting Gorgon since she decides to leave her phone back at home and with Flaming Aries, Kohana placed him inside the right side pouch, attached to her belt. With Shiro and Gorgon talking to each other, Shiro was mostly laughing at Gorgon's weird way of saying his statements in a formal tone, despite he's always speaking a formal tone than Aries, who was just being more carefree and everything else, just like Garuburn.

"Come on, Gorgon. You gotta loosen up with that formal tone of yours, and I was often annoyed by your formal tone, you know." Shiro lightly complains and convinces Gorgon.

"Question: How did you get used to my formal tone throughout those years since the day you saw me on that beach shore?" Gorgon formally asks Shiro, curiously, and she lets out a heavy sigh until she starts chuckling while moving her shoulders from her chuckles. "Ugh... Just answer the question I'm asking here Shiro, I need to hear your honesty and opinion of my attitude in front of you," Gorgon adds another statement with a slightly serious tone and Shiro looked at him with a blank face.

"Gorgon... There are just some things that make us different from each other; I'm always happy and bubbly while suffering from mood swings and uncontrollable emotional outbursts while you were always so calm and picking up some good advice to cope my outbursts and mood swings whenever I'm having one." Shiro answers to his question through a short but informative explanation, along with taking another step within the line while Kohana was going through her stuff on her phone and holding Aries in her other hand.

"Just like what Kohana-san said to me earlier: If you have a friend, protect them; that's her number one and favorite quote to remind herself," Shiro says quietly. "And Kohana-san is always staying positive and becomes serious, kind of like two different personalities in a single body." A smile was formed onto her face as she was looking at Gorgon, then looks up at the line and taking more steps forward.

"Hmph... I guess you're something else, Shiro..." Gorgon mutters, but Shiro notices.

"Did you say something?" Asked Shiro. "No, nothing over here," Gorgon replies plainly and looked away from Shiro, making her slightly confused but focuses back on the line as it kept on moving forward with Kohana standing and walking in front of her. They're both still within the line, but there were a few times that they would be watching the people's performances on stage, along with spotting Valerie Harlow with three other judges to watch the person or people on stage with their performance.


After waiting in line, Kohana and Shiro walk through the metal dividers and quickly went backstage to get themselves ready to walks onto the stage and perform in front of Valerie Harlow and the other three judges. Kohana was getting herself ready by pretending that she was holding a microphone in her hand while Shiro sat on top of a black box and was moving her clenched hands like she was playing her instrument, which was the drums. Three more acts were coming into the backstage with Kohana and Shiro and they were preparing themselves for their talent show performances.

"Performers Act No. 13 & 14, please yourselves to the stage!" The announcer speaks through the speakers around the stage. Kohana quickly turns to Shiro, who just got off the black box and approached her. "Are you ready for this?" Asked Kohana, curiously.

Shiro lightly chuckles, "What are you talking about," Shiro replied and looked at Kohana with an excited yet determined tone in her voice, "Of course I'm ready, Kohana-san!" She exclaimed and Kohana nods in agreement, then they both walked out of the backstage and waving at the judges, which Valerie Harlow smiling brightly at them.

Kohana grabs the microphone and takes it off the stand. "Hello, fellow judges. Especially you Valerie Harlow, good to see you again." She states her greeting and Shiro waved both of her hands at her and the other judges.

"It's good to see you again, Kohana and Shiro. I have been waiting to see another performance coming from you and your best friend." Valerie Harlow greets in reply.

"So, what's your name girls?" The judge beside Valerie Harlow, the outstanding and wonderful fashion designer, and performer, Abigail Bellerose, asks the girls.

"Well, my name is Kohana Amaririsu Mai." She greets herself.

"And my name's Shiro Hama, please to meet you." Shiro greets herself afterward with the microphone in front of her.

Abigail and the other two judges beside her and Valerie: the Prince of Stage Plays and Musicals, Harper Kingston, and the Japanese-American Vocal Coach, Hisoka Kotone, introduce themselves to Kohana and Shiro, which made them both excited for their idols to be in front of them, judging their performance.

"Okay, Kohana and Shiro, what are your talent?" Harper Kingstone asks curiously.

Kohana placed her other hand onto her chest, "My talent is singing while Shiro-chan's talent is playing the drums." She answers in reply, making Shiro nodding her head in agreement.

Harper and Hisoka both looked at each other, and Hisoka nods her head, then moves her face towards the microphone, saying: "Okay girls. Good luck and don't freak out, I'm expecting an amazing singing voice coming from you, Kohana, and wonderful drumming skills from you, Shiro."

"Thank you so much," Kohana replies and Shiro turns around, approaching the drums and picking up the drumsticks into her hands while Kohana grabs a guitar, with the aux cord attached to the speaker. She adjusts and tuned the strings on the guitar a little bit and eventually, Shiro taps the drumsticks three times.

I heard the angels call again
I threw myself a party
Chardonnay and oxy
I stopped the screams inside my head
I remember when you had me
Floating high like Sid and Nancy

They say it's not the answer but I can't carry on
'Cause I got nowhere, no one, without you boy I'm done
And when I'm gone, remember you're the one
And just because I fight don't mean that I never learned how to love

You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)
So don't expect me not to fall
Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But God we almost had it all
But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain't fair sometimes
Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But I try

Kohana goes silent for a few moments and continued strumming the strings on the guitar. The judges except for Valerie Harlow were surprised by Kohana's singing voice.

What's a girl to do when she's not strong
When everyone that holds my hand
Gets cut from all the thorns
I used to put my ear against the wall
To hear the screams, to hear the fall
More reasons to escape it all

And it's not the answer but I can't carry on
I give my best smile, my last dime
But I'm always getting wrong
It's not 'cause I'm young or from a broken home
Maybe I just fight 'cause I don't know where I belong

You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)
So don't expect me not to fall
Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But God we almost had it all
But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain't fair sometimes
Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But I try

All of a sudden, the Ruby of Flames and Sapphire of Aqua Pura were both emanating a dim glow. Kohana's eyes were changed to purple while Shiro's eyes were changed to ocean blue and continued playing their instruments. Good thing, the judges didn't notice their accessories were glowing or their eyes changing colors like that.

Angels were never meant to fall
And you were the loveliest of all
If I thought God could fix it
I'd pray for your forgiveness
But I've been cast down, thrown out
When I crossed to the other side

No devils don't fly!

You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)
So don't expect me not to fall
Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But God we almost had it all
But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain't fair sometimes
Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But I try

But I try~

Kohana strums all of the strings on the guitar while Shiro hits the two base drums in front of her afterward, ending their performance and lightly panting. They both bowed and the four judges got up from their seats, clapping all of their hands and giving a standing ovation. Kohana puts the guitar back on its stand while Shiro walks up to the very front of the stage, then Kohana stands next to her.

"You did an amazing job with the drums, Shiro-chan..." Kohana states her compliment in a whisper.

"Thank you, Kohana-san...! You were also fantastic yourself too...!" Shiro quietly exclaims her compliment in reply, making Kohana lightly let out a chuckle.

After that, the judges sat back down and went through the overview of the presentation with a small deliberation of their performance.

A few moments later, the judges finalized the result of their small deliberation and Hisoka moved the microphone towards her. "Kohana Mai and Shiro Hama, you both are beautiful, young girls that are reaching out to different branches of the dream that you wanna achieve and with your performance, you gave it your all during that performance right there, and that is what I really enjoy from watching aspiring performers and future idol divas or popstars." She states her conclusion in a brief explanation.

Kohana and Shiro both looked at one another with the happiest expressions on their faces, then looked back at the judges for their conclusion.

"I love the concept, I love your voice, and I especially love your drumming skills there, Shiro and Kohana. You two are, like, a duo unlike any other duos I could think of that would perform this well on stage, or even someplace else when there's a big audience to watch your performances. As a stage performer in multiple musicals, you, Kohana, are born to become a star; the main role in a musical. Shiro, on the other hand, is good with the beats and enjoyed every part of it, so very much." Harper explains his conclusion in a brief explanation, making them both agreed to his statement and Hisoka's statement from earlier.

Next up, was Valerie Harlow, who was still amazed and feeling the energy coming out of her voice. "Woohoo~! Wow~!" She shouts.

Kohana and Shiro lightly chuckle behind their mouths, then Valerie eventually calms down again. "You two are fantastic and awesome at the same time!" She states her comment with the loudest tone she could do, surprising the other judges and the girls as well.

"I remember the night when you and I performed on that stage, Kohana, and you were dazzling everyone's nights as the brightest star within the night skies. With that being said, with Shiro, you two are unbreakable and being the most beautiful girls on stage~!" She makes another comment to her resulted statement, then flashes the biggest smile onto her face, making Kohana and Shiro feel a lot happier to make their days come true. After her comment, it was time for Abigail's concluded comment from their performance.

"All right, Kohana and Shiro, the two girls with amazing talents; one with big dreams to become an idol diva, just like Valerie here, and the other with astounding and fantastic drumming skills. You guys just blew me away and with changes to your outfits to be more awestruck, then you two would be fantastic and fabulous~!" Abigail states her short conclusion, ending with a smile onto her face, making Kohana and Shiro surprised and felt a lot happier.

"Thank you so much that you guys enjoyed our performance, judges! We didn't expect those kinds of comments on our performance for you guys!" Kohana replies in a surprised tone.

"Well, I hope you can make your dreams come true with a lot of improvement within those vocal cords of yours, Kohana," Abigail says in a calm tone, smiling at her and Shiro. The two girls did a high-five while the four judges, once again, were clapping for applause for them. After that, Kohana puts the microphone back on the stand and quickly walked off the side of the stage, then walks away from the venue, feeling happy and satisfied with their performance earlier. The people in the line were looking at them, expecting that the judges would be nice and everything after their talent show performance.

Shiro stops in front of Kohana and exclaims: "We did it, Kohana-san! Our performance hit the top spot of that talent show!" And she throws both of her fists into the air.

 Kohana nods in reply, "You got that right, Shiro-chan," and takes Aries out of the pouch on her belt. "I bet Aries and Gorgon were listening to our performance earlier, so what do you guys think?" Kohana asks.

"Do you even have to ask that I loved your singing voice so much, Kohana!" Aries replies out loud, getting all fired up and everything. Shiro then takes Gorgon out of her right pocket and looked at him.

"What do you think of our performance, Gorgon? Did Kohana-san sound good? Was I doing the right chords and beat on the drums?" Shiro starts asking multiple questions to Gorgon until he finally stopped her from asking even more questions.

"Your presentation with Kohana was wonderful; She sounded beautiful and astounding, and you weren't doing anything wrong or messed up on the beats while you were playing the drums, Shiro," Gorgon answered the mentioned questions, and Kohana was almost let out a chuckle.

"Thanks, Gorgon. I appreciate that." Shiro replies, smiling.

"Hey, Shiro-chan," Kohana grabs her attention and Shiro looks at her with a surprised look. "What is it, Kohana-san?" She asks.

"I was thinking that we should create a name for a band of our own while we're going to find the remaining two members of this team for the 9th Generation," Kohana states her suggestion.

Shiro lets out a surprised gasp. "Oh, my gosh! That would be amazing, Kohana-san!" She replies loudly, but Kohana quickly puts her hand over her mouth after she shouted. "Calm down, girl...! Don't lose your cool and emotional outbursts like that, you know...!" Kohana states loudly in a whisper. A few moments later, Kohana pulls her hand away and let out a sigh afterward.

"What should we name our band? I was thinking of something fantastic that represents us and the two remaining girls within the group..." Shiro states.

"But it has to not be suspicious when people hear the name or else, our identities as the Angel Goddesses would be revealed to them," Kohana adds her statement. "What do you think, Aries and Gorgon?" She asks.

"I don't know... I'm not really good at coming up with names for groups." Aries comments lowly.

"Same here, I apologize," Gorgon replies.

Eventually, after two and a half minutes of quick thinking, Kohana gasped so suddenly after coming up with an idea of the group name. "Shiro-chan," she quickly grabs her attention.

"Yeah? What's the name of our group?" Asked Shiro in a curious tone with excitement.

"How about The Gems of Revolution? What do you think of that?" Kohana replies with a questioned tone. Shiro was thinking to herself before nodding in agreement, "That's perfect, Kohana-san...! The Gems of Revolution, what a great name for the Angel Goddesses of the 9th Generation." She comments.

Kohana nods, "As soon as we find the Angel Goddess of Wind and Earth, the group would be complete and we'll get to finish our generation until we defeat the Darkalia Twins," she replies and holds her fist out. "This would be our signature, we put our fists together in a circle and shout "Create the Revolution of Change" as our tagline for the group."

"I like the tagline, Kohana-san." Shiro agrees and puts her fist in.

"Create the Revolution of Change...!" They both shout quietly and throws their fists in the air afterward.

"We will be able to make everyone hear our music to make them feel inspired and chase down their own dreams...!" Kohana internally shouts in her thoughts.

