Chapter 5: Becoming A Hunter

A-23's POV

I was sitting in Night Walker's den, looking at a book. I knew how to read, but I kinda forgot what a book was. The one I was reading was full of many different words. I began sounding them out.

A-23: s-serpant.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach growl. I crawled to the room that had all the food. I opened 1 of the cabinets and licked my lips.

Kyanna's POV

Me, Cody, and Erma were wandering around the market. We looked around at the various stands, searching for stuff to buy.

Erma: hm, should we get him some clothes? I mean, we've only seen him wear a pair of shorts.

She was right, the only thing he was wearing was a pair of shorts made of animal fur.

Kyanna: yeah, we should probably get him some new clothes. It would be weird if he was just walking around town half naked.

Cody: or crawling in his case.

I walked over to a clothes stand and started browsing through the selection. I looked behind the vender and saw a blue jacket with white fur and the edges and matching pants.

Kyanna: how much for those?

Vender: oh these, nice aren't they? They're 250 zenny.

I handed him the money and bought some other clothes while I was at it.

Cody: should we get him a weapon too?

Kyanna: yeah, but we should ask him what he wants. It's pretty obvious that he doesn't like bowguns. Erma, you might wanna change your weapon.

Erma: aw man, but I spent so much time getting the right materials for it.

We spent a few more hours in he market before we started to head home.

Erma: what'd you think he's doing now?

Kyanna: probably still reading that dictionary I gave him.

We got back and I opened the door to see a mountain of book in the middle of the room with the boy sitting on top of it.


He didn't seems to care that we were back and continued reading an encyclopedia on monster biology.


He pointed at the wall and we saw it covered in claw marks that kept track of how many books he read.

Kyanna: um, did you eat anything while we were gone?

He pointed towards the kitchen and we saw that it was a complete wreck.

Cody's eye twitched.

???: Yeah, sorry about that. When I get hungry I tend to loose control.

All our eyes widened and we looked at the boy.

Kyanna: did you just...

???: Talk? Yeah, I had some time to read and learned how to speak in the process.

He held up a book that was titled How To Talk.

Me and Cody turned and looked at Erma.

Cody: why do you have that?

Erma just shrugged her shoulders.

Kyanna: well, this make things a lot easier. So, you got a name.

???: Um.

He hopped down from the mountain of books and crawled over to us. He showed us his wrist. A-23.

Kyanna: um, I don't think that name suits you. Hm, how about...(y/n).

(Y/n): uh, yeah sure.

Kyanna: ok then. Oh, I almost forgot.

I took the clothes I bought for him out of my bag and presented them to him.

Kyanna: here ya go.

He took them.

(Y/n): what are these for?

Kyanna: well, you can't just walk around half naked, so we decided to buy you some clothes. Why don't you go in the bathroom and try them on.

He did just that and after a while he came back. He was still crawling on all fours.

Kyanna: um, can you stand up?

He struggled to get to his feet and had to hold on to the wall for support. I could finally get a good look at him.

Kyanna: you're not used to standing on 2 feet, huh?

(Y/n): y-yeah.

Kyanna: ok, try walking forward.

He let go of the wall and took a few steps forward. After like 6 steps, he fell forward but I managed to catch him.

Kyanna: ok, how about we head to the canteen and get something to eat?

(Y/n): that sounds good.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) falling on his face over and over again

We continued to walk down the street to the canteen. Along the way, people kept staring at us. After 5 minutes of walking, (y/n) finally got the hang of walking with only 2 legs.

We got to the canteen and sat down. We then ordered and waited.

(Y/n)'s POV

Me and the others were sat down at a table. The food came out and I waisted no time digging in. in 30 seconds flat, nothing was left but the bones and the plate.


I let out a loud burp which made everyone in the room jump.

As everyone else continued eating, my ears perked up. They couldn't hear it because my sense of hearing was superior to theirs.

???: Ha, what a freak.

I turned to the corner of the room and saw a group of people with smirks on their faces, looking at us. I got up from my seat and tell at them.

(Y/n): oi, ya got something to say?!

1 of them laughed and walked over to me.

???: I was just say how much of a freak you are.

(Y/n): well, you could just say it to my face instead standing in a corner flapping your lips to your friends.

???: Now where's the fun in that?

Kyanna: buzz off, Kestin.

Kestin: ya know, Kyanna, just because your dad's the commander doesn't mean you can boss me around like you're in charge.

(Y/n): leave her out of this. If you have something to say then say it.

Kestin: well, what do you say we settle the score?

(Y/n): what did you have in mind?

Kestin: meet me at the arena tommorow morning so we can see who's better.

(Y/n): it's a fight.

He walked back over to his friends and I sat back down.

Cody: dude, you are so screwed. Kestin's Hunter rank is over 200.

(Y/n): well, mines over 1000.

Cody: you just became a hunter and you don't even have a weapon yet.

(Y/n): well, we'll just have to wait and see how this all turns out.

Later that night

Night Walker, who I know as Kyanna, was hanging a hammock suspended from the ceiling for me to sleep in.

Kyanna: ok, all done, try it out.

I climbed into the hammock and laid down.

Kyanna: so how is it.

(Y/n): comfy. Thanks

Kyanna: well, I need to get to bed, goodnight.

I rocked in the hammock and shut my eyes, but could tell she was still there.

Kyanna: um, (y/n)?

(Y/n): yeah?

Kyanna: be careful in your fight with Kestin tommorow, ok?

(Y/n): got it.
