Destined meeting

Jungkook p.o.v.

I saw the boy was harassing her. It was getting on my nerves.I realized the girl who was getting harassed was my next door neighbor.The cold girl...
Now I understood why she comes late night.

Jungkook:Hyung,I am coming,you just wait for me outside.
Jin:OK but where are you going?
*Jung look left
Jin:Aish!This boy.He is so rude.I should not have babied him too much.
Hoseok:Kookie wait I am cominggggg...
Jin:You wait right there, everyone let's go.We can wait for Jungkook outside. I can feel something bad is going to happen.
*Namjoon going towards the bar
Jin:Ah come on Joonie.We don't have time to have fun.

Y/n p.o.v.

I was getting harassed by that arrogant boy. Maybe it was one of the worst days in my whole life. He was about to slap me and I immediately closed my eyes. After some time, I still couldn't feel anything on my cheeks but when I opened my eyes I saw someone suddenly punched the boy. I was amazed by the sudden action. Because for the past 7 years nobody has ever taken stand for me or was beside me when I was sad or I needed someone.
When the man turned behind I was surprised because it was the boy next door. He was looking so handsome in that casual shirt. How can someone look so beautiful when he is beating someone like crazy??!?
After he beat the boy he came to me to say sorry and quickly left from there. When I was about to thank the boy next door, I saw he was bleeding. I felt sorry for him. When I was about to help him he suddenly spoke.

Jungkook:No thanks,I can help myself. Aren't you ashamed of working here?You look like a student. Don't you have studies? Do you need money that badly?
Y/n:Excuse me, how dare you judge me?Don't judge me when you don't even know me? You don't know through what I am going....

Jungkook p.o.v.

I know I was talking very rudely to her but I don't know why I am feeling like this.I don't even know her properly. Then, I saw her wrist was bleeding maybe while the boy was pulling her hand he might have hurt her.
*Jungkook took a tight grip on Y/n's hand and pulled her out from the restaurant.

Y/n P.o.v.

Now I will seriously go crazy. Is he mad or what?The boy next door suddenly grabbed my hand and took me out of the restaurant. He was too strong so I could just give him a confused stare.But he ignored that...

Jungkook p.o.v.

Why am i getting so obsessive for this girl?I saw Jin hyung was outside waiting for me.Now, how would I explain all of this to him?..Aishh...

Jungkook:Jin hyung,I am not going by your car.I will go to my apartment.
Jin:What on hell happened Jungkook? Why are you bleeding? Did you fight?Explain all of this to me.And who is this girl?
Jungkook: Hyung,Why do you always ask so many questions? Don't worry I am fine. I will explain the matter later.Bye.Drive safely.
Jin:Aigoo..this boy is going to make me mad
Namjoon:Where is kookkkiiee??
Jin: Get inside. Let's go

*Jungkook heading towards his car.
Y/n:Yah!!Where are you taking me?
Jungkook gave no reply.
Y/n:Hey!Are you deaf?Why are you not answering me?
Jungkook :*sighs To home...
Y/n gives a confused stare.

*Inside the car
Y/n p.o.v.

It was getting dark and it felt that it was going to rain soon.I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. I saw my wrist was bleeding. Maybe he saw that and is taking me to home.
*The ride was becoming more awkward. So,I decided to break the silence.

Y/n:Ohhh!!I forgot to introduce myself. I am Lee Y/n but you can call me y/n.
Jungkook:*gives a stare Do I need to introduce myself? Don't you know me?OK,OK I am Jeon Jungkook. You can call me Jungkook. I am a member of the famous group BTS.
Y/n:*murmurs As if he is some Justin Bieber that I will know him.Just look at his attitude!
Jungkook: Did you say something?
Y/n:No no..I am fine..

Y/n p.o.v.

At last we reached our apartment. It felt like several years to be in the same car.Aish!Now I can go and sleep peacefully in my room.But while I was entering my flat he was following me.

Y/n: Are you a stalker? Where do you think you are going to?
Jungkook: Aigoo!!This is what you get after helping people.Can't you see I am bleeding and I need a first aid.
Y/n:Mister, I know very well that you have helped me and I am very grateful to you about it.But don't you a First aid in your home?
Jungkook: Actually, it's not been so many days since I moved in here.And I didn't get so much time to prepare everything.
Y/n Oh I see!! But why don't you wait for me at your flat.
Jungkook*gives a confused glare OK I will wait.

Y/n p.o.v.

This boy is seriously going to make me mad.I was too tired to even walk .But now I had to go to that Jungkook's room to give him first aid. But when I opened the door.....
