Short story.

<so this is kinda a little story but I mean really little. You can infer what you wish, but please comment you reason why you think he leaves>

"So, I've lost many things over the years. My keys, my hat, I've even managed to lose one of my Guinea pigs. In fact if you look under my bed you could probably find homework which was due in 2 years ago. What can I say, I'm a natural! 
However, I've never lost anything that really mattered till you slammed that door behind you.
You have no idea how much it hurts me! I'm sorry, and I've said I'm sorry God knows how many times to you. But  you just don't believe me.
I guess today is the day you leave me forever. And I guess today is the day I forget about you."

<please comment what you think he walked about for and where his is going! Id love to hear what you think!>
