Chapter 47


-Gerwitz's POV-

"Any updates?" I asked.

"Unfortunately not.." Seisyll shook his head.

It's been nearly three months, I haven't deciphered what the Holy Fairy meant. He said to wait but wait for what? Euphemia has passed away and yet I couldn't even announce it to anyone. The Neredas Kingdom's First Division Royal Knights, King of Neredas, The Holy Priestess, Seisyll and I are the only ones who know that she has passed away.

I've already delivered a letter to the Emperor about Euphemia but he refused to read or even acknowledge the letter. I have also contacted the brother whom she was close to yet he also declined. I never knew their relationship has gotten so sour.

I tried once more today and delivered another letter..How could they treat their child that way? When I lost my child..I felt like dying. It was like my whole world crumbled into pieces. I and my wife took Seisyll in from my late brother to be my successor.

My wife cares deeply of Euphemia and hearing how the Imperial Family is treating her, repulsed her to no end. 

Those five kids, they've been worried sick for their friend. I couldn't bring myself to break the news to them. The whole Academy has been pressing me for their beloved vice president's information. Even Albercht did his investigation but I made sure he won't find anything.

Her servants have been antsy, knocking on my office every day for any new information or whereabouts about their master. Especially her servant named Aine, she broke down into tears out of worry.

What boggles me is why Euphemia is in The Tempest's Temple and why can't we bring her out of it. The entrance to the Temple has been open ever since we found it. There is a rotation of guards who guard it every day. The Priests have been going in and out investigating the once lost Temple.

I was there when they found a statue. The statue of the Tempest, the actual statue of the Tempest who saved this world from corruption millions of years ago. It was an incredible discovery that many were trying to find for years on end. Her name was finally brought to light since it was engraved on the bottom of the statue. 

Tempest Rheanna Hannelore

There was something about the Tempest that reminds me so much of Euphemia to the point it's uncanny. The Holy Fairies spoke only a few times, they proudly described the features of the Tempest. Silvery Aqua blue hair and eyes that were a mix of Amethyst, Sapphire, Gold, Ruby, and Emerald.

Features that never once existed in this world. The Holy Church works separately from the Palace so they never once brought it up to the royalties.

*Rushed Footsteps*

"Headmaster! There's a report!"

-Lorcan's POV-

I hear Marquis Giles coming out of Father's office with a letter in his hands. The same stamp, coming from that brat's Academy. What trouble did she get into this time to disgrace our family?

"Marquis, may I have a look?" I proposed.

"I'm sorry Imperial Prince Lorcan, this was addressed to the Emperor." He bowed.

"I'm the Crown Prince, I suppose I at least have that right to find out what's happening in the Empire that I will govern in the future?" 

"*sigh* Then please do read this, it was reported to us three months ago. Marquis Crestbreeze labeled it as urgent and important information and yet His Majesty has been rejecting to read it. I'm worried about its contents." He handed me the letter.

"What is that?" Leandré, my twin asked.

"A letter from Crestbreeze Academy, Father has been rejecting to read it for months now so I'll see to it instead."

"Alright, read it aloud so you could fill me in brother." I nodded my head.

I ripped the letter open,

"Greetings to the Heart and Sun of the Empire, Emperor Mikhail. First I would like to express my deep..condolences?" 

"What?" Leandré narrowed his eyes.

"There had been an Incident three months ago during an Expedition. An unidentified being trespassed and broke through the barriers within the Forest for the students. We suspect it to be an assassin from the start it only aimed for Her Imperial Princess Euphemia." 

"We did everything we could to save her but the being was an immensely strong black magic sorcerer, all our efforts were futile. There was a barrier separating us from them, we were forced to watch the ordeal."

"What is he talking about Lorcan?!" Leandré yelled.

"When the barrier dispersed, we saw with our own eyes Princess Euphemia disappearing. The being was not found, not a trace of its presence was left. We finally found First Princess Euphemia but we were too late..P-Princess Euphemia h-has passed away..." I stuttered, my eyes widened. 

Leandré grabbed the letter from my hands as I stare at nothing..

"Prince Lorcan, w-what did you say? Princess Euphemia i-is d-dead?!" Marquis Giles implored.

"This can't be, this has to be way is she dead! Marquis, do you still have the past letters that were delivered??" Leandré pressed.

"I do, shall I bring it?" 


It was nearly dinner time but Marquis Giles brought the previously delivered letters but all of their contents were the same..Euphemia died. She was assassinated by an unidentified sorcerer.

Leandré grabbed a handful of letters and barged into Father's office. 

"*sigh* How many times have I told you to knock?" Father pinched the bridge of his nose.

He stomped in front of Father and threw the letters onto his desk.

"Euphemia's dead, Father." he gritted his teeth.

"What preposterous words are you saying Leandré?!" Father slammed his hands on the desk.

"Read the letters, Father." I spoked.

He sighed and picked up one of the letters. He picked up another one and then another one.

"No..what lies is this?! No way is she- no.." He shook his head in denial. It's got to be fake, maybe another stunt she pulled. No way she could have died right?

"Y-your Majesty..they also sent a photograph.." Our heads snapped to Marquis Giles who brought an unopened envelope.

"What photograph?" Mother entered the office.

"Why are you three making such a ruckus?? It's time for dinner and yet here you three are. " Mother scolded. Aries and Perseus entering along with her, Marquis Giles closed the door to the office.

"Bring me the photograph," Father ordered.

He opened the envelope and revealed a moving picture. First was Euphemia standing and walking away then she was suddenly attacked. Blood came out of her mouth, as she tirelessly fought for herself. 

Then she just disappeared. The next image it showed was of a coffin, a stained glass covering the body but it left out to show her was the same identification bracelet that she wore...

"N-No, Euphemia she-.." Mother grabbed the picture, clenching onto it. Her eyes did not leave the photo.

Leandré slumped on the floor, "She's dead...she's dead.."

"I shall depart tomorrow morning. Prepare the flying carriage as soon as dawn hits." Father ordered.

-Gerwitz's POV-

"Headmaster! There's a report!" Seisyll barged into the office.

We headed immediately to the Temple, As I enter the temple there was a different aura it was emitting. It was anything but unpleasant but it was overwhelming. The Priests gathered around the coffin and the royal knight guarded beside them.

The coffin was glowing, a strong divine aura spilling out of it. The Priests were containing it within the temple to avoid it from leaking out to the public.

"How long has it been like this?!" I panicked.

"It's been an hour, it's too overpowering to contain. The fairies are happy for an unknown reason ever since this morning. It could be because they knew this was going to happen." The Holy Priestess explained.

Then a blow of bright light blinded us. 

As the light faded, hands lifted the coffin's stained glass that was covering Euphemia's body. The fairies gathered and lifted it out of the way. A woman emerged from the coffin, her hair was Silvery Aqua Blue dangled down.

We stood shocked at what we were seeing, the two Holy Fairies transformed into larger bodies and stood at each side of the coffin.

She stepped out of the coffin patting her clothes off and then finally lifting her hair that was covering her face. This woman had an ethereal presence, her physique completely different from Euphemia so..who is this woman?!

She opened her eyes was the exact way the Holy Fairies described the Holy Tempest to be..

"C-could s-she be..the Tempest?!" The Holy Priestess whispered.

The woman locked eyes with me and approached me, I was too much in shock to move.

"...Headmaster..Gerwitz? Are you Headmaster Gerwitz?" She asked.

" H-how did you know??"

"Thank God, I can't remember anyone's faces nor voices. It's me, Euphemia." She smiled.

I can feel myself losing consciousness.

"Ah! Don't Faint Gerwitz you old man!" was the last thing I heard.

To be Continued . . .

A/n: I'll do some shameless self-promoting here.

Goal: A Normal Life is an omegaverse book that I newly made. Perhaps now I haven't written any spicy scenes (I actually have already, the chapter ain't about our MC but someone else -smirks- *ehem* *male leads* *ehem* *BL* *ehem*) but it is a big part of the plot. It is also a poly novel where she gets into an accident but does not die.

She goes into the border of the living and the dead and meets the horrible woman from a shitty Boy's Love novel she read. The horrible woman isn't horrible yet since she met her when she was still 16 and not the adult woman in the novel.

When they were about to go back to the living, the horrible woman tricked her into having MC enter her body instead and that's how she ended up in the world where there are omegas, alphas, and betas.

MC is a headstrong, straightforward woman that is witty and a little bit of a bitch. ( I lied, she is a big bitch, a bad bitch.)

The Male Leads here are Bi-sexual so if you don't like that then it's fine if you don't read it. Also unlike Maro the asshole, the omega Caius is a love interest as well. There are a total of seven love interests. The Male Leads (excluding Caius since he was already attracted to her) did not like MC at first. That is all, happy reading!
