
I shouldn't be here. I did nothing wrong - but these snobs will do anything to protect their insolent moron kids, hence why I'm in Saturday detention and not Cole. Who even decided it was okay to hold kids hostage all day at school on a Saturday? It's cruel and unusual punishment. Plus something about it feels like it should be illegal or something. The only other time I've had detention is when the whole team started quacking at the principal back when we first became the Ducks.

Holding a grudge about my hardship, I drag myself into Eden Hall early - having already shot some pucks to blow off some steam. As I enter the library, I quickly notice I'm the first person here. I only know that there's more to come because I witnessed the crimes of the Bash Brothers. If you assumed that it's because they got into a fight in the cafeteria, you're absolutely right. I take a seat on the second row and wait for a friend to turn up. About 5 minutes later, an unexpected friend arrives.

"Hey, Charlie." I attract his attention and catch him off guard as he slips his headphones around his neck.

"No way! Y/N L/N got a Saturday detention?" His face lights up with a weird amount of joy, confusion and excitement.

"What can I say? I'm just a full-blown rebel. I'm outta control." I play along with a shrug and a laugh as he takes the seat to my left.

"Well, at least I have good company." He laughs back and tucks his bag under the table.

"Who'd you lash out on this time?" I ask considering his detention track record.

"Why do you automatically assume that's why I'm here?" I just stare at him with a skeptical brow. "Okay, fine. I was trying to practise by myself and Rick Riley shows and just won't stop with the chirps and personal attacks."

"Oh, god, Charlie, what did you do?" I dread where this is going.

"I just took a shot - it's not my fault his nose got in the way." He shrugs.


"What? He deserved the broken nose." He defends himself.

"I'm not saying he didn't."

The two of us sit and joke around about the situation and how a broken nose will change Rick's school life until it's fixed. Next thing we know, a confused pair interrupts our conversation.

"Are we in the wrong place?" Portman seems genuinely unsure.

"Y/N, what are you doing in detention?" Fulton questions.

"I defended myself, so naturally, I'm here." I vaguely explain with a tone of frustration as the duo sits behind myself and Charlie. Before I can say what happened, Luis wanders in.

"Let me guess, you were perving on the cheerleaders again?" Charlie makes the obvious and correct assumption.

"I'm a teenage boy." His voice is higher than usual as he tries to support his actions whilst taking the front row seat in front of Charlie.

"That's not a good excuse, Luis!" I scold him.

"Well, what are you here for? Forget to return a library book or something?" He turns to face me and becomes defensive.

"No!" I'm already getting annoyed.

"What did you do?" A new voice makes us all jump.

"Oh my god! Where did you come from?" I freak out as I look to my right to find Averman in the seat next to me.

"I got here like 5 minutes ago." He smiles.

"Dude, you're like a ninja." Dean looks on impressed.

"So, what's you do?" Averman re-asks.

"Yeah, Y/N, what happened?" Fulton adds onto the oncoming cluster of questions.

"Alright! Shut up and I'll tell you!" I yell over them to make them be quiet.

"This should be good." Luis and Charlie scoff and fistbump.

"Calm down, it's not that exciting." I lower their expectations. "Yesterday afternoon, I was trying to organise some stuff in my locker. Cole came along and started harassing me - no surprise there. He wouldn't quit hounding me and I just snapped. So, I smashed his face into the door of my locker... Several times."

"Awesome." The Bash Brothers stare with pride yet disbelief.

"I bet his face looks even more jacked up now." Charlie revels in the image of a beaten foe.

"Yeah, it is." A bruised Cole storms around the corner with and equally bashed up Rick and their blonde dog Mindy.

"Yikes!" Charlie can't help but laugh at the sight of them.

"Where's Cindy? She get hit by a bus?" Averman sets me up.

"Please tell me she got hit by a bus." I add eagerly.

"You wish." Cole scrunches up his face best he can and shakes his head slightly.

"No shit, Sherlock - that's why I said it!"

"You're not very bright are you?" Fulton speaks up as they finally sit down on the other side of the room - Cole on the first row and Rick and Mindy on the second.

"So, someone finally gave their balls a tug and put you guys in here! Who was it?" Portman is eating this up.

"Me." We all look up in the direction of the voice.

"Coach? What are you doing here?" Charlie asks him.

"I had to fill in last minute. And before you ask, they got detention because I caught them vandalising school property in order to continue this prank war. It's been 2 years, give it a rest!"

"Way to go, coach." I praise him for being the only person to hold them accountable.

"I'm disappointed seeing your name on this list, L/N." I can he's right by the look on his eyes - he's like my dad. "Smashing Cole's head against your locker countless times?"

"I was standing up for myself!"

"And as proud as I am that you finally took a stand, you can't resort to violence."

"Why? It works for them!" I point back to the Bash Brothers who give him a little wave.

"Are you forgetting that they're also in detention?" The three delinquents on the other side of the room begin to giggling, causing Charlie to roll his eyes as the Bash Brothers stare them down.

"It usually works for them!" Orion just stares at me. "Okay, it sometimes works for them."

"You all know why you're here." Orion gets back on track. "It's 9am - you will leave at 4pm. This isn't supposed to be fun. If you have homework, get it done. Otherwise, sit in silence or read a book - there's plenty of them. I'll be next door working on a game plan. I do not want to hear a word. The regulars among you know the drill by now. I'll check back in later." He explains before heading to the door.

"Uh, coach?" Luis catches his attention.

"What is it, Luis?"

"What do we do about lunch?"

"You didn't bring food?" Coach questions considering that's what you're supposed to do.


"You can share mine - I brought extra." Averman offers.

"Cool, thanks, man." Luis gives him a small nod of appreciation.

"Why don't we just go to the cafeteria?" Rick thinks he's smart.

"Cafeteria is closed." Orion informs him.

"What, why?" Cole adds to the outrage.

"It's Saturday. The only staff working today are me and the cleaners."

"This is ridiculous! What are we supposed to do, starve?" Mindy joins the circus of hysteria.

"Go for it." Orion is over their cake-eater behaviour.

"They should serve us food! They know we're here!" Mindy won't let it go.

"It's not their fault, nor is it their problem that you broke the rules and landed in Saturday detention." He looks like he's gonna blow.


"But nothing! Now be quiet or you'll be sitting here same time next week!" He yells at her and forces her to slump back in a huff as he storms out of the room.

We all watch as he marches away, waiting for the door to slam shut. When I saw the Ducks walk into the library, I didn't think today would be so bad. However, when those varsity idiots waltzed in, I realised the truth. Today is going to be a very long day. It's kind of like a reverse Breakfast Club. There's two friend groups that are sworn rivals instead a few individual stereotypes who know nothing about each other. Plus there's absolutely no chance of everyone being friends by the end of the day.

Everyone stays silent for the first 20 minutes or so - but that doesn't stop the exchange of dirty looks. This gives us enough time for Orion to get so stuck into his work that he'll be less likely to hear any chatter. The inevitable disruption of peace comes in the form of Luis heading to the other rows of tables to attempt to flirt with Mindy in front of her boyfriend - one of the very things that led him here. I have to intervene.

"Luis, sit down and stop wasting your breath." I instruct and he obeys.

"How cute, the team dog." Mindy adopts a smugness.

"Takes one to know one." I fire back, bringing the scowl back to her face.

"Bitch." She mumbles.

"So, Cole, how's the face?" I taunt him to give myself some entertainment.

"Better than yours is gonna be when I'm finished with you!" He jumps out of his seat, something the Bash Brothers copy to come to my defence - though I block them with an extended arm whilst holding direct eye contact with Cole.

"No, actually, you're not gonna do anything to me. You know why?"

"Why?" He scoffs.

"Because not only will my personal bodyguards over here beat the crap out of you, but I will scream bloody murder, and coach Orion will burst through that door and put you six feet under if you so much as lay a finger on me." I stare him down and see the cogs turning as he realises that I'm being truthful. The situation causes a smirk to creep onto my face.

"This isn't over!" He throws himself back into his chair.

"Whatever you say, sunshine." Portman laughs, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

"I like this Y/N!" Charlie grins as I sit beside him again. He sees me like this all the time, but I tend to have restraint in public.

"Lucky for you, she's staying all day."

"Can't wait."

For the first couple of is relatively quiet with low level chat amongst friends - still half asleep from a hectic week. Ignoring the narcissists best we can, I turn my chair to the desk behind me and engage in a three-way rock, paper, scissors battle with the Bash Brothers. Beating Fulton is a little more tricky than beating Dean - his strategy is literally just to pick scissors every time. After who knows how many rounds, I feel my lack of sleep getting to me. So, I tell Fulton and Dean to split up so I can take the seat between them before dishing out over instructions.

"Averman, take over." He turns around and prepares as I walk around the table. "I'm gonna take a nap." I inform as I take Fulton's old chair. "Don't let them do anything to me. And if Orion comes in, tell him I died - better yet tell him Cole did it."

They agree to the terms and continue as usual. Using a combination of my bag and my arms as a pillow, I close my eyes and attempt to sleep. However, some specific noise is making it difficult. Tired of Dean's complaining about losing, I kick his leg without even lifting my head. Eventually, I drift off.

I was having the strangest dream when I'm suddenly and rudely woken up by Fulton shaking. All the details of the bizarre dream fade away as I jolt up in my seat and rub my eyes to try and come back to reality quicker. Quickly, I notice the indent on my arm in the shaper of a bag zipper.

"What's going on?" I ask, still a little out of it.

"Coach just came in." Charlie informs me.

"Did you tell him I was murdered?"


"But he didn't wanna wake you up because he knows what's been going on lately." There's a brief silence as I try to process what Dean just said.

"So, you decided to wake me up anyway?" I scream and shove him off his chair.

Suddenly, the sound of the door creaking open causes a scramble back to seats. Clearly concerned about the well-being of everyone else, Orion rushes in.

"Who woke her up?" Everyone immediately points to Dean. "You never learn - you know she's gonna kill you some day. I should give you another Saturday detention for being so stupid."

"We all know I'll end up here anyway." He shrugs.

Once coach leaves, I finally check the library clock and soon spot people pulling out their lunches. So, I move back to my original seat and follow suit. Without needing to say a word, the Ducks start making trades whilst scraping together something for Luis.

"Well, we've found our Beast for the next school production." Mindy snickers with the other rats.

"Oh, please, all your beauty can be wiped away with a makeup wipe. And we all know the blonde had to be saved from a bad box job." I attack.

"All bark, no bite." I can tell I struck a nerve.

"I've been in many fights, just look at my penalty minutes."

"I call your bluff. Those goons do all the work for you."

"Oh, yeah? How about we go 1v1 and test that theory?" I have very little patience left as I stand up ready to throw a punch.

"Stop! She's just trying to get a reaction." Charlie grabs my arm and drags me back down.

"She's lucky I don't give her a nose to match her handlers." I mumble.

I truly never expected detention to be so bad. Munching on the broken cookie that Averman split with me, I take another look at the clock in the sky. 3 hours to go - kill me now.

With food in our system, we have a new energy to power through our boredom. Some people are wandering around as a basic form of entertainment. The uncomfortable sound of a varsity make-out session echoes from behind the shelves at the back of the library. Taking advantage of the spare time to get his physics homework done. Realising this fact, Portman tries to take advantage of Averman.

"Hey, Averman, do mine?" His tone is a mix of demanding and asking.

"What, no! Why would I do that?"

"Come on, man, my dad will kill me if I flunk another test. Please?" Desperation in his eyes as he pleads.

"Okay, fine." He caves in.

"Thanks, buddy." Dean thrusts the paper towards him without a second thought.

"Weak." Luis teases.

"How pathetic! Couldn't even work in a grocery store." Mindy's entitled ass gets on my last nerve.

"Look, blondie, you may have good looks - but at the end of the day, you're just another useless skin sack that's taking up space and wasting the oxygen for the people who are actually going to contribute to society. You're the kind of bimbo who thinks 1x1 is 2. Everything you have going for you is superficial and artificial. Take away daddy's money and what are you?" I blow up at her and get met with stunned silence from everyone present.

"Oh.. My god."

"She's lost it." Cole stares blankly.

"Ya think?" Rick gives him a stupid look.

An hour and a half later...

Despite the spike in hostility, things seemed to die down. In an odd turn of events, Rick started talking to Charlie about upcoming games which sparks debates across the room - apart from Mindy who sits idly by. Just as we seem to be getting along, Mindy changes the subject.

"Have you guys ever heard of a silent disco?"

"Those words don't sound like they should go together." Luis comments confused.

"What is it?" Fulton questions.

"Well, it's like a disco or a club or a rave or whatever, but everyone has headphones on." She explains.

"Doesn't that seem kinda pointless?" Averman wonders.

"Not necessarily. It's good for avoiding noise complaints. I'm pretty sure all the headphones are synced up so everyone hears the same thing. Plus, if you wanna talk to someone, you just take the headphones off instead of shouting over the music." Mindy reasons.

"That actually sounds kinda cool." Portman admits.

"Yeah, not that there's anything wrong with the traditional way of doing it, but I'd give it a try." Charlie adds.

"Well, why don't we do it now to kill some time and actually have some fun?" Mindy suggests.

"If it means I don't have to listen to you, I'm in." I declare as I dig through my bag for my headphones.

"You really hate me, don't you?" She's dumbfounded.

"Oh, good, the message got through your thick skull."

"Look, I know we're not exactly best friends, but what the hell?"


"I've never seen you be so bitchy, especially to me. It's absurd."

"Oh, really? It's absurd? Who do you think you are, Mother Theresa?" Is she delusional?

"See! This is what I mean. So much venom and bite. What gives?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I've got a lot of stuff going on lately, and you guys haven't been making things any easier. You never have and it's been 2 years. You know, I can't think of a time where you've been nice to us. But today you just kept pushing and pushing - I was bound to break." I try to remain civil.

"I guess the hazing process got a little out of hand."

"Ya think?" Averman pipes up.

"Alright, I'm sorry. We're sorry, right, guys?"

"Yeah, I guess." They grumble.

"I can't promise things will be any different come Monday, but can we at least agree to try get along for the rest of the day?"

"I can do that." I nod in agreement - not at the handshake stage yet.

With a temporary truce in place, we all don our headphones. Volume up as high as it can go, everyone is in their own universe as a miriad of tracks play in isolated unison. As we dance around the room, worlds begin to collide. Teams begin to merge together, dancing like old friends to different tunes. With my headphones around my neck, I overhear a conversation between enforcers whilst searching through my bag.

"You only have one tape?" Portman questions Cole confused.

"Yeah... I don't know too much music." Cole admits as Charlie and Rick flash past in a pretend puck battle - probably listening to their identical Pantera tapes.

"Dude, we've got a bunch of tapes. You should check them out. Guarantee you'll find something you like." Fulton suggests.

"Sure." Cole agrees and follows them.

"Trust me, we've got way more at home." My easedropping is about to get interrupted as Mindy approaches me.

"Hey, what're you doing?"

"Just trying to figure out what to listen to next." I glance at her before continuing to dig.

"Do you always carry all these tapes with you?" She asks as she peers into the endless collection in my bag.

"Pretty much. I'm a big music person and there's a song for every occasion, so can't leave any behind. The team has been sharing music for years." I explain.

"Oh, cool."

"That reminds me, I need to get my Top Gun soundtrack vinyl back from Kenny."

"I like Top Gun."

"Who doesn't?" I scoff. "What're you listening to anyway?" I take interest.

"Oh, uh, Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush." Mindy appears to be caught off guard by my attempts to be civil.

"I love that song."

"Really?" Now she really is taken aback.


"Nothing, I just didn't see you as a Kate Bush kinda girl."

"While it's not what I'd normally go for, there's a whole catalogue of songs that span further than personal preference and are beloved by fans of all genres. This is one of them." I express some wisdom.

"Huh, I never thought of that. You're right though. Hey, is that Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi?"

"Yeah, among other things."

"I'm much more of a pop fan, but this is a classic!"

"Maybe you have a likeable quality after all." I quip. "You wanna swap tapes?"

"Yeah, sure." We share smiles and tapes.

Continuing the silent disco, we get so caught in the fun that we don't even notice Orion yelling until he spooks Averman, making him bump into a couple of us in a chain reaction. Confused and irate by how we are breaking the detention rules, he doesn't know what to think. Somewhere in the yelling, he makes a decision.

As weirded out as he feels by our friendliness, he decides to let it slide since it seems like we may finally be making progress. Still confused and slightly scared he heads back out. When we hear the door shut, we can't help but chuckle at his reaction.

We spend the rest of detention chatting mostly about music, movies and hockey. Given who we are, some snide comments are thrown in occasionally. Random conversations continue as we walk to the entrance. Nobody knows how things will be come Monday, but I'd say we're gonna be lifelong frenemies.

"See you guys later." I wave them off as I load up a fitting tape.

I watch as they all fade from my view. As I walk up to the school gate, iconic ending to the Breakfast Club plays in my mind to the time of the song. Reaching the gates and most memorable part of the song, I pump my fist in the air as if I were John Bender. Detention isn't what I expected.
