New Books.

Hey guys! I'd just like to post this but I've made two new books, they are:

•'101 Things I Hate'
•'Short Stories.'

The reasons I have done a 'Short Stories' book is because, well, every time I try and make a long book I get bored. Simple as that. Something which I, at first, think is amazing, soon turns rotten. And so I delete it.

Also my reasons for my '101 Things I Hate' is because this book seems to be pretty popular in my eyes and I'm proud of it. So I decided to do a book which isn't anything to do with stories. It's just random like this book.

Lastly, I was thinking of doing a Zodiacs book just because I like to read them and they seem cool. Please leave your ideas about me doing this book in the comments. Please remember I read them, but never delete them.

Mysteries. Xx.
