The Gang

As I'm driving to who knows where I stop to get some lunch since it's past lunch so I decided to stop by a diner to get some food.  I decode to order myself a burger and fries and as I'm eating the bell rings to signal someone had walked in and when I looked up I saw someone that I grew up with and was like a second dad to me and his name was Micheal, and I haven't told anyone this except for you guys right now that my father is well was a gangleader until he died with my mother in a plane crash.  Thinking of it puts tears to my eyes and right now I'm trying to hold them back. 

You see when my parents passed the gang was then inherited to me but I was too young and depressed by my loss that I gave the leadership to Micheal my dad's right hand man or well second in command basically, but the thing is when I gave him the leadership he promised me that if I ever want to join the gang which I was basically was born into that once I'm in I get the leadership straight away after my training of course, and you would think that I would get trained when I was younger but sadly I didn't because my mom and dad were so overprotective that they didn't let me.  Another reason of why I didn't take the leadership and decided to distance myself from the gang is because a week before my parents death, one my childhood Best friend had been killed right in front of me two years ago.  His name was Cole.  The day that we well Cole was supposed to help out in a deal and before you guys start saying 'wasnt he too young and all's then yes he was but he was as tall as a junior in high school and his features were of a high school boy in his junior/senior year.  To say he hit puberty fast would be an understatement.  That was the day that Toby saw me holding Cole with blood all over me and assumed that I killed him but what he didn't know was that it was families rival gang the deadly, I mean what type of stupid person came up with a name for a gang like that like how stupid could you get.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize someone was standing right in front of me and cleared their throat.  I looked up to be met with Michaels brown eyes. 
"Hey long time no see baby girl" he said "hey Mike and yeah long time no see" I said looking up at him with a huge smile which he returned.  I then got up and embraced him in a huge hug which he happily returned.  "I missed you baby girl" he said "I missed you too" I said tearing up a bit.  After I let go he sat down in the chair opposite me and we then started catching up on what happened during the two years and he told me that he and his wife Marie have a child who is one years old and that the gang is doing pretty good and that we're still the strongest and most feared in the world.  Oh yeah i forgot to mention that to you guys but we were and we still are.  I then told him that not much had happened only that I was getting bullied and that I left.  After I told him that I got bullied he looked like he wanted to kill someone because he was very overprotective over me as well.  I then asked him a question that would change my life completely.
"Mike I want to join the gang and take back the leadership of my father's gang" after I said that we were silent for about a minute "yass my baby girl is growing up, my god Shay I have been waiting for this day to come! I'm so proud of you for taking the gang back because that's what my father and mother would have wanted" he said with tears in his eyes.  All I did was just smile back and then I hugged him which he then hugged me back and started spinning me around making me laugh and Custer's look at us like we were crazy. After that we sat back down and told h of he was going to order anything and he said no cause he was just too excited to take me to mee the gang well the new ones at least cause I already know all of them when my dad was the leader.  After I ate I followed him back to the gang house and to say that it was a huge upgrade than the last one would be an understatement.  It was a freaking mansion that was two times bigger than the old mansion that we had.

When we walked inside everyone seemed surprised that I was there and them happy and started greeting me and some even bowing their head to me seeing that they know that I'm the new leader.  Well not yet, just after i finish training.

"Hey Mike can you tell all the men to stop bowing their heads to me and everything because I'm not the leader yet" he gave me a confused look "I want to finish training and be the best that I can for these men as well as you.  I want to be a leader like my father.  He was strong, feared and respected by some and most of the gangs out there, that's why we are the strongest gang in the world Mike, because we have and had amazing leaders like my father and yourself and I want to be just the same" I say with so much determination and at the end Mike pulled me into a huge hug and everyone started clapping and cheering.  Well I guess that my speech was heard by everyone.  "Sure thing sweet cheeks" Mike said while patting my back. 

From that moment on I knew that I was going to train and fight at my best ability and become the strongest and most feared gangleader in the world like my father and be there to protect as well as respect the members of it and make sure that we don't go falling to the ground and lose everything that my father built by our rival gangs.  I also swore that I would never ever let anyone push me around and treat me like I'm a piece of nothing.

I am not going to let my parents as well as the gang down because of my feelings and hate towards the negativity and loss that I had in the past because I am not going to be that broken girl that everyone knew me as, and when I am the strongest and most feared I will get my Revenge on the people who made my life a living hell.  I am no longer Shay the Nerd from now on I'm going to a total badass to the end, well not to the people I love and care about like Mike and the gang, I'll treat them like their royalty but to my bullies watch because I'm going to be the devil in disguise and makes your lives a living fucking hell after what you have all done to me.


Hey guys sorry for the long wait for this chapter and tbh this is really short bur I felt like I needed to update so here you guys go

Don't forget to


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Thank you guys so so much it means a lot that you guys are even reading this book as well as voting.  Ily guys soo much 😘 oh and over 12k reads it honestly means the world to me people.

Lol I just did a PLL type of thing there.  Those of who watch it will understand.
