65 - The Festival Of Snow Begins

Snow softly floated from the sky, quietly plopping down onto the ground. The streets were painted white from all the snow. Truly a white Christmas this year.

I wore a tan sweater with two blue lines across the top, with a scarf wrapped around my mouth. I also wore jeans, making sure I wouldn't be cold.

I don't like being cold.

I was with Iris, Irene, Lily, Erica, Yui, and Amber as we stood at the entrance to the festival. A giant sign stood at the entrance, embellishing the title of the festival.

People walked into the festival, which was quite popular. The festival was outside of a giant stadium where the Tournament was held.

Today was the opening of the festival, but the Tournament doesn't start until tomorrow. Today is so the contestants can get ready and the spectators can start to enjoy the festival.

"Iris and I need to go to where the representatives are meeting." I told the others.

We're supposed to arrive there at 8:00, and it's 7:40 right now. Better to leave now than later.

"When you finish, we are going on a festival date." Irene stated.

"Hey! Not fair!" Yui pouted.

"I don't agree to this..." Erica growled.

"I agree with Erica." Lily stated.

"What about me?!" Yelled Amber.

The four started to growl at each other like hungry wolves fighting over a single piece of steak.

"Let's get out of here..." I whispered to Iris.

Iris nodded. We quietly snuck away, heading to the area where the representatives were supposed to go.

Since the Tournament is multiple days, visiting people need to stay somewhere. For people like Iris and I who happen to live at the city the Tournament is hosted that year, it's not too big of a problem.

But all of the students, staff, and spectators from other places across Japan need places to stay, so they'll often rent rooms at nearby hotels.

But the representatives need to be right by the stadium, so there's a special hotel just for them. Iris and I walked through the crowd, heading to the entrance of said hotel.

A man in a suit stood at the door. Despite the fact it was snowing in winter, he still wore sunglasses. What a dedicated security guard.

"Names?" He asked as we walked up.

"Ken Kage and Iris Aegis." I stated.

The man pulled out a clipboard, before flipping through it. Squinting at the clipboard, he then looked at us.

"Yep, you look like the identification pictures. You may go on in." He stated.

"Thank you." Iris nodded to him as we walked in.

Walking in, we were at the lounge area. There was a single receptionist at the desk and multiple other students talking to each other on different pieces of furniture.

The receptionist looked up at us. "Please sit down at one of the seats until everyone arrives."

We nodded, walking over to where the other students sat. As they talked, I noticed one of them who was dead silent, gracefully sitting in the middle of them all.

Bianca Tsuki.

The other students looked over to us as we walked over. Iris and I sat down on a vacant couch, now the center of attention.

"Who are you two?" Asked one of them.

"Iris Aegis." She lightly bowed. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Holy shit! It's THE Iris Aegis!" Gasped another.

"Ken Kage." I sighed.

"So, you two must be Legacy High students then like Bianca?" A cheerful student wondered. "Well, it's nice to meet'cha! The name's Stryker."

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

That's not a Japanese name, and he certainly looks Japanese. Maybe he's half?

Stryker looked like your average Japanese male student, except for the fact that he had green hair which draped over one of his eyes and pierced ears.

Okay, maybe not your average Japanese male student.

"No, it's just what he calls himself." A girl next to him sighed.

"I know Iris is a Second-Year, I'd be surprised if anyone didn't." Stryker stated. "But what year are you?"

I internally sighed. God, this isn't going to go well.

"First-Year." I informed them.

They all went silent.

"Seriously?" Stryker gaped, eyes wide open.

"Bahahahaha!!!!" Another student obnoxiously laughed. "A First-Year?! What the fuck is your Principal thinking?! You're gonna get destroyed!"

"Shut up!" The girl yelled at him.

"Holy crap, that's awesome!" Stryker exclaimed.

I felt Iris glare at the student that had laughed at me. I felt slightly irritated at him, but it wasn't anything to make a fuss over.

"What's with him?" I asked the girl.

"That's Eiko Nishimura." The girl sighed. "A total dumbass and dick."

"Don't fucking call me that bitch." Growled Eiko. "And it's true. A First-Year like him is going to get destroyed by a Third-Year like me."

Iris' glare worsened, yet no-one seemed to notice. The girl was also pretty ticked off.

"In fact, I could easily defeat any one of you." He arrogantly added.

"Even Tsuki?" I asked.

"Easily." He grinned.

He's too overconfident. The only people I know that could defeat Bianca is (possibly) Erica and Aoi.

I don't think he's one that could beat her. I have a gut feeling that he will be blinded by his own arrogance.

Most arrogant people are.

"I'd like to see you try." Softly spoke Bianca.

Everybody jerked their heads towards her, surprised that the Ice Queen of Legacy High had just spoke.

"...what?" Eiko asked in surprise.

"If we do verse each other, I hope you give me a good fight." Bianca emotionlessly stated.

"Are you mocking me?!" He screamed, standing to his feet. "I'll take you on right now!"

"Woah, calm down!" Stryker said, putting his hands up.

"Shut up you puke-colored emo!" Yelled Eiko. He then turned to Bianca. "I'll fucking kill you!"

Bianca narrowed her eyes, standing up. "Is that a challenge?"

Oh shit, this isn't good. If Bianca takes this as a challenge, there's no doubt that she'd treat this like an actual fight.

Which means property damage and, if Bianca injures Eiko, then she could be disqualified for taking out an enemy early.

"Take this!" Screamed Eiko, swinging a fist towards Bianca.

Before he even got close his hand was caught by another's. I stood in front of him, holding his fist from moving any further.

The other's students eyes widened in surprise as they saw the arrogant Third-Year's punch get caught by the First-Year.

That hellish endurance training with Goku was worth it. My body feels so much more stronger now.

"What?!" Exclaimed Eiko.

"I'd suggest you sit your ass down before you get into something you can't handle." I hissed at him. "Would you really want to be disqualified this early?"

"Hmph." Scoffed Eiko, tugging his fist away. "You better hope we don't end up as opponents. I'll destroy you."

Shut up, you're starting to tick me off too.

The sound of clapping reached our ears as the tapping of heels danced across the floor. Looking up, I saw our Principal walking towards us in heels and a dress.

"Excellent response Mr. Kage." She said.

She's now calling me by my last name?

"It seems that all of you have arrived." She stated.

Looking around, I did notice that there were a lot more students than the ones that I was talking too. More had even arrived during our conversation. They all stayed quiet or weren't paying attention, which is why I forgot about them.

"Now, I'll be handing each one of you a copy of the first round of the Tournament. All of these matches will take place tomorrow, and your appropriate time will be next to your match name." She informed.

"I'll also be giving you the keys to your room, which you will be staying in during your stay here in Tokyo.

She handed each of us a paper and key. Looking at mine, I quickly detected where my name was.

Match 8

Ken Kage


Eiko Nakamura


"Ohohoho, I can't wait to show you the difference between us." Darkly chuckled Eiko, before he walked off.

I felt a smirk creep up on my face.

"I can't wait to see you try." I whispered to myself.

Looking at my key, it said 305. This must be my room.

"Hey Ken, what room did you get?" Iris asked.

"305." I stated.

"Aww..." Iris sighed. "I have 208...we're on different floors..."

That's probably for the better.

"You got 305? Sweet! I got 304! We're neighbors!" Happily said Stryker, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

You sure are friendly.

I looked at the key, before clenching it in my hand as a grin crept up on my face.

Let's take the world by storm.
