The watchtower of Amon Sul

Translations: Tinuviel elvanui, Elleth alfirin ethelhael o hon ring finnil fuinui a renc gelebrin thiliol.

translates to: Tinuviel the elven-fair immortal maidan elven-wise about him cast her night-dark hair and arms like silver glimmering.

Noro lim, Asfaloth, Noro lim.

translates to: Ride fast, Asfaloth, Ride fast.


Translates to: Halt!

Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen, dan in ulair! Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen, dan in ulair!

translates to: Waters of the Misty Mountains, listen to the great word flow waters of Loudwater, against the Ringwraiths!

The following morning Strider and I went to the stables to get our horse to find out that they ran off during the night.

"Great Ada is going to worry now." I moaned out causing Strider to chuckle.

"Do you have a horse that I could buy?" Strider asked the stableman.

"You can have this horse free of charge." The man said bringing out a brown horse.

"Thank you, but I couldn't just take it." Strider said.

"I insist, it was my fault that your horses got out." The man said.

"Ok, thank you." Strider said grabbing the reins as we walked out of the stable and went back to the inn and grabbed the Hobbits and left Bree.

"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asked.

"Into the wild." Strider said.

"How do we know that this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" Merry asked.

I looked at Strider and asked, "Why is it they only worry about you?"

"Because Gandalf is know to have Elves as friends." Strider said.

"Yeah, and you are my friend, that should be enough." I said.

"It is to me Red." Strider said smiling at me.

"But where are they leading us?" Sam said.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee, to my fathers house." I said.

"Did you hear that? Rivendell! We're going to see more elves!" Sam said excitedly causing me to chuckle.

After a while the Hobbits stop and start pulling cookware and food from their packs. Strider and I look back at them.

"Gentlemen, we do not stop 'till nightfall." Strider said.

"What about breakfast?" Pippin asked.

"We already had it." Strider said.

I shook my head and walked off.

When I finally got to an apple tree was when Strider caught up to me, "We will take forever to reach Rivendell if we keep stopping." He said.

I looked over at him and smiled then I swung up onto a branch and swung up into the tree.

"Show off." Strider said laughing.

I grabbed a couple of apples and tossed them over to the Hobbits and then jumped down.

"That should hold them." I said.

"Let's hope." He said.

We then slowly make our way through increasingly rough country. As it becomes darker the forest gives way to flat Marshlands. The sludgy mire went up to our knees as we walked, along with an army of midges which attack us unmercifully.

"What do they eat-when they can't get Hobbits?" Merry asked slapping despairingly at the cloud of pests hovering around him.

A splashing sound caused us to turn around to find that Pippin had fell into the mire. I walked over to him and helped him up.

"Thank you." Pippin said.

"You're welcome, Master Took. Strider, we need to stop for the night." I said.

We made camp for the night. As I tended to the fire Strider left to find some meat to eat.

"How did you and Strider meet?" Sam asked.

"It was last year, I has snuck out of Rivendell." I said.

At that moment Strider returned with a deer.

After we ate the Hobbits fell asleep as Strider and I sat by the fire. I was thinking back onto the visit to Bree where I met Strider for the first time.

"You should get some rest Red." Strider said.

"I know, but I can't relax enough to even go into my meditative mode of rest." I said.

"Come here." He said.

I walked over to him, he pulled me down to sit in between his legs and laid my head onto his chest and started to sing:

"Tinuviel elvanui,

Elleth alfirin ethelhael

o hon ring finnil fuinui

a renc gelebrin thiliol"

Was all I heard before I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day to Strider caressing my cheek.

"Morning." I yawned.

"Morning Red." He replied smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"You know, you never did tell me how you felt about me." He said.

"Well, I fell in love with you." I said blushing.

"I fell in love with you too. When Arwen told me you had a boyfriend I was devastated, I had came to tell you how I felt." He said.

He leaned his head down and captured my lips with his.

"Um... Excuse me, breakfast." Pippin said handing us each a bowl.

"Thank you Master Took." I said.

After we ate we packed up camp and continued on the journey.

We had left the marshlands behind us awhile ago and are now crossing rough rocky country.

when we stopped Strider and I looked up at the ruins atop a tall hill.

"This was the great watchtower of Amon Sul, we shall rest here tonight." Strider said.

The Hobbits weary from the long travel, fling off their packs and settle down in an overhang near the hill summit.

Strider opens a bundle revealing four short swords. He hands them to the Hobbits saying, "These are for you. Keep them close we are going to have a look around stay here."

We walked around looking for any sign of trouble not finding anything until I heard a shriek in the night causing me to stop.

"What's wrong Red?" Strider asked.

"The Nazgul, Watchtower!" I shouted and started to run back towards the Hobbits.

Once we got there I pulled out my sword, "No, get the Hobbits to safety they won't leave unless one of us goes with them." Strider said pulling out his sword and lighting a brand.

I nodded and ran up with Strider over the edge, he starts attacking the Nazgul, I ran over to Merry and Pippin and helped them up, we then ran over to Sam who was kneeling by Frodo. Once we got there I could see that Frodo was hurt.

"Strider! Help him, Strider!" Sam said as Strider and I looked at the wound.

"He's been stabbed by a morgul blade. This is beyond my skill to heal." Strider said.

"I'll need the horse, I can get him to Ada. I'll find you to get you back to Rivendell." I said picking Frodo up and running down the stairs.

"But we're six days from Rivendell. He'll never make it." Sam said as we got to the horse.

I handed Frodo to Strider then jumped up onto the horse and Strider placed Frodo in front of me.

"You need to trust that I will get Frodo to my father in time Master Gamgee." I said.

"Ride fast Red." Strider said.

I nodded and rode off.

*time skip*

I rode into Rivendell to see my father standing there talking to an Elf that I have never seen before, he had platinum blond hair and blue eyes it was he who brought Ada's attention to me.

"Aredhel, what happened?" He said running over to me to help get Frodo down.

"He was stabbed by a morgul blade, I need three more elves, Strider and three other Hobbits are still out there." I said jumping down and running to the stable.

"Legolas, get two more elves and get ready to leave please?" Ada asked.

"Of course, Lord Elrond." Legolas said.

"Thank you Ada." I said walking int the stable to see that Asfaloth and Striders horse did come here.

I jumped onto Asfaloth's back and rode out of the stables to find Legolas and Lindir, and Glorfindel waiting for me.

"Let's go but be careful the Nazgul are still out there." I said.

And at that we rode out of Rivendell to find Strider.

Two days later we finally found Strider and the Hobbits resting beneath a gathering of huge stone trolls.

"Look Merry, Pippin, it's Mister bilbo's trolls." Sam said.

"Strider!" I called out.

Red!" Strider said watching the others ride into the clearing with me.

"I've been looking for you all for two days." I said as Strider helped the Hobbits onto the horse's with Legolas and the others.

"The wraiths are still following us." He said jumping up behind me.

"Yeah I know, there are five wraiths behind you, where the other four are I don't know. If we can get across the river, the power of my people will protect us. Let's go. Noro lim, Asfaloth, Noro lim!" I said and Asfaloth galloped away.

As we rode on the Nazgul gives chase. Night gives way to day as they pursue us.

"Why are they still chasing us?" I asked as I spur Asfaloth onto an even greater effort.

"I don't think they know that the ring is not with us anymore." Strider said.

"Noro lim, Asfaloth!" I urged Asfaloth.

We all reach the river at the same time and splash across the ford.

"Daro!" I said as we got across.

I turned around to see that the Nazgul's mounts rear up, screaming, terrified of entering the river.

"Give up the Halflings. She-Elf!" A Nazgul said.

I drew my sword in challenge.

"Red what are you doing? Let's go." Strider said.

"If you want them, come and get them!" I said making Strider groan out.

The Nazgul drew their swords and urged their reluctant horses across the ford.

"Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer,

Rimmo nin Bruinen, dan in ulair!

Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer,

Rimmo nin Bruinen, dan in ulair!" I chanted.

The water level rises. A great flood comes around the bend, with crests shaped like white horses.

The Nazgul are cast from their mounts and washed down the river as we all watched.

I sighed out a breath of relief, "Return to Rivendell." I called out replacing my sword.

"Why did you feel that, that was necessary?" Strider asked.

"I couldn't take the chance of them getting into Rivendell." I said leaning into his chest.

"I understand Red." Strider said as we rode into Rivendell.

Strider jumped off of Asfaloth and helped me down, then he led Asfaloth back to the stables.
