A Farmer, a Butler, and a First Order Agent

    It was early in the town outside the Capital. People were getting about their jobs, milling about the city. There were many citizens wandering about, a droid mechanic setting out a sign, a food stand owner setting up the cart, and a woman with her children walked out to shop. Among this cast of characters wandering down the street, was a farmer. He was wearing ragged clothes, and held an animal on a leash, dragging it into town.

    Coming from the opposite direction was Nodis, butler to the Duchess Flora. Nodis walked briskly, rounded the corner, and nearly collided with the unsuspecting farmer.

    "Why, hello there!" he said in surprise, looking over the man he had almost knocked to the ground.

    "Pardon me sir, I didn't mean to intrude," the man said, straightening up. "I am Lance, and I am in desperate need to sell this dune cow," he said, referring to the animal on the rope. "My family has fallen upon hard times and we need the credits. Would you know of anyone who would like to purchase her?"

    "Did you say that beast is a dune cow? You're not joking?" Nodis said, disbelieving, ignoring anything else the man had said.

    "No sir, a dune cow. You can check her yourself if you'd like," Lance said.

    Abrianna observed silently, approaching the dune cow holding farmer with her disguise on. Disguise meaning her trench coat and shades.

    Nodis moved closer to inspect the cow, then suddenly shoved Lance to the ground swung onto the unsuspecting animal's back, and rode it away.

    "Hey! What are you doing?! Give Bessie back!" the man shouted furiously, and started running after Nodis.

    Bessie tripped on a cobblestone, tossing the butler. Nodis scrambled to his feet and immediently began trying to shove the dune cow down an alleyway. Abrianna chuckled from the sidelines at the exchange going awry.

    Lance caught up to Nodis despite the butler's frantic attempts to persuade the beats forward, and grabbed him by the shirt collar.

    "What do you think you're doing?!" the farmer shouted,  attempting to pull his assailant off the stolen animal.

    "Let me go ruffian! This dune cow is more important than you realize!" Nodis shouted, trying to pull himself out of the farmer's grip.

    "What are you talking about?!" the farmer demanded. Abrianna snuck closer to listen in to the alleyway conversation. The butler finally suceeded in freeing himself from the farmer's grip, and pulled a comm from his pocket.

    "Stop! What do you mean?" the farmer said. he paused a moment to check on his possession. "You okay girl?" She gave a 'Moo' in response.

    Nodis ignored Lance and spoke into his comm. "This is Nodis. I've located a dune cow that's in the posession of some farmer, I'll need pickup."

     Why are the arguing over that thing, looks like any old cow to me, Abrianna mused.

     Suddenly, a speeder flew around the corner, knocking Lance to the ground. Two cloaked figures kicked the farmer away and pulled Bessie into the speeder and started to speed off, stopping only to pick up Nodis.

    Cut and bruised, Lance struggled to his feet, attempting to chase them, but they were too far away already.

     The beat up farmer isn't my problem, Abrianna thought. But I probably should look into this dune cow thing.

      "How am I going to get the credits for my family now?" the farmer complained, exasperated.

     Abianna tossed a tracking device onto the speeder as it went out of sight. "Looks like they're heading to the south exit of the city," Bri mumbled. "I'll pursue when I'm done here."

    The farmer had started wandering away, but Bri quickly caught up and shoved her knife to his throat.

    "Not so fast," she hissed.

    "What do you want from me?" Lance asked, slowly raising his arms.

    "Thse men back there, the ones who took your cow. Any idea why they care about it so much?" Bri demanded, giving the man a pat-down.

    "No Ma'am, I really don't have a clue. Sure they're rare, but not that rare. Not enough to justify jumping me for one," he replied.

    "You're positive? Nothing at all you can think of that would make the cow worth snatching from someone in broad daylight?"

     "I'm as confused as you are Ma'am," the farmer said, warily eyeing her knife, which drew ever so closer.

     "How much would you pay for me to get her back for you?" Bri asked sharply, standing up again.

    "Do you know why they took Bessie?"

    "Would I be asking you if I knew?!" she exclaimed, but regained control and spoke calmly. "I intend to find out. I wouldn't give two piles of poodoo if this was a deal gone wrong, but something's different."

    "I want to come with you," the farer said firmly.

    "Fine. I just want the information from that man and I'll give you back your cow."

    "Can you put the knife down now?" he asked nervously. She retracted her knife.

     Coming around the corner was none other than Nodis. The speeder had broken down and the hooded figures continued on foot, leaving Nodis to decide to go back to town. He immediately saw Abrianna's interrogation of the farmer.

    "Oh no, this is probably my fault. HEY, Hey you!"

    "Hrm?" Bri turned to face the approaching Nodis.

    "Hey, that's the guy!" Lance exclaimed, recognizing the butler.

    "Excuse me, but I believe harrasment and attempted assault is illegal here on Karvaile," he announced as he strolled up.

    "So is stealing a dune cow!" the farmer shouted.

    "Funny, I could accuse you of the same thing, with theft thrown in too," Abrianna replied cooly. "Now, I have no quarrel with you, he just wants his cow back, and I just want information."

    "Sorry, sorry, it's just this dune cow buisness is bigger than you realize," Nodis said, taking a step back. "Wait, why are you interested in this?" he asked, turning to Bri.

    "Reasons of my own. Besides, if this were a simple farming deal gone wrong, you wouldn't have two men in a speeder on standby. That alone warrants enough for me to look into it."

    "Tell us why Bessie is so important!"

    "Look, I'm sorry I got involved in this... conversation between you two. I can compensate for your loss, as long as you don't speak of this matter again," Nodis said.

    "No, you aren't leaving until we get the facts," Lance demanded.

     "Don't need the money. Give me the info and I'll stop this farmer from chasing his cow."

    "Hey, wait! I need that cow for the credits!" Lance shouted.

    "Too bad," Bri said, pointing her pistol at Lance's leg. "Give me the info and the farmer isn't going anywhere." Nodis sighed heavily, and spoke.

    "Those two men were friends of mine, and thier business is their own. The dune cow is a rare sight in the galaxy, and we can't let an opportunity like this go by. And don't hurt the man, please, we detest violence."

    "You detest violence, but you pushed this man away and stole his cattle because a business is sinking!" Abrianna exclaimed. This seemed to anger Nodis.

    "This is no mere business! You have no idea what's at stake! The light, the dark, balance..." He suddenly stops talking, realizing he's said too much. Bri pulls her pistol back and raises an eyebrow.

    "The light, the dark, balance?" Bri asked, stepping closer.

    "What do you mean?" the temporarily forgotten farmer asked, visibly relieved that the blaster was no longer aimed at his leg. The butler sighed again, leaning forward and checking behind himself, as though someone would be behind them with an ear trumpet, lurking on the conversation.

    "Have you heard of the Jedi Order?"

    "I have. They were the galaxy's greatest warriors," the farmer said.

    "A bunch of Force mumbo jumbo, what about them?" Abrianna asked briskly.

   "Warriors is an incorrect term. They're peacekeepers. And one's devotion to peace is what kept him alive during the Jedi Purge... Venaiyal Cinerius. He's the last Jedi Master left in the galaxy. And he desperately needs a dune cow. He founded a new Jedi Order on Karvaile. It's still in the shadows, doing good only when they can. Those cloaked men in the speeder were two of his Knights."

    "Still seems ridiculous. Why didn't you just pay the man for his cow and be on with your business?" Bri asked.

    "I didn't know the kriffing cow was up for sale!" Nodis protested. "Also, riding it away sounded fun," he added in a quiet voice. Bri rubbed her forehead in vexation.

   "Look, just pay the man what he wants and we can forget that this entire incident ever happened."

    "Exactly! That's what I've been trying to do!" Nodis turned to the traumatized man and handed him a stack of credits.

    "Hold on. Why does this Jedi cult want my Bessie?" the farmer inquired.

    "I can't tell you that," Nodis replied.

    "Good. Now since that's settled..." Bri said, staring at the farmer for a moment. "Goodnight." She punched him in the lower regions and he crumpled to the ground unconscious.

    "Well, that seemed... Uncalled for," Nodis said, staring at Lance's unconscious form. "But you must remember to speak of the Jedi to no one! Who knows what the First Order might do if they found out about a secret Jedi alcove!"

    "Oh I doubt they'll do much. Anyways, you can be on your merry way, I'll just put the man in a box to sleep in until he gets up," Bri suggested.

    "Fine by me," Nodis said, starting to sling the farmer over his shoulder. After stuffing him somewhere, Nodis headed back home. This had been an exciting day.

    Bri however, snuck back to her hideout. She activated the communication relay on her table, and it bathed her face with light in the dark house. Her Commanding Officer Barnett flashes on screen. Back at HQ on Concord Dawn, Jaxen and Karissa eagerly wait to hear the news.

    "I finished my recon on one of the cities of interest. I also found information that needs to be directly relayed to Supreme Leader Snoke. Bypass General Hux and Kylo Ren." She began uploading the sound file she had recorded of the encounter.

    "What did you find out, agent?" Her CO asked.

    "Jedi. They are still lurking around sir."
