In the name of the family

His feeling that life was still long ahead of him made him draw broad lines and precise details for the girl of his dreams.
Those lines were not just a drawing of the young woman's features that he wanted or wished for, on the contrary, all his requests were focused on the essence and how it should be.
With the passage of time and his parents' succumbing to his desire not to interfere in this matter, he himself began to erase and give up some of the detailed lines. Little by little, almost all of the detailed lines that he drew on the life partner's specification board disappeared, leaving only the broad lines, so that they would not be erased by the passage of years, and because he strongly refused the intervention. His parents had previously decided to search for a wife that suits him and her specifications match his requests. At first, he began to watch the representatives of pharmaceutical companies who visit him in his workplaces. Their unfitness to relate to them from his point of view, and according to the outlines that he set with precision and rigor, he began searching in other groups, female doctors, relatives, members of the club that he does not find enough time to attend, he did not find anyone who matched or was similar to his specifications, here Ashraf completely stopped searching and decided Another decision.
His decision was to forget this matter until he happened to find someone he wanted, and so the years passed, and he finished his master's degree, and here he is on the verge of a doctoral discussion, and he achieved what he achieved in terms of scientific and material glory.
Ashraf was not a fan of reading in general, although this does not mean that he does not read. He chooses what he reads carefully and does not risk buying a book or magazine unless he is sure that it suits his taste. One day, he was waiting in the patients' waiting area in his father's clinic in the hospital. He found in front of him an issue of "Akher News" magazine, which he browsed quickly until the title of an investigation attracted him. He could not skip it and started reading it. He could not stop until after he finished it. He returned to the first page of the investigation and recognized the name of the journalist and saw her photo.
Noha Morgan and her photo with her golden hair, green eyes, and a face the color of milk, he smiled in secret and said to himself: "Photography programs did not leave anyone alone..." He closed the magazine, but the investigative words kept buzzing in his mind, he liked the writer's logic, even if he doubted her image.
One evening, after several months of reading the investigation, one of the ladies of high society called him asking him to help him find out about her mother. He judged that she was a classy woman, not only from her style and tone of voice, but also from the title, "Villa Al-Bunduqdari" is a place that fills the ears of everyone looking for facts. Historic and wants to see and learn about history in a specific era embodied, he hastened to start his work, and there he saw the face of the author of the words.
For the first time, he knows that whatever the quality, capabilities, and development of photo-editing programs, it cannot match the reality of Jamal Noha, and with his hesitation more than once to follow up on the condition of his patient, the many times he met her, he asked her to accompany her on a tour inside the palace. Ashraf analyzed her body language and made sure that Noha had confidence In the soul, which means that she will not be jealous in a way that satisfies him and annoys him a lot. He continued his analyzes of everything in it and reached results that closely matched his specifications.
What Ashraf admired most about Noha was her magical ability to draw the attention of everyone around her, as if she gained gravity from her mother's name to attract all the planets and moons to orbit her. He tried to get rid of that gravity more than once, but he found himself rushing towards her without his will. There she was They have many things in common such as the way of thinking, their favorite music is almost the same, even their favorite colors were identical, but that is not enough to be the girl of his dreams, so he decided to get closer to her to find out her hidden secrets.
The news of Nabil's desire to marry fell on Shawkat's ears, as if he was hearing a song by Mrs. Kawkab Al Sharq, whose songs he loves. He almost flew with joy. Shweikar embraced for a long time and their tears mixed. He stood in front of her and asked her seriously:
- Are you sure of what you're saying?
- Oh, Shawkat, I'm very sure, and I don't remember Shams Shalatin, I felt my brain?!
Shawkat stood bewildered. He cannot leave his work these days, and he also wants to encourage Nabil in his next step. Strangely, Shawkat did not ask Shweikar about the name of the young woman his son wants to marry. Shweikar sat on the edge of the bed and said to him:
- Don't you want to know who he chose?
Shawkat shook his head in denial and said with a smile:
- I'm sure he won't choose any words.. Do you know?
- What, my love?
- We wronged this boy a lot and we did not appreciate him.
Shweikar bowed her head and felt remorse. Shawkat sat next to her on the edge of the bed and said to her:
- We were thinking about Ramy, may God have mercy on him, but we didn't really care about him.. None of him thought of discovering him.. to see what's inside him...
Shweikar grabbed Shawkat's hand to stop him from flogging themselves, and said to him:
- All your words are correct, and maybe more than that too.. But we have an opportunity now to compensate for everything.. I know very well that you will not be able to go to Egypt now.. right?
- Oh, right.. As you can see with your own eyes, this country is in great need, and I wish God would help me and do something for it that people will remind me of..
- Ok darling, I have an idea.
- Tell me.
- I will go to Cairo tomorrow, and I will not leave Nabil for a moment, but you must come on the day of the tournament and encourage him yourself.. You will make a lot of difference with him, with me, and with you.
- What is the contest?
- Twenty days later.
Shawkat thought for a while, then looked at her and smiled.
- I will try with all my might.. but stay beside him these days.
- Do you understand, Shawkat? Do you understand?
The next day, Shweikar arrived at her home exhausted. Her friends were sad that they had not completed their journey. Ghada's grief was mixed with anger at Shweikar. With her sudden quick decision, a valuable catch escaped from her hand, but she reassured herself that she would find someone else soon in Cairo, and perhaps he would be better than Shawkat and more youthful than him. However, Afaf's grief was doubled because she was unable to complete teaching Fatima to pray.
Shweikar entered her apartment, she noticed that it had been closed for a while, and it seemed that Nabil had given the maid a vacation, she knew that from the dust spread on the furniture of the house, she looked for Nabil everywhere and did not find him, he must be in the club training for the tournament, I called him and she got a quick reply to The unexpected, if he was on horseback, he would not have been able to respond, and the calm that surrounds him indicates that he is not in the open air. Nabil replied as soon as he saw that his mother was calling:
- Hello.. Good evening, Mama.
- Good evening, my love.. What are you doing?
- I thank God, my love.. What is your news? Where is my door?
- I'm fine, and my door is in Shalateen.. I'm back, Bulbul.
- seriously! Praise be to God for your safety.
- God bless you.. Where are you?
Nabil was silent for a moment, left his aunt Shams soaked in her books, and left the library. He said, answering his mother's question:
- I'm here with Mama Shams.. I'm a little tired...
Shweikar interrupted him annoyed:
- Does it have sun? so what?
- Don't worry, she is now fine and well, but she was a little tired, but thank God the doctor reassured us and she is now almost normal..
- What does almost normal mean?! What is the sun, Nabil? Why were you late in answering when I asked you?
- What is wrong, by God, Mama.. I am not telling you that she is a little tired because of her old kidney problem, and the doctor visited her more than once, and she is fine now. She is even now in the library..
After the death of their mother, there was a strange psychological mixing between Shweikar and her mother, not because she is the closest to her in resemblance, but she is the closest to her in personality. They share many common characteristics, including pride in themselves and in the name of the family.Edit
