
Hi, my name is Shay and I'm Roosevelt highs nerd and the target of  the resident bad boy Toby.  I get called hurtful names and I get hit by most of the jocks and cheerleaders but I'm the main person on Toby Harding's hit list.  Why?  He thinks that I killed his best friend Cole 2 years ago which was a week after my parents death.  They died in a fatal plane crash which I'd rather not talk about. 

I live by myself in a 2 story house which my parents owned and is now passed down to me since they're in heaven.  No one in my school knows about their death but yeah I'm the main laughing stock in the school and i don't have any friends, but just to clear things up to those of you who think I killed Cole then NO I did NOT kill him but instead I tried to save him but Toby had assumed that I had murdered his best friend seeing that i was at the scene when it happened, but other than that I'll carry on with my life story which is until now so here we go................


Beep beep beep beep beep

Ugh!  My stupid alarm just had to go of at this time.  When I go to check the time I nearly jump out of my bed to see that it was 8:20am which gave me only 25 minutes to get ready and get to school.

I jump out of bed and decide not to take a shower seeing that I had one before I slept last night and quickly pulled on a pair a grey sweatpants and a big white t shirt with my beat up navy blue low ankle converses and bolted down the stairs and saw that I had 15 minutes to get to school and grabbed a granola bar to go and walked to school which was a 10 minutes walk which gave me 5 minutes to get all my books ready for my classes.

At School

I walk up to my locker to get all my books before my first period which was Chemistry who I had with the one and only resident bad boy and gangleader to the supposedly 2nd top gang in the country but I don't really know seeing that I am the nerd who doesn't get filled in with all the latest gossip and rumours flying around the school.  As I'm walking to my Chem class I get shoved into lockers or called names by people on the hall but I just block all the negative hate to be honest even though a few words hurt me.

The day goes on and it's finally lunch where I head to the cafeteria and as I walk I notice that its gone awfully quiet and I see that they're all staring at me.  Huh weird.  I look around and see that Toby is smirking at me for an unknown reason and so I just walk to my normal table and see that they're all still staring at me until I see Toby and his two friends Cameron and Chris walk towards me.

"Hey you ugly loser, what the fuck do you think your doing in here!  We're trying to enjoy our lunch but we odviously can't when your in our presence because your a fucking ugly piece of shit!". He yells. 
By the end of his rant I'm in tears and I run out of the cafeteria while people were laughing their asses off.

I decided that I would just go to the library until the bell rings.

20 minutes later the bell rings and I go to my second to last class of the day which is sadly history and I'm not saying that I don't like history because I love it, it's just that Toby is in it and he uses that time to bully me like in Chem as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~school end

Ahhh school just finished and I'm finally home.  I go to my room and put all my things down and I decide to take a nap seeing that I did all my homework in the library. 

~next morning~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and realise that I slept the whole time since school finished yesterday but what can I say I love my sleep. 

I get up and went to my bathroom and had a shower and did my whole morning routine and then walked into my wardrobe and  put on some white skinny jeans and a cream sweater.

When. I get to school I go to my locker to get all my books for my classes until I see Toby with a swarm of girls around him and his two friends Chris and Cameron who were also friends with Cole but not as close to him as Toby was.

They walk towards me and I see that Toby has a evil glint in his eyes which I know something bad is going to happen and it's going to happen to me seeing that he's looking straight at me.

"Well hello there you ugly piece of trash"

he says which makes everyone on the corridor to laugh.  Tears were threatening to come down but I refused to let them down.  Before I could walk away I felt my head turn to the right and my cheek sting and I just noticed that Toby slapped me.
"You bitch when I greet you, you say hi back you little mute" he yelled but the thing he said next made me numb
"I wonder what your parents think about you right now.  I bet they think your a piece of trash and a mistake and u bet that never had a loser child like you I even bet they wish they were dead" he said in a voice full of hatred. 
I just stood there numb not knowing what to say until he asked a question I though nobody would ask me.
"Where are your parents anyway?  They never seem to be around" i just stood there not being able to say anything until he slapped me
"Where are they!" But I didn't respond until he said " what are they dead or something" and that was it took for me to fall on to the ground crying.  "Shut up shut up shut up!" I yell through my sobbing.
"Everyone out" Toby yelled making everyone run and into class.  The only people left were me And Toby and his friends.
"Why are you crying" Chris, Toby's friend says bit I don't respond except I keep crying.
"You can tell us" cameron says bit still they get no response.
" Why the fuck are you crying!" Toby yells which makes me flinch.
After about another 2 minutes I get up and dust myself off and look Toby straight in the eye and say " I will not fucking tell you anything you asshole, you don't know nothing about me!" I yell in his face which makes him and his mated taken back by my outburst.  " You will regret ever bullying me and when I come back I WILL get my revenge" I then walk out of school and run back to my house and pack all my things and put it in a bag and go and get my car and decided that I was leaving and before I left to go in my car I took one last look at the house and swore to myself that I would come back and get my revenge.


Hey guys this is the second book that I'm writing and please tell me what you guys think and please make sure to vote, comment and share that would mean a lot to me and please be sure to check my first book Sold the the Gangleader it's already gotten 10 parts so please check it out but anyways tell me what you guys think in the comments section.

And also follow me because I follow back but until next time

