The Best Friends' Routine

"Look, who showed up!" Avery Perkins couldn't control her words before they were already voiced.

With heads turning toward him and back again to where they were before, Shawn Redges covertly tried cycling towards brimming Ave.

Shawn and Avery loved to be healthy but they hated exercising. The odd combination that they are, they love one things and hate exactly half of that thing. It was also reasons they matched becoming best of friends in shortest of time. In cases like these, they debated. In this instance, they finally agreed that cycling was the best suitor. It was then the routine of cycling the weekday mornings for an hour at 6.30 began.

Past first day about a month ago, this was only the second time that Shawn came. Dressed in his only sports gear that accentuated his chest, the ruffled hair maintained him the boy-next-door charm. It was surprising how with so little exercise he still maintained his upper body tones. Bam! But that bulging belly, Shawn always cursed in the mirror.

"And that's how I start my day!! Happy now?!!" Shawn spoke in a sarcastically polite tone. He always found himself in people's attention whenever he was around Avery. Everyone liked her and knew her while she never missed a chance of introducing him to others - only that she did so in the most amusing fashion.

"And that's how I start my day," Ave did not have a personality to sit down without a response to satire remark, "with a sip of sarcasm." She punctuated the statement with her smirk.

"Let's go people!" The lead cyclist announced. It was an interesting group where everyone took turns to lead a new path, in ascending order of their names. Enroute, some listened to their music, others chatted. Shawn belonged to the earlier and Ave to the latter.

After their session of sweating, they both drank "Aloe Vera lemonade Ginger" smoothie which they found to be the least horridly tasting choice among all combinations of detox smoothies to sweat with the burn inside their body. The person who would complete last would usually pay. And, it was always Ave.

While walking back to their apartments with cycles in tow... Ave was the first to converse, "Why have you become so boring?"

With such a short smile that described Shawn was waiting for this question for a long time now, "I was just waiting when you'd notice that..."

"Well deserved wait it was then. Now will you tell me how and what about it." Ave was in her chirpy mood.

With the faint smile back to dull, "I hate routines Ave. I am living one now. And there is nothing I can do about it anytime soon."

"Ooo Boy!!" With a wide grin, "You did come cycling today which is outside your routine." Ave was an artful combination of being humorously serious. "And for the record, Shawn has never been able to follow anything for a long time, so you are safe from becoming routine guy. You have to always lead everything around you. And I am here to remind this to you. Always" She finished with such a strong emphasis that the mood lighten up already.

Shawn winked. "Because you follow my lead."

Ave almost responded. Almost because the corner of her eye saw Sandy walking towards them. Since, Ave middle name was observation, she saw through the golden haired lady's pretend act to be so happy to meet them by chance.

"Hey, you both. What a chance to see you together!" Bigger the smile, bigger the lie was a case with Sandy.

It was Shawn who was first to respond, "Long time seeing you too! How harsh of the sun to wake you up so early?" Ave loved Shawn's reply.

"Funny You! Don't you keep tabs through social media. I am on weight loss for my wedding." Said Sandy, eyeing Ave from toe to head, "You on a progress Ave, good work." A compliment that wasn't shy of Sandy-opinion.

Shawn cut in before Ave could spat a response, "Can't wait for the wedding pictures update! We'll get moving Sandy. Wish you all the very best."

Alas. Walking past Sandy wasn't easy. She was the perfect replica of the most socially active students at college. Studies could be called as a part of their curriculum but social media and lifestyle maintenance were their key subjects. You may hate them or maybe envy their fun but you can never ignore them, especially on your social media timelines.

It wasn't easy to walk off from Sandy's early morning update about her coincidental meet up on 68th sunny side street.

"3 years of seeing these two together. It never gets old, though they are becoming so. LOL! Do I hear the wedding bells chiming on them?" Read the caption with three smiling sun kissed faces.

As soon as Ave peeked the post on Shawn's phone, she turned around her flared nostrils to meet the direction Sandy had just walked past them. Instead, she was met by a growing shadow of an old but hefty tall man that stopped just near enough to create a silhouette with his physic.

All her flared spirits died down. 
