
"Can I have a couple of Alstroemeria, Statice and Aster?" Taehyung mentioned as he squeezes his smartphone in his front pocket. Jimin blinks a few times as his head tilted to the side, muttering out a staggering "Yes" as he rushes to find the said flowers.

Jimin came back with the stated flowers, and took out a couple of thin twigs with blooming leaves and smiled at Taehyung.

"That's all?" "Yes, it will do just fine for my friend" "So, you know what's the meaning of the flowers? Or are you showing off your elite knowledge?" Jimin raised one his eyebrows and Taehyung chuckles.

"I don't think I am that smart but actually yes I do know. I love flowers, so does him" "Him?" "Another one I told you about Jimin" Namjoon replied and Jimin  form an O mouth shaped with a lingering "I see".

"Humour me with your flower's knowledge and the reason you buy this flowers" Jimin declares, his eyes sparkle due to excitement and Taehyung chuckles again at the male. What is he, a 5 years old?

"Today is Jungkook's walk of remembrance of his passed away mother. They always walk together when it's winter" Taehyung started as he sits on the countertop, playing with his fingers as a bitter smile curls on his lips.

Namjoon, who knows this, and he shook his head down. Jimin's eyes widened slowly at the sight of both of them with cold atmosphere surrounding them.

"Jungkook has been my friend since I was 7 years old, when I only grew up with my grandparents. He is the sweetest boy alive I swear, you got to meet him" Taehyung chuckles. "I don't know how he still in stable condition even though he have a streak of bad luck when he's 5 years old, and waiting for someone he longed to see till now"

"A streak of bad luck?" "Well, he can't go to kindergarten due to severe bullying, so I teach him instead. An accident that made him blind when he is 5, the driver ran off. His only family member passed away when he's in elementary school." Jimin covered his mouth and mutters out an apology but Taehyung just smiled.

"I'm taking care of him as if he's my family till now. So Alstroemeria," Taehyung picks up the said flower that wrapped in tissue paper.

"...is for our friendship. Statice is for..." He continues to pick up another said flowers.

"...this walk of remembrance for his mother and Aster," He picks up the last one and handed it all to the worried Jimin.

"...is for his patience getting through his pain from he is a child till now" Taehyung strucks out his box smile to Jimin, and the jet black haired male suddenly lets out streams of tears.

"W-Wait why are you crying?" "'m sorry for asking! 'm sorry!" Jimin sniffles, rubbing his eyes as it trickles down more tears.

"It's okay Master he's always that sensitive" "This is not okay Namjoon-hyung I do not favour on making people crying--Jimin stop oh my god" Taehyung hushes him down in a flustered tone as he, somehow, hugs Jimin to comfort him down.


"Also that Seokjin-hyung is older than me. He never admits it and always tells me to agree whenever he says that I am older than him. What the fuck?" Yoongi stated as he squints his eyes and scrunches his nose in displeased, Jungkook laughs in reply.

"What more of him that you don't like?" "His puns. Uncle jokes. I had to live with that everyday, even during off days." Yoongi groans heavily in despair.

"At least Taehyung doesn't make dumb jokes, although he frequently blurts out random shit that I will never understand" "Don't curse you're like 5. Also give me one example"

"When he wanted to say 'I wanted to go shower after I dropped the grocery bags' instead he says it like, 'I will bam the grocery bags shoop shoop and woosh to sha-sha-shower', like that yep" Jungkook nods and Yoongi's shoulders shivers as he tried to hold jack his laugh.

"Do you have the dictionary for his words?" "Of course, although this year he suddenly throws random sounds he heard from a movie more often." Jungkook shrugs and giggles, and as if it was a spell, Yoongi replied the same.

They've been talking for straight 3 hours now, and Yoongi is sure he enjoys every seconds of it, so does Jungkook. This kid is getting on to him quite well rather than others he met. What a charm he has.

"Yoongi-hyung can I--" "Jungkook-ah!" Oh there he is.


Here goes the flowers:

Alstroemeria: Friendship bond

Statice: Remembrance of (any) memories

Aster: One's patience

They actually come in various colours and meanings, I pick the one that suits the best💕💕

Also this other flower-loving side of me is showing up whoOps--
