

A soft voice greets, as if an angel graces his ears and he silently thank the god for his voice that can heal Yoongi because he needs it right now with some annoying customers.

"What are you doing still up at this hour? You have school tomorrow."

"Ha ha, really funny. I suppose you've passed your bed time already too grandpa?"

"Shut up brat"

Yoongi chuckles, scrunching his nose along as he leans back on the chair of the tables there.

"How's your day? I hope it's not suck as mine"

Jungkook sighs at the end of the sentence.

"What happened? Also it's kinda suck because I have to smile for straight more than 6 hours, assholes"

Yoongi squints his eyes, earning a small giggle from Jungkook.

"The guy who wanted to meet me, he got Taehyung riled up because he said I'm there for his benefits and he only uses me"

"What do you mean???"

"Kim Taehyung, he's the next heir of the Crown company? That one?"

"No shit. What the fuck?"

"Real shit, hyung."

"Also the guy is an ass and can piss off, kinda rude saying that. I can see he's a good friend by how he take cares of you"

"Thank you for that. I wanted to roast him but I hold back my fire. And yes I'm still breathing so that's good"

Yoongi scoff, this kid.

"Oh Yoongi-hyung who are you talking to?" Jimin suddenly comes from cleaning the glasses and Yoongi quickly hides his phone to his chest. "No, fuck off, go away, shoo" Yoongi scrunches his face in disbelief and Jimin pouts, turning away with a huff.

"Ah, who's that?"

Jungkook said after he laughs adorably to Yoongi's perspective, of course.

"Friend, don't mind."

"Helloooo this is Jung Hoseok! Your hope---"

"Hobi what the actual--fuck off rude ass!"

Yoongi shouted when Hoseok, another friend of his, with his sunset colored hair as he laughs in amusement, annoying to Yoongi though.

"Now who's that Hoseok? Say hello from me to your friends"

Jungkook giggles, and Yoongi smiles in reply.

"Sure sure, so are you coming here?"

The older male clears his throat nervously. It's not like he's asking him out or anything.

"Is it a date?"

"N-No what fuckery is that?"

Yoongi's voice cracked and he slowly shrinks in embarrassment, cursing to himself too when Jungkook's laugh is so loud that it seemed he puts on the speaker.

"Too bad, I wished it is a date. I'll swing by tomorrow, before I go to Taehyung's office"

"That guy even has his own office?"

"Well yes, he's a working man even though he's the next heir. And he doesn't like sitting still so he rather work"

"If it's me I will lay down and sit all the time"

Yoongi sighs dreamily, earning more giggles from the male.

"You're definitely a grandpa."

"Mind your own business kid"

"Sure, I got to go. See you tomorrow and goodnight, Yoongi-hyung"

Yoongi swears he can imagine him smiling.

"Y-Yeah, goodnight"

He hangs up, hiding his face with his arms as hw rests it on the table with a long, silent scream.

Yoongi swears he is not some teenage girl but he can't help to be all giddy to meet Jungkook to tomorrow.


I can't believe i just made another fairytale au book gOd

it's a mix of knights, four seasonsRapunzel, a prince

It's fun i sweAr
