chapter 2: The Showdown begin part 1

                  After listening from his parents and say nothing more, he get going to his room. His room is nothing special but haft empty and one bed to sleep, one study table for his study and finally one wooden old furniture in that he keep his clothes, etc. he came to his room an seat on bed for a while and start to cultivation for an hour.

                 When he was a little boy he is better than anyone so his control in magic way much better. He is now at the peak of the magic of his own.

                  In the impearl school there are many student and teacher. For graduation student need to be strongest in the school. Bier shun bayou is now has a long way to go so he study day and night to understand more and more in school. The exam in this school is not that difficult, but it is not that easy.

                  The exam is divided into three part first is magic power, second is physical strength and third is combat training or hunting the animal from forest.

                   His magic power is enough to pass first test as for the second he is well qualify because of the daily excises work he do and last is combat training he is not that sure that he can win it.

                  As he through about third exam he through "It is not that easy to win this because of the royal family try to do anything to stop him at all. I have to think of something for backup plain" he as thinking continuously but time pass like it was nothing.

                   But the time he come out from his room it was evening his mom was going to cook food for them and his dad was out for work. His mom says to him "can you go to market to get some Food? "He was thinking what to do for backup, but hear his mom voice and say "yes". He leaves his home to go market by road, but he feel like someone was watching to him. So he looks around and notices that everyone was looking at him.

                    After a while he knows why people are watching to him, but he ignores everyone and gets the food item that the list given by mom. By all the thing needed he get going to his home on the road he hear that what people is talking about him on road one of the person say "hey look who is that guy isn't that poor boy who has bet with Sheng Lou right" another one say "hey mind your business now he is in trouble do you want that with us to" and they stop talking about him then start talking about their business.

                    It has been a while to him to return to home and started practice his Manuel of the middle level martial arts a whole night. He just keeps practicing who to hide his real Powers and to control his magic at large and short range just in case.

                     Next day he gets ready to go to school his parents give him a well wishes and go to school. After a while he reaches to school before exam.

                    Just when he enters the class room he was doing his daily routine like always. A while later a voice came from his back and it was Sheng Lou and Ming Feng they say "hey are you ready you lose face in front of other" he say "It is not the right time to say two win it is not started yet".

                     After a while in class room the class teachers with some elite student of school enter they started to introduce themselves to them. They are Ming Shoo, Chu Jen and Toe Shin they are from big family or clan.

                    They start to say that "today is day where you came to your death end "with the laughing mood he says. Everyone was scared to death for minute a while later they start laughing and say "hey we were just joking don't take serially".

                   They stared to talk to point that "now then everyone knows about the examination and there stages right. So let's talk about the rules of exam the rules are simple that is you have a some amount of magic power, physical strength and last is don't kill anyone. That all the rule set by school if you have any doubt you can ask for it" sheng Lou he raise his hand an say "sir, if someone with just a little Powers is qualify to enter next stage".

                  The question was asked to answer by Ming Shoo look at him an say "you must be Sheng Lou that everyone was talking about right? Is this question is about your bet with guy name Bier Shun bayou right? So where is the other guy name Bier Shun Bayou?" Sheng Lou simile to that an say "senior, do you also hear about our bet" Ming Shoo say "A little bit and that Bier guy has not has single power. So its need miracle to have a power in one or two day, as for the question you asked the answer simple that is you have power you qualification".

                Sheng Lou simile and say "thank you" and seat down, looking at upcoming event this is going to break the record this time because of the bet with the royal child vs. a farmer child who has never has a power to protect himself. They say "good luck to your exam" and leave the class room. The elite student, school and many more people have excitement to watch this year exam.

                   After a while the exams finally start the most people who have come to see the show between Sheng Lou and Bier Shun bayou. There are some people who started a gamble business on this bet some bet that Sheng Lou from royal family be winner and Bier will lose.

                   Some bet on Bier Shun Bayou will win on that bet his own father has entrust him bet on him just for personal income.

                  A while later the first round of exam started there were so many people in each and every class. As per batch system in per class per batch of 20 people in first step, as per batch Sheng Lou and Bier Shun Bayou has on second batch.

                 After a while of exam Bier Shun Bayou his mother Su Xiao also bet on him. News of the bets has reach to everyone in city to top family like Zhu family and Su family his mom and dad family they also has come to see what good at him.

                   Because of him both family name has got a bad reputation and other reason is because of his magic power they parent got kick out of there family. His parent and Zhu family or Su family have a bad relationship they don't want to talk each other now. They are enemy now.

                   When his parent just going to stadium and Zhu family and Su family by chance they meet. They both stare each other for a while and they say "AH, Zhu Len and Su Xiao nice to meet you" they ignored them and just going to seat. But they say "See, your both not a change in you if you two can not a married this whole thing wouldn't happen".

                      Zhu Len and Su Xiao say "we both love each other and get married that not your fault mom and that is why we get separated from you" they stop and start to look at the stadium.

                       They both family stare at them in angry and leave to take his place. The first batch turnabout to over. Zhu Len and Su Xiao thinking that "if it is not about the safety our son then this would not happen in both family they will do anything to get power if our son power goes to them they will use it for them and kill my son.

                      They both know their own family each more than anyone else so they find a reason to leave a house. But when the power of my son shown to other they will do anything to get it is best to it secret to other"

                      The first is almost over it time to go for second batch the most excitement was about to came to everyone.

                       The match between Sheng Lou and Bier Shun Bayou everyone eye on them so lets see what happen   
