
"One little brother?"
"Another little brother?"
"Let's goooooo!" I grinned.

Welcome to our new morning routine. It's part of our plan to ensure Leah doesn't feel as stressed, Aoife and I have it all figured out. Or so we thought.

"I have no pants on, mummy." Theo said proudly from the back.
"You what?" I facepalmed.
"I don't really like them."
"Theo! You have to wear them! Oh my god!"
"Ha! Got you!" Aoife chuckled.
"Did Aoife tell you to say that?"
"Yep. Paid me a chocolate biscuit."
"Your face, Mum!" Aoife chuckled harder.
"That's it - I quit!" I said playfully.
"You say that every morning!" Theo was now laughing as hard as his sister.

I dropped the kids off to school, stopping off in town to pick up some bits and pieces for the house. Leah and I usually preferred to do an online shop, but in the midst of everything I had completely forgot to place it, leaving me running around like a headless chicken trying to make it back before she came home for lunch. I gathered everything into the boot, sighing loudly as cars in front stopped for absolutely no reason and running to open the front door as soon as I pulled up.

"Perfect. She'll never know." I smiled to myself as I placed the last bottle of water into the fridge.

A quick tidy up, and finally came my time to relax on the sofa before Leah's arrival warmed my heart.

"Hi babe." She smiled, looking around at our extremely tidy house.
"How's today?" I asked, just as her arms wrapped around me.
"All good, did the delivery come?"
"Yep, all put away."
"Thank you, I really appreciate this."
"It's no hassle." It had been hassle, but she didn't need to know that.

A quick lunch date with Leah, and it was straight back out the door to do the first of the school runs.

— — — —

"Dishwasher filled?" Aoife said in a voice that could only be described as a bossy.
"Baths and PJs?"
"Mummy's wine in the fridge?"
"Emmm - teeth?"
"Not check - Theo! Teeth!" I shouted.
"Doing it now." He attempted to shout back with his toothbrush clearly in his mouth.
"Finn's asleep, the house is tidy, and homework's done. We make a good team." Aoife smiled.
"Indeed we do, go have some fun before bed." I smiled back, extremely appreciative of her help.

Leah arrived home shortly afterwards, sighing in relief at the peaceful atmosphere in the house. She spent some time with the kids before they went to bed, her face disappointed when she had realised she'd missed Finn. She found her place on the sofa, smiling as I presented her with a chilled glass of wine, and her favourite snacks.

"You are so good, Al. Honestly. Since when did you become so organised?"
"I - em - yeah. Just recently."
"What is it?"
"Nothing - relax, put your feet up. Do you want a blanket?"
"You're such a terrible liar, Alex. What have you done?" She chuckled.
"Ugh. I forgot to the online shop, I bought it earlier in town. Look." I rolled my eyes as I handed her the receipt from my pocket.
"I knew." She chuckled again.
"What? How?"
"The food is from a totally different shop to the one we order from, Al."
"It is? God, I was so sure. I did wonder why they didn't have half the stuff we usually get."
"You are so cute. Come here, you."

Leah leaned forward, placing her glass of wine on the coffee table and pulling me onto her lap. My head found her shoulder, her fingers interlocked at the base of my back.

"I will get better at it." I mumbled.
"You're already perfect. I can help you know, I don't expect you to do everything yourself."
"I know you don't, I want to do it. I want to make it easier for you."
"I know babe, I just worry you'll burn yourself out."
"Date night on Saturday, that's why you're worried about my energy levels. I'm onto you, Williamson." I giggled.
"Damn." She whispered playfully.

— — — —

Hey Eleanor, please don't tell Leah I text. I'm really sorry for the way I spoke to you the first time we met, jealous wife syndrome going on. I could really do with a favour, for Leah?

Don't worry, I would be the same if it were my husband. I'm sorry if I made you feel any kind of way. Of course, what is it?

So I know she wants to sell. I was hoping we could meet to discuss what exactly is stressing her, so I can help her?

What if she finds out we've met up?

I'm going to tell her that we're meeting but not why.

One of your famous surprises that she goes on about?

Exactly! :) Tomorrow, 2pm?

Perfect. See you then.

— — — —

"Le, I'm meeting Eleanor tomorrow. No, I'm not telling you why. Yes, it's a surprise. No, I'm not going to kill her for dancing with you. Yes, I did bribe your Mum for her number."
"Well I guess I have no questions then." Leah laughed in disbelief.
"Guess not."

— — — —

I met Eleanor the following day, going over exactly where it was going wrong for Leah. I wasn't shocked by what she told me, Leah had tried to cut as many costs as possible to maximise the amount of money that she could make in profit, which was all going into a bank account for our children; this is why she's been so stressed. She was attempting to look after her own accounts, attend all business meetings without any representation, and research by herself for upcoming trends. The part I couldn't understand was that Leah and I were wealthy, our children didn't need anymore money left to them; so why was she pushing herself to her limits to ensure they had excess money left to them?

I waited until we were in bed that night to discuss it with Leah, wanting to understand what was going through her head. I knew it wasn't about the money, she had never been fuelled by money, well obviously considering when she began her football career she was barely getting paid.

"Le, you know how I met Eleanor today?"
"Well, she said your most important thing was maximising the amount of profit to make sure the kids bank accounts seen as much money as possible. Why is that? Are you worried about money?" I said gently, wanting her to know there was no judgement.
"You're going to think I'm stupid." Leah sighed.
"Never, Le."
"I worry if they never find someone, like we have. I still want them to have this life. I worry if we take 50 steps backwards and Aoife can't be paid for playing football, that she'll give up in fear of being broke. I worry that when Theo finds out it's rare to become an astronaut, he'll allow money to prevent him doing something else he wants to do. What if Finn grows up and wants to go to a really expensive uni? I don't want us to keep working until we're 80. I want us to retire, together. I don't want us to have to look in the future. But most of all I - well I - I." Leah sighed.
"You what, Le?" We had enough money for everything she had already mentioned, this made no sense.
"I want to leave the kids enough in their account that my money can go to charity."
"Why didn't you say that, silly?"
"I thought you'd think it was a stupid idea."
"I don't think any of your ideas are stupid. What charity?" I smiled, stroking her hair.
"All the ones that are close to our hearts; and make a wish."
"How come make a wish?" I asked, softly.
"Because sometimes I think people like us forget how easy it is. Remember when Aoife wanted to go on holiday so we went? Or when Theo wanted to go to the aquarium so we went? Or when Finn needed extra things after he was born so we bought them? Other people don't have lives like that. Some people can't even promise their kids a bag of sweets, Al, and it's not fair. Why should everyone not have the opportunity to grant their children's wishes? I just wish it was available to everyone, instead of just the really poorly children. But they can't do that, because they don't have enough money as a charity." I could tell how much Leah had researched this.
"If I promise to think of something, do you promise to get help with your business?"
"This isn't your worry to take on, Al. That's not fair on you."
"You're right, it's yours. Which makes it mine. Which makes it ours. Which means, we have a deal. Technically." I chuckled.
"I love you."
"Say it back."
"You first."
"Deal." She rolled her eyes playfully.
"I love you, Le."

— — — —

Leah Williamson announces heartwarming new business deal with Make a Wish charity.

Leah Williamson was once the inspiration every young person needed, consistently reminding young children to follow their dreams and 'dream big.'

Today, she has unveiled a partnership with Make A Wish charity which will give children all over the UK a chance to have their wishes granted. The new scheme will run side-by-side with the current formation of the charity, which offers wishes to terminally ill children. Read Leah's statement below:

"Many people think it has always been my dream to do the things I have now achieved, but my real dream was to be happy, comfortable, and a mother. As a mother, I cannot imagine having to tell my children that they cannot have things, because life has given me things that not everyone is lucky enough to have. Many will say that hard work and determination has allowed Alex and I to achieve all of this, but this world doesn't work like that. Many people across the world are working just as hard, and are just as dedicated, but see little reward with crucifying bills, and excruciating taxes.

From today, 15% of every order placed with Recreated Clothing will go towards making those wishes come true. Whether it's something as simple as a family meal out, or something as big as a family holiday; we are dedicated to ensuring that all parents, and caregivers, have the opportunity to make their children's wishes come true.

I want to give thanks to our suppliers who have agreed to help us make this possible, and to my beautiful wife, Alex, who came up with this idea once I had shared my guilt with her that people were struggling. Without her, it would not be possible for me to be me.

In addition, we would like to announce that we have already received a £1m donation to the charity, meaning we can start right away to grant those wishes. The details of how to apply are on our website.

Fans have been speculating that the £1m donation came from Alex Ryan-Williamson, the wife of Leah, who has always been arguably her biggest supporter. We reached out to Alex Ryan-Williamson's team for comment, and received a short but direct statement:

"I cannot comment on any funds that have been paid into or out of Leah's financial affairs as that is confidential. I would, however, like to take this opportunity to publicly congratulate my wife on yet another selfless venture. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing your children smile, and I hope that with the help of this charity, those parents who work tirelessly to make that happen will feel a little less pressure."

— — — —

"Look who picked us up from school, Mummy!" The kids burst through the front door, closely followed by a proud and smiling Leah.

I smiled, watching Leah walk towards me with her arms outstretched, her eyes no longer tired and heavy.

"Hi, Le." I managed before her lips touched mine.
"This feels so good." She smiled into the kiss.
"You happy?"
"Their faces, Alex."
"They really missed you picking them up, but they understood. You know that, right?"
"I know, they told me how you explained to them that I was just busy for a little while, how it was like you going on tour. You were making sure they knew I wasn't the only one that had to be absent because of my career sometimes weren't you?"
"Exactly." I smiled.
"I feel like when I'm falling you're behind me, every single time." Leah placed her arms around my back and lifted me so my legs were wrapped around her.
"I always will be, every single time."
"I fucking love you, Alex." She shook her head slightly.
"I love you, Le. The internet totally worked out that I made that donation though." I chuckled.
"Course they did, everyone knows how amazing you are. Especially me."
"The kids are still awake, Le." I giggled, sensing she was feeling more than just love for me right now.
"I know, but they won't be later." She grinned, setting me down and acting like nothing had happened.
"I done the online shop, by the way."
"Miracles do happen!" She cheered.
"I know, that's how I met you."
