Fuji Nakamura Faceclaim

Just a new My Hero Academia OC! Again... Fuji Nakamura! He's deaf, but can read lips and does talk aloud and is a great singer despite not being able to hear, and his best friend? Hikaru, my blind OC who's father is All For One!

Fuji is adopted as well! So they have that in common. This is what the cutie looks like!

Isn't he so cute?! I love him already! Definitely an extrovert, just like Hikaru is (yes, it is a shocker, but it's discovered once he's been put on some meds and has worked through his social anxiety. XD)! Sometimes talks too loud because he can't hear himself, and sometimes still needs some sign language to understand some things. Like "I love you" and "colorful" look the same, so he needs some more help on those; sign language on those ones. And for names, too!

Anyways! I love this guy! And y'all would never guess who his father is, mwahahaha!

Well you might, I dunno, but oooooooh! I love it! Teehee!

Anyways, yeah, that's all. 😂
