Did he recognise me?

Author p.o.v.

Dear Readers,you might think that I have made Y/n's life very miserable. But everyone in this world do not have a happy or a satisfying life.We want to live in a world full of happiness. Y/n also wished that kind of life for her.But fate plays an important role in our life.Will they be able to recognise each other? Can Jungkook help Y/n to get rid of this unknown problem?
Y/n sat on the bench and started to think of her childhood memories with Jungkook. Maybe that time was the best moment of her life.

Y/n p.o.v.

Jungkook, that idiot boy never goes out of my thoughts.Always keeps wandering in my mind.Does he still remember me and my childish promise?
*Y/n soon drifted into sleep.In this better cold having no other choice, no support she had to sleep here.

Jungkook p.o.v.

I woke up early in the morning because of the cold wind blowing outside.I wore my jacket and went outside for a walk.A chill passed through my spine.The whole city was covered with snow and fog.Barely anything could be seen.But in the midst of all of this, I saw a human silhouette sleeping on the bench in front of our apartment.
Has this person gone mad,spending the whole night in this cold weather? I went near to the body to wake the person.But I was shocked when I saw the person laying on the bench is Y/n.

She spent the whole freaking night here.
*Jungkook tried to wake up Y/n but she gave no response. Without wasting much time he carried her and took inside his flat.

Jungkook p.o.v

I'm gonna go mad on this girl.She is so stupid.How can she do this to herself. She has a home then what was the reason to sleep outside.
*Jungkook checks her temperature.
She needs to go to hospital. But I think it will be too late.It's better to call the doctor.I should switch on the heater for her.
*Calls the doctor
Jungkook:Y/n,you are so mysterious. I don't know much about you but one thing I understood you have many secrets which you don't want to reveal.

*The door bell rings
Jungkook: I think the doctor came.
*opens the door.
Jungkook:Doc,she is not responding. What happened to her.
Doctor: Jungkook, calm down She'll be alright.
*Checks her temperature, blood pressure,etc
Doctor:It was intelligent of you to turn on the heater. She needs some warmth.And I don't think she is even eating that's a serious  problem.We need to take some tests.After she wakes up,feed her something and take her to the hospital. We need to check her.
*Hands Jungkook the prescription and medicines.

Jungkook:Thanks doc.Is there something to worry about?
Doctor: No,you just need to take care of her and you are such a nice boyfriend I hope you will take care of her.
Jungkook: Boy...But doc she is not my g..
*Doctor leaves
Jungkook p.o.v.
Am I making that obvious? I need to stop thinking all this and make something for her.
*Jungkook went to the kitchen

Y/n p.o.v.
*wakes up.

I felt a slight pain in my head.I tried to move from the bed but I noticed something this is not my room neither is this ??'s room.
Where am I? I looked around and my eyes stopped on a photo on the desk.I was shocked.
It was the photo of my last time meeting Jungkook before he left for Seoul. I didn't have that photo. I gave it to kookie and I kept only our memories with me.
I then realized that I was in Jungkook's room when I saw his group's pictures. I heard someone singing in the kitchen maybe it was Jungkook. But how on earth did I came here.I clearly remember that I slept on the bench. Did he saw me sleeping there?Aish,you want everyone to know about your condition. But so he really is my Kookie.How couldn't I recognise him.

*Y/n became very happy.Atlast she can spend time with her best friend. But soon all her colours of joy vanished when she remembered about ??.
Y/n:I can't involve Kookie in all of this mess.I need to get out of here now.
*Y/n went to the kitchen
Jungkook: Oh!Y/n you woke up.
It's nice.Sit down let's eat.Doc said you eat very less.Are you on a diet?*chuckles

*Y/n gives a fake smile. She couldn't believe she finally met Jungkook, her best friend or her first love.She wanted to hug him so tightly. She wanted to cry on his shoulders and want to put all the blame on him for leaving her in this condition.But she didn't speak anything. She knew she cannot control herself. She sat on the chair but hurt her knee on the table.
Jungkook: Y/n,what happened? Aiggooo,you are so clumsy.
*Y/n starts to cry
Jungkook: Is it paining too much Y/n?I was just joking. I didn't meant to offend you.

Jungkook:*in his mind Aish,you idiot you made her cry and even turned red.*chuckles She is just like my Y/n.Y/n,always turned red whenever she cried.Why do I always find so much similarity in between these two?Are they somehow connected? Now,stop thinking you need to make her stop crying.

*Jungkook cups her cheeks in his hands and starts to comfort her.He takes her into a hug.
Y/n was surprised by his sudden action but this is what she wanted. It was more than a minute since they were hugging each other.They felt awkward so they moved from each other. Jungkook could feel Y/n's heartbeat.He never felt something so pure.
*To avoid the awkward situation Y/n spoke up.

Y/n:Ah!I am hungry. Now,won't you feed me or should I go home by myself.
Jungkook: No,take.
*gives her some noodles along with some sidedish .
Y/n:*tastes the noodles I thought you suck in cooking. But this is really good.
Jungkook: I know I am good in everything. If I say like Jin hyung,I am WORLDWIDE TALENTED GUY.
*Y/n gives him a death glare and avoids him.After then they became quite and finished their food.
Y/n:I think I need to go now.Thanks for everything.
Jungkook: But Y/n,why were you sleeping outside?
Y/n:Nothing to worry about Kookie.*winks
Jungkook: Ok let me drop you to your flat.
Y/n:There's no need.
*ignores Y/n
Y/n p.o.v

I still can't believe I met him after so many years.*a smile curved on her lips é looked so handsome while eating.*blushes He really has become so beautiful.Y/n opened her door and turned towards Jungkook.
Jungkook: Good night.

Jungkook p.o.v.

I went towards the elevator and was waiting for my turn.But then I remembered that I have to take her to hospital tomorrow. I went back but then I saw someone hit her head and was taking her on his shoulders. Jungkook was dumbfounded.

Author p.o.v.
What do you think who was that person? Why did he hit Y/n?Is she kidnapped? What will be Jungkook's next move?Will he be able to save Y/n?
