chapter 3 : the showdown begin part 2

The first batch exam is over and they go to their seat. So next is batch no. 2 that everyone eyes to them because of the bet but some came to see miracle to happen. In stage first there are many stone rocks in that you have to put your power. The examiner will see which student as more magic power.

The examiner came from great clans or family. From them one or two are from royal family that set by Sheng Lou father who has a great name in Impearl city to be a great hero. There are stone for each student the exam begin everyone one eyes on Sheng Lou and Bier Shun Bayou.

First they all close their eyes and focus own power to his hand. Attacks to stone then it show the score. The Sheng Lou was the first one to do that so his score is 50 which is most likely more than average. Then everyone started to do that the first round was almost over. But he didn't move a little to his place.

Some start saying "hey see now he cannot move, now he is scared who say to make a bet with royal Family member". Another one say "If he is scared or not why don't you try to beat him your more powerful than anyone right?" he say "OHH, I was just joking". After a while he opens his eyes and attacks the stone the score was only 3.

Everyone was stock for a while and Sheng Lou was looking to his face with angry expression. But the elder of both family plus some great man was stand there place a while and the stock end with clapping of hands of public. Then the remaining batch goes to take exam.

Meanwhile a man who was in his old age he simile and say "he really did well". Yes you are right it was the Lou Tang, on the other hand Zhu Family and Su family elder name "Gu Sheen" go to head to say "sir and madam, I think you should call back you son and daughter now". They say "but why now they already leave the family and say they never return".

Elder "GU Sheen say I think now I know the reason why they leave family leave themselves because his child was bless by god by childhood he has the full knowledge of magic and martial art". They both stock and say "who can you be so sure". Gu Sheen reply "because of magic power control he control his power at that level that he show he has born without power".

They both were stock for a while and thinking what happen that year. When they were trying to leave his own house and they realise it was a planned from before. They go to his own room and say to Gu Sheen "that called Zhu Len and Su Xiao in my room". He goes to Zhu Len and Su Xiao says that "family head is calling both of them".

They see each other eyes like they know this would happen after they start following to elder and elder looking the expression that they have made now. He through that "so you are planning this all time now I see why would you leave home in hurry that time that you could keep your son safe. But you cannot do anything now"

A while later they enter the room where head of both family waiting. They both seat in front of them. For a while the room was silent the head of the family direct asked "so you have known about this right". They both look each other and say "what I have known?" the elder Gu Sheen came from behind start to say "we all now know why you leave the house because of the son of your right? He has been blessed by god and you want to protect him right?"

Zhu Len and Su Xiao say "so now you have known you want us to come back home right. but you have forgotten something that is the paper you have sign. Let me tell you in detail now in that it is written that once you're out of the family you have no right to came back. Here the paper you have sign and we have to go the second round of batch 2 is about to start".

They leave the room and in room now Zhu family head and Su family head had frozen for a while and say "there is no way to bring them back and used their child power for our family. They look elder Gu sheen an say "there is someone else who know this". Elder Gu Sheen say no by his head.

They feel relax for a bit and say "after the child born you know which have seen him". Elder nod his head again the head of both families say "leave this matter now and tell nothing else to other about this". They all go back to stadium to their seat at that time the second round is start in batch 2 in physical strength.

In that they have you attack and defend at the same time because there are puppets that have a greater strength then opponent. If someone can defeat him or hurt him he passes this test.

First one is Sheng Lou and third one is Bier Shun Bayou second exam stated and everyone trying hard to hurt them. But he just stands his place and does nothing everybody through that he has given up.

Suddenly puppet in front of him gets down like it was nothing. People from elite student who are watching everything one of the men say "hey is that mental attack? Right it was a mental attack" Ming Shoo who was specially shock with other few people who know about mental attack it is an attack that made to a target person of mind to defeat him.

he through "but this is specifically from my family only few people know about it including him and it was never reveal to other so how did he do it? Who teach him? Now this is getting interesting".

As for Sheng Lou he only able to hurt him little bit he was shock to see what happen a while later he calm down and through "so he was hiding his real strength till now if I don't made a bet with him would I able to find out about this".

He sees that most of people attracted by him till now even his own dad also. The test of batching 2 is done they have taken their own seat. Sheng Lou goes to his dad and asked "dad, why are so excited? Today after seeing Bier Shun Bayou".

His dad says "you did not know how he born right? I will tell you now he is born by god blessing that means that he has full knowledge of martial art and magic from childhood how has born with in few decades only". After listening to his dad word he say "if he has that power why would they kick out of family and every time he fail exam" his dad answer is" If he show the world that he has that power everyone try to get even now his parent family also trying to get him back and this all work done by his parent only to him safe.

"But now that everyone have seem it must be difficulties to them to leave here so they will get to other district and change everything to keep it son safe" he asked dad "there is such medicine in the world that hide you power permanently" his da say "no not permanently but for a few year like 15.if he does not master the knowledge inside him it will danger for him to keep later. Can you tell me his age" he say "around 5-6" his dad say" sure enough he only have 10-9 year to master it if then he would have being in danger".

After listening to his dad he now understands why he doesn't like a standout in front of other. If he does it will endanger his life because he has experience it in my childhood. After some through the change decided to change his attitude toward him after the match. Minute after the third round finally started and it was combat training.

The first turn of batch 1 was stared someone in crowed say "hey who do you think who will win the Sheng Lou or Bier Shun Bayou" some say "it is not ended yet let's wait and see who win today? I am just enjoying it now".

The first batch is turn over its time for batch 2 that everyone was waited tell now. In the level they to divide into group and one person from first group randomly choose a name from group b to fight.

In group 1 Sheng Lou with his classmate and in group 2 Bier Shun Bayou with his classmates. There total fifty student in one group so who win more moved to second with the person who has lose given the second chance to have a fight.

The person who has to fight has done by lottery after lottery where taken out the fight between Sheng Lou and Bier Shun Bayou was the last one. After the entire round is over it is finally time for fight between sheng Lou and Bier Shun Bayou has be going to started. But before that Sheng Lou asked "to him he is really blessed by god or something" Bier Shun Bayou say "yes that what my parent told me to not to tell anyone and I also know the method you use. I can tell you that you have already know my plan right and you want be my student so that I can teach you more of that art right".

Sheng Lou says nothing and say yes by his head after that they both get ready to fight and started it. The first thing Bier Shun Bayou do is mental attack to him but the will power of Sheng Lou is so strong so he could not hurt him. After an hour the both of them has equal power the fight was intense.

They people were stock that what is going on here, they both stop Bier Shun Bayou you have done well if we do like this the result will be difficulties so let's do our best and forget about everything including bet between then. They just want enjoy this battle be a friends like before.

Sheng Lou say "after a long time I have a qualify opponent they both parent look happy after so long they can see the potentials of his own kid. The audience also forget everything and enjoy it.

Let do one this one signature move from bath at the same time they both say "let do this" and do own signature move.
