The Jedi Council

    Ojed pulled himself up and limped to the exit. He knew there would be Jedi coming soon, and that they'd arrest him for kidnapping the Duchess. He couldn't let that happen, Rylee was counting on him. Once he got outside, he was able to find a branch large enough to use as a crutch, and he started his trip back home. He would check on Rylee, take some time to rest and heal, and find a way to contact Duchess Flora.

     Hang on Rylee, I'm coming.


    Ti sat in his chamber, devastated by the news he had just recieved. Venaiyal, leader of the order, had been killed by darksiders.

    "No, no, no, no, no! How could this happen?" he said, pacing the room.We have to find the darksiders that did this, he resolved. Venaiyal's death meant that he was now the Master of the Order.

    His personal datapad pinged, and he voice activated it. An alert that a council meeting had been called, and would begin shortly. He pulled his hood over his short, dark hair and milky grey eyes, and left the room, headed to the council chamber.

    Hesitantly, he took his place in the Grand Master's seat, streching his senses out to observe the room. All the other Masters were there, he could sense their presence in the Force. He paused for a moment before speaking to the assembly.

    "As you are all doubtless aware, Master Venaiyal has been killed, by a group of yet unknown darksiders. He was found dead earlier this morning, the dark side dectable in the cause. This act of aggression cannot be ignored, we must find them, and stop them, before they destroy us."

     "Is this the return of the Sith?" one Master asked, in a panicked voice.

     "Impossible!" cried an old Master, a Kel Dor. "The Sith way was lost decades ago."

    "No, I do not believe these darksiders are affiliated with the Sith," Ti said, trying to calm them. "They are users of the darkside, that we know. But the Sith are extinct from this galaxy. This is some new occourance, a new evil."

     "But who are they? Those fallen from our own order? Off worlders? The rumored Knights of Ren?" another woman questioned, Master Peyal.

    "We have no way of knowing, until we investigate. Finding and stopping this evil is a top priority. They have shown themselves willing to assasinate, it is also possible they will make a move to kill the one person who has a chance of keeping Karvaile in peace," Ti said. "Duchess Flora. The promise of her reign is all that prevents civil war, a possibility that is dangerously close. These darksiders could be seeking to push the planet into civil war, and the best way to do that is to assassinate our young future queen."

     "The Duchess being killed would not be the last hope for the planet," argued the old Kel Dor master. "There are others of Karvaile royal blood would could take the throne."

    "What if this all a plot by another royal, to seize the throne?" exclaimed a Twi’lek, one of the youngest of the masters.

    "Offworlders," scoffed a human man. "You're far too quick to judge the royalty here, Tibus. You're forgetting the selection process went through to determine that her Grace Ms. Karvaren was the rightful heir. To go through another one would take too long, and would inevitability doom the planet. None of the royalty here would wish that, no matter how desperate for control."

    "If the Duchess is ever to become queen, the danger of this group seeking to cause chaos must be eliminated," Ti said, doing his best to keep control. Venaiyal never allowed pointless bickering, he knew just the thing to say to make everyone agree. He made the job look easy.

    "But before we discuss how we are to go about that, there is another pressing issue I have to bring up. I have moved up to fill Master Cinerius's position, leaving my spot on the council empty. I am opening the descision of who to nominate up to the council members. If you have someone in mind, now is the time to suggest it," Ti announced, becoming silent to allow the others to speak.

    "I would like to nominate Dyas Cinerius," said Master Lenaya, a human woman with dark hair. "We've all sensed the potential she has."

    "She's too young, untested," complained an older human Master. "She only recently gained the rank of Knight."

    "Are we forgetting that she is the daughter and former apprentice of Grand Master Cinerius himself? She is strong and the Force, and well trained," said Master Peyal.

    "I agree," said a Nautolan Master. "She has a natural gift, and is already an accomplished Knight."

    "She may be younger than most Masters, but if there's anyone to make exceptions for, she is it," said the Kel Dor.

    "Are we in agreement?" asked Master Lenaya.

    "I don’t agree with this, but it's up to you Grand Master," said the silver haired human man.

     Ti rose from his chair to announce his descision. "I have determined that Dyas Cinerius will be the newest member of the Council." The old man who had protested scowled, but said nothing.

    A message was sent to summon the girl to the council chambers immediately.

    It wasn't long before she arrived in the room, her long brown hair was down, hanging around her shoulders in loose curls, and she was dressed in black robes, mourning her father's death.

    "We have brought you here to inform you that we have voted you, Dyas Cinerius, in as the newest member of the Council," Ti announced. The girl's eyes widened in shock.

     "But, I'm not a Master yet," she said.

     "You are now. You are strong, and capable in the Force," he told her. "Your father trained you well," he added sadly.

     "That he did. If the council believes I am ready, then I accept my role," Dyas said.

     "I am confident you will do well as a Master," Ti said, laying his hand on her shoulder.

    "I am honored by your faith in me, I will do my best to deserve it." She bowed, and went to take her seat on the council.


    Bri switched the ship to autopilot, so she could turn her attention to the Duchess.

     "Hold still, your hair's a mess Duchess," Bri said, pulling out a hairbrush, and started to straighten out the girl's tangled blonde locks.

     "So, where are you from?" Flora asked.

     "I'm from Terra Lovia," Bri answered. "I lived there for about twenty years."

     "What was it like there? I've never left Karvaile," Flora said.

     "It was... home. It was a temperate world, the capital was a gathering spot for everyone and everything. The fields were gorgeous, and the inner city was full of life and beauty. I loved it. I suppose you could say I'm homesick," she said, looking down, and continued brushing Flora's hair.

     "It sounds wonderful. Maybe you'll get to see it again someday," Flora suggested.

     "I can't go home anymore," Bri whispered softly, mostly to herself. But she quickly changed the subject, keeping up a smile. "What about you Duchess? Have any family? Any hidden lovers the public shouldn't know about?" she asked with a chuckle.

     "No, no, nothing like that," Flora replied with a laugh. "I don’t have much close family anymore. I was friends with my cousin, and her daughter, but they were killed. That's the reason I'm in line for the throne. I have a few other younger cousins, and distant relatives, but I don't know them well."

    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Bri said, twisting her hair into a bun. "Got your eyes on someone?" Bri asked with a giggle. "I know I do," she said, referring to one of her teammates.

     "I'm not sure a reationship is in the books for me, my piorities right now should be my people," Flora said, glancing down.

    "I understand, rule first, relationships later. You're a smart girl, lass. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

    "Thank you. I only hope I'm smart enough to lead my planet in the way it needs to go," Flora said seriously.

     "You will," Bri said, putting the finishing touches on her hair, leaving her with a hairstyle that made her look quite regal again. "We're approaching the palace, time to buckle in," Bri said, laying her hand on the girl's shoulder.
