Team sins

(Izuku's last name is kyosei which is the Japanese meanings Kyojin which is "giant" and Yosei which is "fairy" combined) 

Izuku: I've been training for a long time l know all my configurations and now I can fight better with chastiefol

The last day of school

Teacher:listen so i know today is the last day of school but now it's time for you to think about your futures as people


Teacher:*throws the papers in the air*but i know you all wanna be heroes

the class then starts cheering showing off their quirks all except for 3 people


Teacher:oh yeah that's right bakugou,kyosei and uraraka are going to U.A 


Class:so rude man 

Izuku:please forgive kacchan he says that because he like making competition but i'm sure everyone here can be heroes no matter what 

as he gives a cute smile

all the girls blush due to how cute that face is and they are upset that izuku is going to U.A

girl:noo why can't izuku go to my school 

girl:he's so cute why does he have to go to U.A

girl:i really want to hug him

izuku blushes and hearing and seeing this makes ochako jealous

Ochako:'that's my man not theirs' 

then she blushes due to what she had thought



Katsuki:im gonna get going you can walk ochako home

Izuku:kacchan wai-

katsuki runs off with a mischievous smile

Izuku:this is my life now

Ochako:so ready to head home king

Izuku:uh yeah i am

as they walk well izuku floats and ochako walks they encounter something

Sludge villain:hey 2 perfect meat shields thanks for being here NOW I'LL TAKE OVER YOUR BODIES

as he rushes at them izuku attacks the villain

Izuku:spirit spear chastiefol 5th configuration increase 

As he attacks the villain in a barrage on knives

The attack knocks out the villain and he is nothing but a puddle of slime 

Izuku:so much for his power

Ochako:wow king that was awesome is that how your quirk works

Izuku:uh yeah it does but it's not really a quirk it's more a power i was given 

Ochako:really by who

Izuku:by the seven deadly sins my mom and dad are the sins of sloth and envy Harlequin and Diane

Ochako:but wouldn't that be the fairy king and the giant clan leaders wait no way



Izuku:well giant and fairy but i can't really be mom's size since she was shrunken down to human size to give  birth to me 

Ochako:oh so why do you have their power

Izuku:im the sin of sloth they are looking for people they can give their sins to 

Ochako:oh can i be one of the sins 

Izuku:you sure cuz it'll be alot of hard work

Ochako:yes i do 'if i am a sin member then i can be closer to king-kun'

Izuku:ok then i'll bring you by to see them


All might;I AM HE- oh you dealt with the villain that's great now i'll take him from here

after all might captured the villain and left

Ochako:so tell me more about yourself that i didn't know

Izuku:well i have been chosen by the sacred tree to be the next fairy king and all fairy kings have wings 

Ochako:but where are yours

Izuku:I'm a late bloomer meaning that my wings haven't grown in yet 

Ochako:so when you grow your wings in you'll be the fairy king

Izuku:that's when dad decides to retire and step down as the king

Ochako:that's cool king you're really cool

Izuku:*blushes*u-uh th-thanks 

When suddenly a huge explosion goes off

Izuku:let's go check out what happened


as they get to where the explosion was they see katsuki stuck in the sludge villain and the heroes doing nothing


as he flies in the heroes try to stop him and the villain throws an explosion at him izuku dodges and uses guardian to grab katsuki and throw him to safety then counters

Izuku:spirit spear chastiefol 4th configuration sunflower

the villain then explodes into nothing but slime (well shit he's dead)

the heroes and the people are shocked at his power and he gets ochako and katsuki and leaves before the media gets close to ask them some questions

At the boar hat

Katsuki:hey king mind telling me why we're at your families bar 

Izuku:cuz i told you about the sins and i trust you to get a sin

Ochako:wait he knew before me

Izuku:sorry but it was because he is my best friend so I trusted him


Katsuki:'they act just like a couple'hey don't blame king he was just being cautious

Ochako:ok i won't 

*inside the bar*

Meliodas:welcome to the boar ha-oh hey izuku

Izuku:hi uncle meliodas can you get the others please


when the other sins gather up outside

Diane:hi katsuki oh hey izuku who's this

Izuku:this is ochako she is a great friend of mine and i want her to get a sin too

Diane:are you sure it's because you don't like her

they both blush red


Diane:aw he does hi im his mom diane kyojin

Harlequin:Im his dad harlequin yosei

Ochako:um n-nice to meet you

Meliodas:anyways you want to form a team already

Izuku:yes i do for i can find a lot of people to fill out the team ranks

Meliodas:alrighty then

Merlin:chose a sin that you would like

Katsuki:hmm i need one that suits me I am gonna be the number 1 hero and NO ONE WILL STEAL MY SPOTLIGHT

Ban:then you can have mine you seem pretty greedy to me 


When ban gives bakugou the sin of greed his clothes changed and gains a side tattoo

Katsuki Bakugou


Magic power:Snatch

The user can take any material object with a type of telekinesis 

The user can also take the opponents strength speed and stamina and add it to theirs

Sacred Treasure:Holy Staff Courechose

(whenever someone gets a sin they lose their quirk just to make it fair since others dont have sinly powers)

Ochako:wow katsuki looks different now

Katsuki:i feel so much stronger too like i can take on a whole bunch of pro heroes

Ban:you'll also gain all my moves and immortality but you can die if your soul is gone i learned that the hard way

Ochako:my turn hmm 'which one can get me closer to king kun' 

Diane:take my sin ochako it'll be perfect since your quirk can alter gravity plus *whispers to her*you can closer to izuku

Ochako:*blushes*I choose envy

Diane:yeah i win i win

Meliodas:eh doesn't matter

when diane gives ochako her sin also changes and gains a sin tattoo as well

Ochako Uraraka

Magical power:Creation

She can manipulate the earth to create pillars to attack with and create golems she can also grow into a giant whenever she wants

Sacred Treasure:War Hammer Gideon

Ochako:wow i feel a whole lot stronger now 

Diane:now you're the serpent's sin of envy 

Ban:and you're the fox's sin of greed

Izuku: that's now 3 members out of 7 but who can fill the other 4 spots

Harlequin:well you can find the other 4 sins at a later time ok


Diane:they sure do act alike like father like son even though he has my energy he's like both of us combined

Ochako:king is really sweet and kind so he has that quality from both of you

Diane:that's true and not only that but harlequin was called king back then too i guess he decided to take that from him


Izuku:ok guys i'll be training with you so you can get used to your new powers

Katsuki:alright king don't hold anything back

Ochako:i'll get stronger too 'i'll fight with king kun and get stronger with him'

 Izuku:ok let's do this

to be continued

so what do you guys think and who should be the next sin to be found only one way to find out vote and choose bye
