Chapter 27

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

What happened doesn't make me excited to find out if there are any more scum professors in this Academy.

The Academy's fame and rank of being at the top must've gotten to their heads. Meanwhile at Crestbreeze even though we are ranked 2nd, our professor's are really nice. There are some really strict ones too but even then, they're kind they just show it subtly.

Gerwitz (headmaster) absolutely abhors abuse since when he was a child, he was abused by his step mother.

I can't believe I have to go through 10 grade levels and each have 6 sections. Not to mention the distance of the buildings have against each other. Then the stairs, why must I be a high ranking noble?

The incident was contained and the teachers told other students that it was just an alarm testing. Since it must not be known that a Student Inspector is at school since I'll be here until tomorrow.

The student's I passed by earlier thinks I am just a foreign visitor and not a Student Inspector.

Time for the 2nd year, they are in the next building and not to mention I have to visit the dorms tomorrow. Ugh~

. . .

That went easier than expected

\ (・▽・) /

I managed to finish until the 5th years, I have 5 more grade levels after that then 2 dormitories and I'm done~

I can finally go back to Crestbreeze!

I guess by tomorrow they'd probably be starting to guess why I'm there for the second time. If they're smart enough they'd try to deduce the reasons.

"Your High- *ehem* My Lady." I looked out to see Filo waiting for me with a carriage.

"Fufu~ I heard you. Almost slipped didn't ya?" I teased

"*cough* Ha.. nothing slips your ears My Lady." Filo sighed.

"*giggle* I suppose we shall take our leave now." I held her hand as she assisted me in the carriage.

Ha.. I really hate flying horses and carriages mixed together. I didn't know I'd feel sick even just a quick travel, it didn't even took us 10 minutes to reach the cold palace. When I got down, I noticed that the place looked a lot better now.

There were guards at the front but they were only aware that a guest was visiting from the Academy. Since all information is confidential, they weren't allowed to ask questions.

I went to my room and it was just like how I left it. I laid down first and rested, I took a nap and awoken 40 minutes later.

I was getting bored so I switched my clothes.

They packed very princess-cy dresses, around 10 dresses to be exact. They went through all that trouble but I'm going back tomorrow. I have to admit though, this dress is truly beautiful.

Aine styled my hair before I left so my natural perm that was wavy and she tied it half up loosely with braids and a few hair ornaments.

(A/n: I meant a Korean perm, like Irene from red velvet. Her hair is so goals!)

I strolled around I was waiting 20 more minutes before I go to Perse. It was going to be hard since I have to enter the main palace just to get to his chambers. That itself is hard but if I use Water Body I might just make my life easier.

. . .

*B E L L*

'Ah, 20 minutes has passed, I should go now.'

"Water Body " Along with everything I had on, turned into water. I went through the palace and ventured throughout just to find his room. I think I was relatively close so I transformed back, if it weren't for the fact I was royalty then the alarms would have ranged.

I walked straight, his room should be near here.


'That sounds like Perse but he's with more adult woman, an adult male, three male voices, and a girl voice.

I didn't have to peek through the door to listen to what they're saying,

-Perseus' POV-

I can finally meet up with sister~

While prancing to my room, I heard mumbles coming from the family area. I opened the door to find out what was going on.

"Tsk, if only she wasn't born looking like that then mother wouldn't have been looked down upon." Leandré clicked his tongue.

"What lies, are you spouting this time, brother?" I entered the room. Mother and Father were present as well as my other two brothers and Rhoshxt.

"What lies? Haven't you heard those damned nobles are bringing up Mother and Euphemia again?" Lorcan said as he looked at me with contempt.

"Lorcan." Mother scolded.

"But it is true Mother, it is clear that they don't show you respect! You are the Empress and yet they think you're doing things behind Father's back!" Aries complained.

"That is for me to deal with." Mother said.

"You say that but you still cry at night." Father held Mother.

"Why not just let Euphemia stay at Crestbreeze? It is better for her to remain there, that way those cursed nobles would eventually forget about her and focus on other things to meddle their business with." Lorcan suggested.

"WHY?! Sister hasn't even done anything wrong???!" I yelled. That's ridiculous! Why must sister suffer the consequences when she's innocent?!

"What do you mean she hasn't done anything wrong??? She's a walking disaster and you know it!" Leandré bit back.

"Sister has amnesia, brother. She doesn't even remember me when she woke up. She changed. You don't even know if she even truly pushed Roshi- *ehem* Rhosyn in the first place. How could we even confirm that sister's past attitude didn't have anything to do with HER. " I pointed towards Rhoshxt.

"Don't you dare point at your sister like that!" Father scolded me.

(A/n: DoN't yOu DaRE DisObeY mE CoRaLIne!)

"I only have one sister and it's Sister Euphemia!"

"PERSEUS!" Mother yelled.

"P-please stop..*hick* P-please d-don't fight." Rhoshxt cried.

"Oh please, stop with your crocodile tears." I scorned.

"Perseus! Apologize to your sister before I punish you!" Father scolded as he glared at me.

I faced Roshxt and smiled, "I'm sorry for saying the truth."

"You are not allowed to leave your room! All your activities for the rest of the month are cancelled. Leave!" With that I left the room. When I closed the door I paced my way to my chambers. Sister might be waiting for me.

All of a sudden water was floating in front of me. It started forming into a body.

'An Intruder?! Impossible, there should be an alarm system for that! How could this person get pass it??'

I was about to attack it when it started to form a familiar silhouette.

"My cute precious brother~" the person chimed, a smile forming in her face.

My eyes grew wide, finally. My only sister is here.

To be Continued. . .
