the model--24

"I just trust my gut, Namjoon. Something is not right." 

Their train to Busan has finally arrived, few passengers walked out while others walked in and took their seat. Lisa stayed behind as well as Chaeyoung. The brunette had the same feeling and ignored it, thinking that it was probably her paranoia but her gut instincts got the best of her. Jimin and Namjoon looked at them puzzled. "Aren't you two boarding the train?", asked Jimin. 

Lisa huffed. "Sorry, boys. Chaeyoung and I are going to head back to the hospital. Just to make sure they left safely.", she turns her back to leave and she didn't expect any of them to stop her. She wanted to this alone with Chaeyoung, considering that they're all friends now. She didn't want her other two friends to get involved any longer than they should have. But what she expected next surprised her. Jimin and Namjoon stayed by her side. "What are you two doing?", she asks them. 

"Jungkook is my best friend."

"Jungkook is my brother. We're not going to let you and Chaeyoung face him alone. But as for the other guy, he won't be a problem.", Jimin explained with a confident smile on his face. Lisa gave her friends an appreciative smile that they're sticking by her side. She just hopes that nobody gets hurt in this situation. She's lucky enough that there's no one around to bother her at the moment, such as fans and paparazzi. But that'll probably be dealt with later, depending on what's about to happen next for them. 

They drove back to the hospital and tried to look calm, but deep down in their gut, they can't remain calm. The more they approach the building, the more sinking feeling they get in their stomach. They took the elevator to the floor Jennie and Jisoo were in. In each of their minds, they prayed that either the helicopters took them and they were probably just paranoid or that that the helicopter came late. As soon as the elevator door opens, a nurse ran up to Lisa on the verge of tears. Policemen were standing around, questioning a few people. Something is not right. 

Namjoon immediately went ahead to look for the doctor. Jimin went to talk to one of the policemen that weren't busy interviewing. Lisa and Chaeyoung took care of the nurse, gently making her sit on a chair in the waiting hall. They began to question her, asking what happened and who was involved. But it was just as their gut told them. Something went wrong. 

"After you have left, the two men returned. One of them was very angry, he demanded the woman's baby, claiming that that was his son. But the mother kept refusing, telling him that he's not the fatherly figure for the child.", the nurse paused, wiping away the tear that fell. Lisa and Chaeyoung kept a blank expression and continued to listen before they can give out a reaction. "He kept mentioning both of your names. Lisa and Chaeyoung. I couldn't understand, I was more worried about the baby's safety. But then..."

One Hour Ago 
As soon as Chaeyoung and Lisa left, few nurses arrived to assist the girls to get into the helicopter that was arriving in a few minutes. One nurse carried Jisoo's baby, while the others had to make sure her vital signs were fine and other important procedures. The same situation goes for Jennie. In the midst, there was a commotion outside that wasn't too far from the room. One nurse assistant peeked his head outside the door. 

"What are they doing back here?" 

Jisoo's instinct was quick, she knew that voice anywhere. "Oh no..." Jennie had the same reaction. She swallowed thickly when she heard the footsteps coming closer. And next thing you know, they were already standing at the door. "Jungkook, what the hell are doing back here?", Jisoo questioned harshly. She's just had enough with his bullshit. She tries to get up, but with all the wires and tubes stuck to her, it was impossible. 

The nurse that held the baby stood as far as possible and stayed close to a storage closet, just so she can sneak in and protect the baby from the man. Jisoo would've understood. No child deserves to be in this situation at all. 

"Hand over my son, Jisoo! He needs a man in his life!", Jungkook shouted. Jisoo remained quiet. She doesn't need to answer to him. Impatiently, he pushed the nurses away that blocked the girl and aggressively grabbed her wrist. "Tell me where he is and you won't get hurt." 

"I would rather have you hurt me than have you take away my son.", she snapped back. Jungkook gave no response, only gazed at the woman. Eyes filled with anger and betrayal. On the other hand, Jennie was trying to find an object sharp or hard enough to knockout Jungkook. There was a pen that she can grab from the nurse's pocket and stab him on the arm to make him cry out in sheer pain. Another option was a clipboard that she can hit him with on the back of the head hard enough to knock him out. Or a glass that she can shatter and use a shard to shank him. 

" think our son needs to have two women to look up to? Huh? Is that how it's going to be? You and Chaeyoung?", Jungkook scoffs and lets out a small chuckle of disbelief. Jennie kept her eye on him as she has finally picked an option. His grip on Jisoo's wrist tightened, making her wince in pain. 

"Lisa is not here to protect you. Neither is Lisa. Think Jennie can protect you? All she can do is--OW! What the fuck?!", Jungkook cries out in sheer pain and collapsed on the floor. Jennie managed to grab a pen and stuck it into his arm with enough force to pierce through. Few nurses were able to take him down, but he pushed through and managed to successfully escape. As for the nurse with the baby...

She was able to sneakily hide into a storage closet but it wasn't sneaky enough. While Kai was watching Jungkook speak to Jisoo, he saw a nurse holding the baby in the back of the room slowly approaching a storage closet. He admits that it's a sneaky move but not sneaky enough. He slowly shifts his position to get closer to the nurse, but at the moment Jungkook screamed in sheer pain the nurse ran into the closet. Kai smirked as he got closer to the door. He opens the door. 

The nurse gasped and was in shock that she didn't realize Kai has already taken the baby away from her and managed to escape with Jungkook. 

It was expected of Chaeyoung to rush into Jisoo's room after what has happened to her and the baby. It made her blood boil with rage and hatred, but her heart was shattered upon hearing what happened to Alexios. (The baby's name. Jisoo named him in Chapter 20) She enters the room, only to see Jisoo in a state of shock. Her expression dull but her eyes were filled with sorrow and sadness. Jennie laid next to her, gently comforting her by rubbing her back, shoulder, and arm. She was just as heartbroken as she was. The room was quiet and slightly dark. 

Chaeyoung sat on the other side of Jisoo, gently placing her hand on top of hers. Jisoo slightly flinched. At least she was still responsive. "I'm so sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry. I should've listened to my gut...", she was on the verge of tears, but she stayed strong. Strong for the woman in front of her. "...but I promise. I'll do everything I can to get him back. I promise.", she brings up Jisoo's hand, placing a soft kiss on top of her knuckles. She looks up and a tear managed to fall on Jisoo's cheek. Chaeyoung gently wiped it away as she gave her a weak smile. 

She glanced at Jennie, "You should go see Lisa, she's worried sick. I think we all need our privacy..." Jennie agreed and left the room. She understood why Chaeyoung and Jisoo needed their privacy. Like Jesus. Someone crazy just took their child. Jennie searched for Lisa and eventually found her sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting area. She had her head down the whole time, with her hands covering her face. The singer felt horrible, seeing her like this.

She approached her slowly until she stood in front of her. "L-Lisa...", she calls out her name in a tiny voice, but she heard her the first time that her head snapped back up. A huge smile of relief on her face. She pulls Jennie into a hug, only hugging her around the waist and letting her head rest on her stomach. Jennie smiled down at her and soothed her hair when she heard her soft cries.

"I'm sorry.", she wept and her hug around Jennie tightened as she cried harder. The singer's heart shattered hearing Lisa crying. She believes that this is her first time hearing her cry. But she wished she cried for another reason. Cried out of happiness. This...this time is different.

" one expected for this happen. It's nobody's fault, baby.", Jennie cooed. And she was right, nobody expected for Jungkook and Kai to come back. But Lisa couldn't accept it, "No.", she says. "I should've trusted my gut and stayed. And if I stayed...none of this would've happened. None of it!"

Jennie stayed quiet, letting Lisa let out all her frustration. Instead, she hugged her back tighter. Letting her know she's there and she's not hurt physically, but mentally. Who would know what Jungkook would do to the baby? That's what's getting everyone on edge.

The nurses and policemen that passed looked at the girls sympathetically. Upon seeing how close they are, the kidnapping of a child struck them downhill. But the event that happened affected the hospital as well, they prayed that the baby will be safe and sound as soon as they find him.

They've already sent out an amber alert throughout the area and the nation, in case he left the area and headed for another region.

"I'm such a horrible mom, Chaeyoung. I don't think I can forgive myself.", Jisoo spoke quietly, but her voice was raspy. She's cried out too many tears, screamed and shouted out of sheer pain and shame that she'd nearly lost her voice and has no more tears left to cry. "Tell me I'm a bad mom, Chaeyoung. You know I am."

Chaeyoung shakes her head, gently cupping her face. But Jisoo moved away. "I don't deserve your sympathy. You've been too kind."

"Jisoo...don't shut me out now. Not now. Not at this time where you need someone by your side.", said Chaeyoung. With one hand, she gently reached for Jisoo's face and slowly turned her to face her. She mentally smiled that she trusted her. "I'll do everything I can to get him back, even if it costs me my life to do so. And you and I both know Lisa would do the same thing."

"No...Jennie needs her. I'll kill Lisa if she dies."  Chaeyoung chuckles relieved that Jisoo still has a sense of humor just by her calming remark.
For a few minutes, they enjoyed each other's presence and comfortable silence. Namjoon enters the room with a few reports he received from doctors and police officers. Jisoo and Chaeyoung listened.

Namjoon reports, "He may haven't gone that far. Witnesses reported they saw him going into a motel. Officers called to secure the area."

"Not until I secure that son of a bitch first.", said Chaeyoung as she was about to storm out of the room, but Namjoon stops her. The brunette tried to shrug off his hand off her shoulders, but he didn't let go. "Let go!"

"Be rational about this. A baby is involved! Let's just let the officers handle the situation.", Namjoon begged for the girl to stay and wait. But she didn't want to wait, she needed to dl this. For Jisoo. She stays in her spot, not moving a muscle.

She looks back at everyone, "I need to do this." She leaves the room without looking back. But she knows she can't do this alone. She heads into the waiting area, where she assumed Jennie and Lisa would be. And she was right. She calls out the model's name. "Lisa. They know where he is." 

"Where?", Jennie joins in. 

"At a motel. Not too far." 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!", Jennie tugs on both Chaeyoung and Lisa's arm to follow her to the elevator, but they didn't move a muscle. Jennie looks back, confused. "Are you two just going to stand there and let him take the baby to god knows where?", she asked them with an irritated tone. 

"God, of course not. But...", Chaeyoung paused and looked over to Lisa. The model finished her sentence, "...we don't want you to get hurt. We want you to stay with Jisoo, to keep her company. Who knows what they'd do."

"Jisoo is my friend too. I'm not going to sit around. It'll be three against two. They're outnumbered. And I know Kai more than any of you, I can handle him."  It was just as Lisa and Chaeyoung expected from Jennie. And it was the last thing Lisa wants in life: seeing Jennie get hurt. 

"Jennie, just listen to me just for once. Stay and take care of Jisoo. Chaeyoung and I will handle this." They say to expect the unexpected, but nobody expected for Jennie to slap Lisa across the face. Chaeyoung stepped back, but Lisa stayed right where she was. The singer was breathing heavily from all the frustration she held in. Lisa swallowed thickly as she slowly looks at her. Jennie's hands were clenched tightly into fists on her side. 

"I've always listened to you,  but maybe for once, I don't want to. Not at this time. And maybe for once, let me be the one to protect you from that fucking maniac."



 "We'll protect each other." 


I'm sorry in advance for what's about to happen in the next chapter.
