the model--23

"Bullshit. There is no fucking way she can possibly be pregnant.", Lisa exclaimed, glaring at Chaeyoung. Even if her friend maybe lying, it would be clearly impossible for that possibility to happen at the moment. But the thought of Jennie becoming pregnant got her thinking way beyond her future with the singer. 

Chaeyoung shrugged, "Even if I may be lying, would you be willing to take care of the child no matter what?", she asked the model with a serious tone. "This thought may have crossed your mind, but you probably didn't pay any attention to it at all." Lisa looks up from her glass to the brunette with a blank expression. She didn't want to show that she's stress and overthinking about it already, instead, she wants to hear from another point of view. 

"So, is she or is she not pregnant?"

Chaeyoung smiles as she gets up to leave, "No. I just said that to hear what you'd have to say and what you're going to do if the time comes, considering that I see that the both of you have already settled. But clearly, you never thought about it."

Lisa frowns, "Maybe it's because now is not the right time to think about it?" And she was not wrong, it wasn't the right time and it's also too early to think about it. But Chaeyoung believes otherwise.  The brunette's eyebrows knit together, eyes filled with worry and doubt for the model that sat in front of her. 

"You should've seen it in her eyes, Lisa. The second she laid her eyes on Alexios."

The model sighs and stands up and she placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Chaeng, I appreciate it but she's a singer and I'm a model. Even if it were true that she is pregnant, we won't be able to be the mothers our child expects us to be." 

"I know. I'm not saying to make a baby now, I'm saying you should talk about how you'll be able to work together to love and care for your own child. It may be too soon, but it'd be nice to think and plan ahead." Lisa agreed to the girl's advice to plan ahead, but what would Jennie say? How would she feel and more importantly, would she even want to have a family with Lisa? 

She pushed the thought of Jennie's opinions in the back of her mind until later. "Thank you. Now, shall we get back to our girls?", Lisa asks with a chuckle. Chaeyoung nods and they both headed back up to their rooms where the girls await. Unfortunately, Namjoon and Jimin were there as well. But when they saw the girls, Jennie didn't seem to be in a good mood. 

"What's going on?", Chaeyoung asks. No one answered for a few seconds until Jennie spoke up with an angry tone. "We're being transferred to another hospital."Lisa immediately looks at Namjoon, her best friend and Jennie's manager if you all have forgotten. 

Lisa was frustrated and confused at this point, just like everybody else that is in the room. The air was thick, hard to breathe with all the stressful aura going around. "Why? I hope it isn't because of Jungkook's stubborn ass trying to see Jisoo again.", she nearly growls when she mentioned his name. Saying his name felt like drinking poison to her. 

Jisoo spoke up and Lisa instantly noticed the worried expressions written all over Jennie's face. "Actually...he did. A few minutes after you and Chaeyoung left. They came." 

Thirty Minutes Ago

The singer smiles, knowing that the young mother is taking in all the information she's hearing from her. "She just needs a little push to make her realize her own feelings about you. It's true that she loves to take care of the people she loves, but from the way she took care and protected you, there is a major difference." The singer stopped there with a genuine smile of reassurance. She patted Jisoo's shoulder before returning to her own bed to rest and take a nap. Jennie felt accomplished.

Jisoo stayed awake, thinking about what Jennie has told her. Chaeyoung needing a little push of realization. It was going to be harder than she thought. Chaeyoung is insanely dense. Just as soon as she was about to close her eyes to take a small nap, she hears the door of their room opening. Jennie heard it as well. 



They call out their names but no answer. They think it was a prank, so they chuckled and asked them to come out and to stop goofing around in a hospital. But when they walk in, Jennie and Jisoo's bright smiles turned to a scowling and disgusting expression. "You.", Jennie seethed. 

Kai and Jungkook. 

The girls were a button away to call the nurse and security to escort these men out, but it'd only cause problems considering Kai has some control with the social media. He can easily end Jennie and Lisa's career in an instant. Jennie couldn't risk it. Neither can Jisoo for her own situation. Jungkook is unpredictable, who knows what he'd do next. 

"What are you two doing here?", Jennie interrogated. With the girls gone and not knowing when they'll be back from their cafeteria break, she hoped that she is able to kick them out without causing any more problems than they already have to deal with. Kai steps forward to take Jennie's hand, but she moved away. 

"I just wanted to check on my beautiful girlfriend. I hope you don't mind, love." 
Jennie glares at him, trying to keep her temper to a minimum. Bluntly, she replied, "Yes, I do mind. So can you and friend kindly leave Jisoo and me alone? We need to rest." She hoped to keep up this respectful and calm attitude for as long as she can until help arrives. And she hopes that it'll come soon. 

Jungkook smiles at Jisoo, "Where is my son, Jisoo? I'd like to see him."
Jisoo clenched her hands into tight fists that you can see her knuckles turning white and blood dripping from her palm from her nails, digging into her skin. But without an answer from her, Jungkook was about to get impatient. "Don't make me ask again, Jisoo. Just tell me where he is and I promise to take really good care for our son."

"Jungkook, You are not the father." 

He lets out a hysterical laugh, "You think I'm not the father? Have you forgotten that I...I'll spare you the details. I'm sure you know what I meant." Jisoo has never felt disgusted by a man's existence. Soon, he'd have to suffer the consequences for what he's done. 

Jennie intervenes into their conversation, "Alexios doesn't deserve to have a father like you around him, you fucking monster." Although it wasn't her place to speak out, she believed it was best to defend her friend. She can't watch her fight alone. "I'm not going to say this again, get out and leave us alone." 

"Not until my lovely Jisoo here tells me where my son is."

"She'll never tell you.", Jennie says with a sharp tone. She was about to stand to push Jungkook away from Jisoo, but Kai kept her in place, gripping onto her arm like steel. She whips her head around, "Let go of me, you fucking asshole." , she tries to tug away from his grip, but it was impossible. 

"Jungkook! Kai! Out! Now!" 
Namjoon came to their rescue when he walks in and instantly knew that the boys would be there to speak with the girls. Jungkook curses under his breath before standing upright. He looks at the CEO, scowling at him. "Namjoon! Nice to see you again!", he walks up to him to give him a hug, but Namjoon pulls his collar and aggressively pushed him out the door. Kai harshly lets go of Jennie, leaving a red mark around her arm. He runs, leaving Jungook alone.  

The bystanders were in shock at what has suddenly happened from Jennie and Jisoo's room. Namjoon looked down at his old best friend that he once called brother. "Stay away from them, you should've known to listen to Lisa and took her words wisely."

"But she's not here, isn't she?", Jungkook snaps back. "Lisa isn't here to protect them." He's had enough with the young man's prideful mouth, Namjoon picked him up by his collar and slamming him against a wall against his back. The impact was loud, it made him grown and leaving a few dents and cracks on the wall. "Lisa is not here. I am. So don't think I'm weak because she's not here." 

"How sweet! Did you get your chance as I told you at the time during high school? Because if not, that's a shame.", he pouts. Although he's already let out his rage against him, Namjoon still tried his best to remain his unbearable anger. But Jungkook continues to play around and to get into Namjoon's head and pride.

"How does it feel to watch the woman you love be in love with someone else?", he asks with a mischievous smile that was getting into the man's nerves.

He gritted his teeth at the question, daring to not answer. But Jungkook pressured him by asking again and again until he reached his breaking point. "Come on, I know that you--oof!"

Namjoon punches him in the stomach, making him fall to the ground. "Stay away from them.", he said with a low growling tone. And just by mere coincidence, Jimin arrived and perceived the situation as soon as he entered the floor.

He picks him from the floor. "What the hell did you do to the girls?!"

"Hi, brother.", Jungkook smiles, but Jimin scowls and pushes him towards a few security guards that passed by.

"Get him out of here. Make sure he doesn't come back.", Jimin ordered and the security guards nodded as they effortlessly dragged Jungkook out the building.

Flashback Off

"The doctors didn't want any more trouble in the building, so he's transferring us into a more secure hospital.", Namjoon explained to Lisa and Chaeyoung who were clearly enraged.

The model glanced at Jennie's arm. It was still a bit red from Kai's grip. "Does it hurt?", she asks. Jennie looks at her own arm, winced when the memory came back. Other than that, it doesn't hurt. She shakes her head and Lisa sighed with relief.

Chaeyoung never left Jisoo's side and neither has she let go of her hand since they arrived back from the cafeteria. Suddenly, the nurse arrived with Jisoo's baby.

"The helicopters will be transferring the girls to Busan St. Mary's hospital. Unfortunately, the others either have to drive or take the train.", the nurse explained to Namjoon. Lisa and Chaeyoung were the first to react.

"But can't only one close family member accompany them?", Chaeyoung asked, but almost sounded like a beg so that she can be with Jisoo. The nurse gave her a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry, but it's the doctor's orders. The patients are the pilot's priority to get them to the hospital safely."

It was understandable, but the girls were more worried about Kai and Jungkook. It could be possible that they somehow knew where they'll be transferred. "The helicopter will be arriving in fifteen minutes. In five minutes, we have to come and prepare them to get to them to the helicopter.", the nurse informed and left.

"We should go now. Just to get a head start. The next train to Busan is in twenty minutes.", Jimin points out. He and Namjoon stepped out to give the girls some privacy before they go their separate ways.

Jisoo was there, staring at her son, sleeping peacefully in her arms. On the other hand, Lisa too was staring at them. And Chaeyoung's question suddenly popped into her head.

She glanced at Jennie, imagining her with a baby in her arms. She looked happy, but the thought on how their careers can affect their child overshadowed their happiness.
"Lisa...", Jennie calls out to her, interrupting her train of thought. "...I'm going to be okay. I'll watch over Jisoo and the baby."

" each other's back. We'll try to get there before you guys.", Lisa tells them. Her tone was evident that she was anxious. "We will.", Jennie said with a reassuring smile.

Chaeyoung approached Jisoo, kissing her on the top of her head then her forehead. "Be careful, okay?"  Jisoo nods, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth that the brunette emanated. She then kissed the top of the baby's head, "You too, kiddo.", she chuckles. The baby slightly moved, but was still asleep.

Jisoo was about to say something, but Chaeyoung was already at the door waiting for Lisa.

"I love you.", Lisa tells Jennie with a loving smile as she caressed her cheeks tenderly.

"I love you too.", Jennie tells her back. She slowly leans in, but stopped midway when a few nurses entered the room, informing them that it's time to go. She gave the model a sad smile as she watched her leave with Chaeyoung.


They arrive at the train station. Their train won't be arriving in the next five minutes. They hope that it would get them to Busan before the helicopter does. Lisa hasn't stopped looking at the sky since they've arrived, it was concerning everyone else.

"Lisa, they're going to be fine.", Namjoon reassured her, patting her shoulder. But she didn't budge. He was going to reassure her again until she finally spoke up. Something crossed her mind.

"The helicopter would've passed over us by now. The hospital is not far from this station."

"What's your point?", Jimin asks.

"That doesn't worry you? The fact that the helicopter hasn't passed over us when they're suppose to leave ten minutes ago."

"Lisa, you're just paranoid."

"I trust my gut, Namjoon. Something is not right."
