Chapter 24: Guess Who

Soon my shift was close to being over, I sighed in relief because I knew I was midway through my work week.

I only had two workdays left for this week, but with the amount of work being backed up because most workers on the last shift didn't do their job right, I wanted already to take Friday off this week.

At the moment, I checked on my ADP app to see if I had enough sick hours to use and sure enough I smiled to myself because I did.

I worked here for a good four years taking a day off every once in a while, so I had a lot of sick and personal hours to use.

Also, I wanted to enjoy a three day weekend this week and spend more time with Cole if he wasn't too busy.

Especially with the wheatear being nice, there are a lot of romantic places to visit and for the most part, I haven't gone to the beach in such a long time.

Even though I told myself I was a workout person, the truth of the matter was that I wasn't.

However, I was lucky to have awesome genes from my mom where we didn't gain weight no matter what we ate.

Anyway, one of the best things about this job was that I can just call in sick randomly, but to take personal time off I had to tell the boss about it beforehand.

Normally he was understanding and okay with his workers informing him at least three days before our scheduled day off.

I just hoped he would approve of my day off since I was informing him two days ahead of time instead.

Since I wanted to inform him before getting off from work, I decided to see him and headed over to his office.

Once there, I knocked a few times on his desk until I waited a bit.

"Come in," I heard his low gruff voice from the other side.

I opened up the door and walked inside, closing the door behind me.

"Hi," I smiled and smiled brightly at me.

"Hello Naomi, how may I help you?" He asked as he closes the folder of files he was working on and looked up at me again.

"Hi, I wanted to take personal time off this Friday?" I smiled a bit.

"Well that's day short notice you are supposed to let me know three days ahead of time and not two," He said seriously.

I instantly thought if I should lie and come up with an excuse or just go with the truth of me being a great who needs some time off.

I took my chances on telling my boss that I was a good worker who just needed a day off from work.

"I know, I know which is why I'm sorry Mr. Sanchez but it is only for a day and I'm a great asset to your company," I pleaded with him, hoping that he would approve of my day off.

He then sighed and nodded his head, "alright fine since you rarely take a day off and a great worker at that," He nodded his head.

"Thank you so much," I replied, excitedly and squealed a bit inwardly.

"And you said for this Friday, right?" He asked as he started to type in some information on his computer.

"Yeah this Friday and thank you again," I said, happily.

"No problem. Since there isn't much work on Friday I'm sure I can get someone to cover for you, but if not then it won't be too much work around here to do that day," He waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Okay thank you," I said, looking at the time on the wall seeing that it five minutes past the ending of my shift, "and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day," I replied.

"You too," He nodded his head and smiled a bit.

I smiled back at him and left his office. I then did a little happy dance mentally in my mind and rushed back to my desk to quickly hurry up to type up some documents.

After I was done with the job task, I cleaned up my space area and clocked out of work.

It was nice that I could make some overtime at this job especially since it paid well.

While walking out of the building, I checked my phone to see I had any miss calls or text messages.

It turned out I received a lot of miss calls and text from Tamera, telling me urgently call or text her back since its an emergency.

I instantly thought this couldn't be good since when Tamera said that it was an emergency then something crazy happened.

My heart started racing a mile per minute, while I decided to call her as I rushed to get to my car.

When I got in, Tamera answered the call.

"Hello," Tamera said, frantically.

"Hey is everything okay? You scared me a bit when you said in the text about it being an emergency and to call you urgently," I replied as tears pricked my eyes.

"Stacey is unconscious in the hospital," She spoke, trying to hold back tears but she couldn't.

"Wait what? What happened?!" I asked, my voice coming in shortness of breath to know my best friend was in the hospital. 

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