I hear wedding bells a ringing

It is a beautiful fall day, not a cloud in the sky. The sun rose gracefully, birds were chirping. The rain was finally gone, leaving behind its beautiful perfume. They say rain is bad luck on a wedding day and thank the Lord that it's not raining. Nothing could ruin such a perfect day. Nothing at all.

Evan awoke with sleep still in his eyes, rubbing at them drowsily. He would of woken Johnathan, but he knew all to well that the man hadn't slept well. And he didn't, he was up late into the night tossing and turning thinking about what had happened. That wasn't real, but still it felt so real.  In fact his cheek did sting a bit, probably just his imagination. Yet still it was terrifying even if it was his imagination.

The smell of glorious food awoke Johnathan, or I should say his stomach. John sat up, his body sore from all the possible sleeping positions he more than likely put himself through. He was practically dragging himself down stairs to the kitchen! Amazingly he made it to the kitchen, and was greeted with the beautiful sight that was a naked Evan. Johnathan lazily wrapped his arms around Evan and gave a light peck to his neck. He buried his face into the crook of Evan's neck, Evan still smelt like roses and lavender. "What's cookin' good lookin'?"

Evan hummed and swayed his hips, it was lulling poor Johnathan back to sleep. "Just breakfast burritos."

Johnathan's finger slowly slipped from each other and his arms fell limply beside him. "Sounds amazing." They've been in a relationship for four day! Four! It can't be this amazing and fast paced, and be real. There's a catch isn't there? What's going to happen to ruin it all? "Vanoss? Is there a catch?"

"A catch to what?"

"To us." Evan's motions seemed to stop. "It feels like everything is too perfect. Nothing is ever perfect."

Evan took the food off the burner. He slowly turned to pull Johnathan into a hug, and guide him to the living room couch. Evan laid on his back with Johnathan on top of him. "It isn't perfect. In a perfect relationship we would see each other a little more, but we have responsibilities. In a perfect relationship I would take away your nightmares, but I can't. John I found out I've known you for almost two years now, and been in love with you all this time. I'm scared that one day I'm going to wake up, and I never met you at all. That's the only reason why it feels so perfect." Evan's soft hands ran a smooth course up and down Johnathan’s back. "Just because we haven't fought or been at each other's throats doesn't mean there's a catch. We're bound to have our arguments, just not yet."

Evan kissed the top of Johnathan's head and rolled them over so he had him pinned. "You know how beautiful you are?" Evan smirked, he's so gorgeous. "You gonna fuck me Evy?"

Evan smiled, leaning to kiss. "Not today we only have a few hours until the wedding. It'll have to wait till tonight." Evan lifted himself up off of Johnathan and walked behind the couch. "Stay here and rest up, I'll finish up breakfast." Evan leaned over the back of the couch, his soft sweet lips pressing to Johnathan's forehead. "I love you." Johnathan rolled over onto his side, a smile pulling at his lips. His eyes fluttered closed and he dozed off.

"If you had only been a better partner I wouldn't have slept with him!"

This again. It's the same rant the same outcome, yet this time it felt off. "I'm doing all that I can for you Cass! What more do you want from me?!"

A slap came to him, he expected it but still did nothing. "Don't raise your voice to me!" Johnathan just sat on the bed in silence as he watched his wife walk to the door. The conversation was over yet he could faintly hear her voice. "I wish you had died." Has she always said that?

His world began to shake, he couldn't  keep balance. Things were falling from where they belonged, most were breaking. What the hell was happening? "John? Wake up!" Evan? What the hell? Johnathan's eyes shot up, he was staring up at Evan. "Why're crying?" Evan brushed away the tears that formed without Johnathan knowing.

It came as a sudden surprise to Evan when Johnathan instantly latched to him like a leach. "Don't ever leave me."

He was stunned, he couldn't think, and it took him a while to react. Was that what Johnathan was having nightmares of? Evan leaving him? No it wasn't, we all know this. Finally Evan reacted, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and kissing the nape of his neck. "I don't plan on it." When Johnathan finally released Evan he stared at the man leaning over the back of the couch. "Breakfast is ready."

Breakfast was pretty good, it wasn't as warm as it would have been had Johnathan woken up sooner, but still it was good. The two didn't converse much, as they simply wanted to enjoy breakfast before they had to rush. Once they finished eatting, they both worked together washing dishes. Damn did John ever miss little things like this. He missed sneaking up behind his partner and hugging them, he missed holding hands in public, he even missed doing dishes with them. He never realized how deeply in love he was with the little things until he had them back.

When the dishes were done and Johnathan was soaked, courtesy of Evan spraying him to be funny. Both boys slipped into the shower. They were giggling messes, and it wasn't because Johnathan tried to get a quickie from Evan when they didn't have time. Or because they're two dudes in the same shower, no it was more innocent than that. Johnathan had always kept his wife's lotion in the shower it was a small habit he couldn't break, leaving lotion in the shower. There was no need for it to be their after all! He hadn't realized Evan had reached for the lotion squeezed the bottle into his hand and ran it through his hair. What an odd thing to do? Johnathan started to wonder. He never informed Evan, but when the boy opened his eyes all he could do was sigh in disappointment. "I thought it was conditioner." Johnathan was a giggling mess at that point. Slowly he realized the way he does things will have to change, as to not embarrass his poor boyfriend.

Johnathan was the first to abandon the shower, as Evan did have to wash his hair yet again. The eldest stood in front of the bathroom mirror, shaving cream in hand. He's grown some stubble over the weekend, he wouldn't have shaved if it wasn't such an important day. He ignored the shadows lurking in the corner of the mirror, and instead kept his attention focused on the boy singing in the shower. In the two years of knowing Evan he's never heard him sing, but he finds it so much more better than any melody he's heard before. Well he's heard Bryce and Ohm sing together, they sound really good, but Evan intrigues him. Evan had stepped out with a towel around his waist and a shy smile on his lips. If it wasn't for the fact the he had a razor on his cheek he would of smiled back. "Awe, but you look sexy with stubble."

Johnathan stifled his laugh and looked at his boyfriend through the mirror. "And you look sexy naked, but you have to wear clothes and I have to shave." There was a visible blush on Evan's cheeks that made Johnathan proud of himself. Evan opened the medicine cabinet scrambling around in search for somthing. "Whatcha lookin' for baby boy."

"Your medicine. I want to make sure you take it. I've been too busy to do that the last couple of days, and I feel really shitty that I haven't been making sure." Should he tell Evan? Maybe. "Did it not get unpacked from the camp gear, Delly?" Lights on him now. Damnit.

Johnathan rinsed off his face, rubbing it to make sure his face didn't still have stubble. He let out a sigh watching as Evan dug around pulling random bottles out in search of just the orange bottle. "I ran out, Ev. Don't worry about it babe." He did run out...when they fell out of the bottle and into the mud.

Evan closed the cabinet after organizing the things inside. "I'll call the pharmacy, see if they'll give you a refill. Hopefully we can pick it up on our way home from the wedding." The youngest grabbed a second towel and thoroughly dried his hair. Johnathan smiled even though he was upset about the pills. He gently wrapped his arms around the Asian, pressing a soft kiss in between his shoulder blades. "What're you doin' baby?"

"Loving you." Johnathan gave a nip to Evan's shoulder before pulling away and going into their bedroom to gather their suits and underwear. "Hey darlin'! You ever thought of being a stripper?"

"Joked about it, why?" Evan shouted back from the master bathroom.

Johnathan does want to play with the toys Luke gave him yesterday, but alas it's whatever Evan is comfortable with. "No reason." Johnathan soon returned to his lover hanging their suits on the towel rack so they don't wrinkle. Scotty would kill them if they did.

Johnathan watched Evan stand in front of the mirror in only his dress pants fixing his hair. Johnathan himself was fully dressed excluding the suit jacket and tie. When Evan's hair was fixed just right he slipped into his dress shirt and tied his tie. While Evan busied himself with that Johnathan fixed himself and put plugs into his ears. "Daddy." Ignore it. "Daddy?" Don't react. "Daddy!"

"John?" Johnathan jumped turning around to see Evan with a midnight blue tie in hand. "You okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

Damn did Evan ever hit the nail on the head. "Y-yeah I'm fine baby boy."

"I don't think we should stay long. You're not doing so good today." Evan put the tie around his neck. "We should leave early, you look tired anyways. Maybe I should take a day off and take you to a doctor."

"No it's fine Ev. I'm fine."

The youngest finished tying his tie, and adjusted it slightly so it was straight. "What ever you say, but if it gets worse I will."

With their Jackets in tow the boys went out to the garage getting into the jeep, and left. The ride was spent in silence as Evan held Johnathan's free hand and watched the signs and cars pass by. It seemed that during the ride Evan had realized something, immediately pulling out his phone and making a call. It was over Johnathan's medication. Yes Johnathan wasn't all too happy about it, but he dared not show it.

Once they arrived at the church everything was a blur. One minute John is hold Evan's hand in the parking lot, the next the girls are pulling Johnathan and Evan apart leading them in seperate directions in the church. Tyler took Johnathan away from Kelly, gave her a quick kiss, then led Johnathan away to where Luke was flipping shit. At first it was because his tie was crooked, then it was his shoes were dusty. He was nervous and wanted everything to be perfect. Johnathan understood. After all he was there once before. "How'd you do it John?"

"I had too." Luke was there for him when he was nervous. Hell he even laughed at his little brother's fears. Perhaps maybe Luke believed he'd never be in his shoes. Or maybe he thought he'd be a man about it, but that is being a man. "I kept telling myself it's what I wanted, that there's nothing to fear." It's true there really is nothing to fear at a wedding ceremony. "It didn't help the nervousness, but it sure as hell reassured me."

"Man I'm so sorry for laughing at you on your wedding day." Johnathan just shrugged and smiled. Nothing could go wrong for Luke and Sarah. Nothing! They've rehearsed a thousand times! Johnathan walks Luke to the alter first, since their mother is no longer among them. Then Brock escorts Lauren, Marcel with Scotty, Lui with Mae, and David with Bernice. Craig and Arlan walk down spreading flowers, soon after Tyler escorts the maid of honor, Kelly. Brian plays the brides music once Kelly and Tyler are settled, and Evan escorts the bride down the aisle, from their everything goes like any other wedding. Ryan will be maning Lui's video camera, filming the entire thing, and Bryce will be arranging the food and wine at a different building, that Johnathan has never seen before, while the entire wedding is going on. Nothing will go wrong.

"Alright, tOoNz time to get your ass out there." Johnathan took Luke by the hand leading him to the giant doors where the wedding was starting. "I wish you the best." They walked down the aisle together hand in hand, earning some strange looks from friends and family. Luke's dad on the other hand didn't seem to fazed by the boys holding hands, he must have been used to it. As they stood to beside the pastor, who's name escapes Johnathan, they could see Luke's family. Aunts, uncles and even a few cousins. Johnathan wasn't related to anyone here and it made him feel a bit out of place.

Some sort of instrumental music started to play and the doors opened. Brock wore a shy smile, while Lauren was giggling, someone must have said something funny before they walked out. Brock wore an identical suit as everyone else he's dress shirt was a shade of purple and his tie was a lime green. Lauren matched her husband wearing the same shade of purple and a lime green flower crown. As rehearsed Scotty and Marcel came out almost half a minute after Brock and Lauren. Marcel wore a baby blue dress shirt and a white tie, Scotty wore the same type of dress as Lauren, but baby blue with a white flower crown. We're all the brides maids matching their escorts? The answer was yes. Mae wore a smokey topaz dress with a garnet flower crown, Bernice wore a shamrock green dress with a fern green flower crown. Craig and Arlan however didn't match. Craig wore a yellow dress shirt and a black tie while Arlan wore a pink one with a white tie, both were tossing rose peddles of different colors. Not long after the two stood beside Luke and Johnathan Tyler and Kelly walked down. Tyler had on a pink dress shirt with a baby blue tie, Kelly wore a dress the same shade of pink and a white flower crown. Not long after Evan and the bride walked down the isle. Luke was in tears at the sight of her. "Look at your wife Luke. Come on man look at your beautiful wife."

The ceremony was absolutely beautiful and by the time Luke had said I do Johnathan was smiling like the proud little brother he was. Everyone seperated going their own way to the other building, when Evan and Johnathan arrived Johnathan realized it was some sort of amazing garden. Sarah must have picked it; because Luke sure as Hell wouldn't have. The food was amazing, and Johnathan made that as obvious as possible. Sadly though his day of happiness for his brother was cut short. It was while Evan and him were slow dancing he was whispering sweet nothings into the Asian's ear, when out of no where he froze completely. He spotted her in all her psychotic beauty. Her long red hair was pulled up in an eligant bun, and her pale perfect frame was dressed in a beautiful crimson dress. "John? What's wrong baby?" He was terrified.

Don't break down. Don't break down. "I-I'm fine Ev. Let's go pick up my medicine."

Cassandra had found him.

Jesus Christ this one chapter, and only this chapter, held me back soooo far it ain't even funny. Yes I ended up rushing through this one chapter, but it took me too long too write! :'(  Anyways! There's a lot of things that will happen over the next couple of chapters. So I really wanted to get this one done and over with, so I could hurry to the next. So all I want to say is I'm sorry about these long pauses and lack of updates. Y'all have a good one. 
