In my suit and tie

The drive was long due to heavy traffic, but between the four boys there was never a dull moment. Luke would road rage, then of course Tyler would join in. To add to the torment Johnathan would flick their ears and retreat into the back seat where Evan would supposedly protect him. He was easily bribed with five dollars and a home cooked southern meal. A tickle war began in the backseat and it had gotten so extreme Johnathan had unbuckled himself and straddled Evans waist. Johnathan didn't think much of it until he rubbed against something that made Evan groan. Instead of getting up Johnathan bit his lip. God did he want to hear that again. Could he get away with it, and it not be strange? Evan was red in the face, but he wasn't pushing Johnathan away. Johnathan took his chances, after all he is Luke's brother, and again pushed against Evan. Yet again Evan groaned, Johnathan bit his lip a little harder. He wants more. He doesn't just want a groan from Evan's pretty lips, he wants all of Evan.

The car went into motion and Johnathan climbed out of Evans lap and back into his seatbelt. "Damnit and I thought we'd get a show." Johnathan leaned forward in his seat and flicked Luke's ear. "Oh that's it you little shit. You are so~ getting fucked."

Johnathan laughed making both Tyler and Evan look at him. They think they recognize the laugh, and they really do. "That s'possed to be a threat, sweet heart?" Johnathan leaned forward and licked Luke's ear. He knew Evan was watching, and it turned him on even more. "God Luke I've been waiting so long for you to wreck me." He whispered seductively into Luke's ear. He made it quiet enough to where Tyler couldn't hear, but loud enough that Evan for sure heard. "Why don't you pull over now and give these two boys a show."

Luke growled and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. "What's gotten into you today Johnathan?"

It's cause he wants Evan. He can't explain it he just really wants him. He wants to forget about his ex, he wants to move on, he wants to prove he can get better. Sadly Evan more than likely doesn't return the odd feelings, but Luke could satisfy his needs. Johnathan just shrugged and sat back. "So Evan you have a crush on your friend Delirious?"

His eyes widened and his face turned beet red. "W-what?! N-no! I've never even seen the guy!" Yes you have. Hell the real Delirious sat in his lap and rubbed against his dick.

Tyler burst out laughing and turned in his seat to look at Johnathan. "Don't let the bastard fool you man. He and his girlfriend broke up because he's having wet dreams about the clown."

"That bad huh?" Johnathan smirked.

"N-no! Tyler shut the fuck up!"

Tyler turned back sitting correctly in his seat. "What it's not like he knows the guy or anything. Besides I just listened to you borderline moan cause he sat on your dick. TWICE! Not that I don't mind watching to guys get it on, but I'm in the same car as you two." Tyler folded his arms over his chest. "I don't want to be associated with you two when you get it on. You owe me."

Johnathan stuck his tongue out and giggled. "Come on Evan you can trust me."

Obviously he couldn't seeing as this is the real Delirious. Evan took in a deep breath. "I've never seen Delirious before. But he said something to me while he was drunk. He told me he loved me and hoped I'd never leave him. It was...strange. I worried about him. We became pretty close like best friends. He'd listen to my problems and I'd listen to his. He never talked about dating or anything, just like if he burnt his food or spilt his coffee. Little things set him off and I guess those little things were the tipping point to the big things that happened. I talked to him about everything and sometimes he'd send me pictures of nature. Like a bright blue butterfly on a scarlet rose. I think it cheered him up a bit, and it certainly made my day." Johnathan remembered that imperticular photo it's now his wallpaper on his cell phone. Note to self. Don't let Evan borrow his phone. "One night he called me. He acted like he'd been crying. He told me about his dream life. Married to the perfect partner a couple of kids and a nice plot of land for them to love on. He'd tell me about the dates he'd want to take his significant other on, where he'd want to take his kids, and how he'd practically worship the ground his other walked on...I started falling for him, and I was falling hard. Me and the guys stayed up really late one night, everyone left the call but me and him. I was about to go, I swear, but then I heard him moan. His heavy breaths made me shiver and his moans, oh god his moans." Johnathan knew exactly what night Evan was talking about. Luke had came into his office and demanded Johnathan join him in bed, of course Johnathan told him to wait. Yet it seemed the answer was unsatisfying to Luke, so the man got onto his knees and sucked him off. "From there I couldn't get it out of my head. So there you happy?!"

Luke stifled a laugh and pulled in front of a small store to look for a parking spot. "I just love how it's more than likely my fault you're having wet dreams about him." Tyler busted out laughing because of Luke's comment.

"Damn! Do you fuck every guy you see?"

A sly smile pulled at Luke's lips. "Well you and Ev can help me fulfil that." Tyler instantly shut his trap. Luke parked the car and turned it off. Johnathan watched as Luke placed his hand on Tyler's upper thigh. Tyler flinched, making Johnathan giggle. "We could have a threesome?"

"N-no thank you!"

Johnathan warned Tyler that at some point or another Luke would do this. "Then you answered your own question." Luke's hand pulled away and he got out. Both Evan and Johnathan followed, Tyler took a bit longer so that he could compose himself. "What about you Evan? Fair warning Johnathan's a screamer. Gotta give him a gag ball to keep him quiet."

Johnathan elbowed Luke, but that didn't do much. "Like I said before Luke I'll have to pass."

The four started walking into the clothing store and we're greeted with an all to familiar shout. "Marcel I swear to god if you don't close your mouth I will end you!" It was the British boy.

"Mini shut the fuck up I have customers!" Great. Just great. Mini Ladd is here too.

"Well technically yes, but it's just us." Tyler smiled.

"WILDCAT!" Mini screamed and launched himself to Tyler, whom was able to catch him...barely. "Wildcat I missed you!"

A chuckle erupted from Tyler. "I can tell. Well I have someone for you three to meet. Where's Scotty?"

Marcel pointed at the floor beneath him. "Surgery went great she's just adjusting. Said she was tired."

"I'm awake don't worry." Johnathan watched as Marcel helped pull Scotty up, and eased her into the seat Marcel originally sat in. "So who am I meeting."

Evan pulled Johnathan out from hiding and kept him out in the open. "This is Johnathan, Luke's step brother. He moved up here with CaRtOoNz."

Marcel frowned. "So he's not Delirious." Evan shook his head. "Nogla kept insisting that Delirious moved up here. I didn't believe him, and now I don't feel guilty for not believing him." Scotty took Marcel's hand making Marcel look down at her and smile. "This is Scotty my girlfriend. We sometimes call her four0seven. Maybe Luke's talked about her? My names Marcel or Basically I do wrk. Maybe you've heard of us."

Johnathan shook his head. "Sorry never have, but it's nice to meet you two."

"And this gay fuck is Evan's step brother."

Mini pulled away looking at Tyler. "I'm not gay! I'm heteroflexible." Mini stuck his hand out for Johnathan to take. "Names Craig Thomson, friends call me Mini Ladd."

"Anyways what you boys here for?" Scotty smiled widely while pulling her long dirty blonde hair back.

"Suits for my wedding. Got any?"

Scotty jumped to her feet and slammed her hands onto the counter. "Well of course we do! It wouldn't be a clothing store if we didn't! We have everything."

"Babe sit back down. You'll hurt yourself." Marcel is really protective of Scotty, or at least he babies her. "I'll take care of this." Marcel walked out from behind the counter leading the boys to the suits. "Lui and Nogla dropped by and chose their dress shirts and ties, and of course they both got sized for their suits. Lui's dress shirt is, of course,
Smoky Topaz, a combination of red and brown, and a garnet tie. It looks amazing. Nogla chose a shamrock green dress shirt and fern green tie. They both will look amazing in their suits." Marcel turned the corner and led them into a room full of men and women's dress clothes. "I'm assuming you and Evan will be wearing red. Craig I know you're wanting a bumble bee yellow. If I'm right Tyler you'd like cotten candy pink. Johnathan what color?"


Quickly Luke steps in for Johnathan. "Blue, he likes Blue. I'm sure you can find a shade that suits him."

Marcel turned to face the group and clapped his hands with a smile. "Well then I'll lead the four of you to where you can locate the color of your choice. Johnathan if you'll stay with me that would be great." Johnathan simply nodded and followed. All of the clothes were sorted by gender, size, color and of course shade. The first to go was Craig whom seemed appalled by the fact that Tyler slapped his ass as the group left. Tyler, Luke and Evan all stopped at the reds and pinks however Marcel kept walking so Johnathan kept following. "I'll pick out a couple shades and you try them on. Of course you have to model for me so I know what is perfect for you." Marcel opened the dressing room door allowing Johnathan to enter. As soon as the door closed Marcel left to pick out colors.

It wasn't a long wait and so Johnathan stripped off his shirt and jacket. "Yo John, I want you to try these three shirts on." Marcel cracked the door open and some folded dress shirts were pushed through the crack. Johnathan took them and instantly tried them on. The first shirt was almost a purple color and when he stepped out Marcel made a disgusted face, so he went back in and tried the next one on. The second one was a midnight blue yet again Marcel frowned. "You're so pale it swallows you!"

Across the room Johnathan could hear Luke shout. "That's not the only thing that swallows!" Marcel's eyes widened and the color from his face drained. Johnathan simply blushed and retreated back into the changing room.

The next shirt was a sapphire blue and looked quite stunning on him. When he stepped out Marcel stood in awe. "You look beautiful. Stay here I'm going to find a midnight blue tie."

Marcel took off behind a door and Johnathan waited like he was instructed. "God fucking damnit John you look so sexy in those tight jeans and that dress shirt." Johnathan turned to see Luke fixing the cuffs of his shirt. Luke was dressed in a lovely wine red dress shirt and a black tie.

Johnathan swayed his hips as he walked up to Luke grabbing the tie around his neck. "I could say the same about you good lookin'." He could see Luke gulp. Evan stepped out of the dressing room, damn did he look good.

He watched the man dressed in scarlet, tying his golden tie, and smirked. He pulled Luke into heated make out session and smirked. "Someone's trying to make Evan jealous." Luke sung into Johnathan's ear.

"Me?" Johnathan fixed Luke's hair. "Why would I do a thing like that?"

Luke smiled and kissed Johnathan's neck. "Let me help you out with that." Johnathan bit his bottom lip to stifle a moan. "I'm not kidding though you better share."

Johnathan nodded and noticed the man in pink chatting with another in yellow. "John? Here's your tie. CaRtOoNz come with me to get sized."

Luke pulled away with a smirk. "Better save some for later then." Luke followed Marcel into a dressing room after Marcel handed Johnathan his tie.

Of course Johnathan has no idea what he's doing he makes the attempt, then simply ties a knot. "Need help." Johnathan just nodded. Evan walked over undoing Johnathan's knot. "Luke has no chill huh?"

"He has no filter." Evan smiled while tying Johnathan's tie. "He's a bit of a try hard, but that makes him, him."

Evan took a step back admiring Johnathan. "You do look amazing, he's not wrong there."

I'm sorry that I didn't really describe the colors worn or giving proper pairings to the dress shirts and ties. People were becoming annoyed with me asking them to describe colors to me. Lol so sorry that I'm not much help in the color department. Anyways I hope y'all are enjoyin' the story so far I'll see y'all next time. Bye guys!
