Chapter 40


"Miem---" I shuttered looking between them not knowing whether I should run to their arm to tell the cruel truth about Blake, nor show my casualty just to save them from the hunting monster who was standing beside me having a sinister smirk on his face.

"Ehooho--" Emiem eyed the floor suspiciously before turns her attention towards me, her eyebrows shot me a questioning look where in the corner of my eyes I saw Rakesh was nodding his head looking at Blake and when he caught me staring at him, he shot me a forceful smile then patted Emiem's shoulders before whispering something naughty to her, cause when he finished his whisper, my friend giggled like a high school teenager not bothering to ask why there was shattered food on the floor.

"Congrats my baby girl." Out of the blue, she crushed me in her tight arms that made me flinch visibly, but first and foremost, how the hell did she know the news? No wonder he could have told them when I was sleeping like an elephant in his bed, not aware of the bloody situation.

"I'm happy for you." Rakesh greeted me and took my hand for a polite handshake but, there, I felt something strange, as the first time I felt his hand was shaking and when I looked at him, he refused to meet my stare.

What for that?

"Hey! Buddy. I wanna talk to you." Rakesh turned to Blake before forcefully drag his way to our room without hearing Blake's response. When did the shaking Rakesh acts like bold as ever?

"Be careful with your words. Trust me he will go to the edge of the mountain if it means to keep you with us." He kissed my earlobe before storming into our rooms leaving me and Emiem alone in the living hall.

"Girl, I'm so excited." She jumped like she was the one who is pregnant here. “If it’s a girl baby, of course, it would reflect yourself or--- if it’s a boy baby, it would take your husband’s features.” She grinned widely.

Of course, it’s going to take his dad’s full monster side.

"Emi--" I gulped down afraid of my own voice. If I slip, he would kill her no matter what.

"Now sit here. I will cook your favourite Chicken Biriyani." She made me sit on the couch and ran like a penguin towards our kitchen all the while yelling that she would love to hear more details, but at the same time, the baby would be starving like a hungry panda so she wanted to feed the baby first.

I sat there with dumb folded. I have my favourite peoples around me, yet, I feel lonely.

"Reil?" A shadow hovered over me and when I looked up, I saw Rakesh standing in front of me, somehow, I didn't find Blake with him that somewhat eased my pain for unknown reasons. Maybe It’s the best cue to tell him that his best friend Blake is the dangerous Heil.

"Ra- Rakesh." My breath quickened as I had attended the 10 km marathon. "I want to-- Blake is Heil. Please save me." My brain refused to function and I didn't realise what was just slipped out of my mouth and when I looked at him hopefully, as believing he would save me from this disaster, his next gesture broke my last chance of escaping from him.

"You know that, aren’t you?" My heart ached. He, my good friend, knew who was Heil but he shut his damn mouth all the time. He was the last person I would suspect, but again, he broke the will by faking everything. Since when did he know the damn truth?

"Of course he does." That voice caused all my hair behind my neck to stand up. "Who do you think helped me throughout this, huh?" He raised his eyebrows where I stood like a statue.

"You-- why?" Tears rolled down through my cheeks mercilessly. Instead of flashings all the sweet moments we had shared as to reminisce his betrayal, my mind froze on the midst, my vision simply turned pure white for what seemed to a mere seconds before I get my normal composure back.

"That man not only killed your dad, but he also burnt his entire family." I didn't dare to look at Blake's intensive stare as my focus was only on Rakesh, engrossed to get the damn explanation for the damage they were caused to me. Why they didn't respect my feelings. What did I do?

"Rakesh, Talk. To. Me!" I made my voice clear but didn't expect the outburst from him.

"He killed my mom like how he killed his." He pointed his forefinger towards Blake. "He chose my mom first, but---" he clenched his jaw, his every vein stood up angrily, ready to come out.

"Unable to bear the enlarged toxic in her blood system, her body gave up and she died, my-- my poor little sister." His lips trembled while he was narrating another dreadful history which had been successfully written by none other than my so-called Uncle.

"The frustrated Hayle didn't take his failure as everyone believed. He wanted to take avenge for his failure and so, he didn’t hesitate to kill my parents in front of my eyes. He put me in that dungeon even before he started his ugly way towards his wife. Rest of the things are history--" his words hang in the air as he didn’t finish the statement yet.

“Your dad rescued me when he rescues Blake.” He sighed. Somehow, the anger replaced by a pure concern.

"Let's forget everything. Let's begin a new life." He stroked my hair where I was standing there in a spell bounded circle. Forget everything!!! What did he think? My heart is made up of flesh or any kind of silly clay as they have?

"I love Emiem sincerely." He let out a frustrated sigh.

Huh! Why does it take her more time to come out. "No worry. She will be fine." As reading my mind, the son of the rascal answered without any shame.

"What if I tell Emiem everything?!" I threw him a disgusting glare. "She would leave you then." I mocked him with my guts.

"And I won't hesitate to kill her." The killing machine roared.

Instead of turning my attention towards the killing psycho, I looked straight into Rakesh's eyes and asked, "You will let this happen?!" But see, as expected, he averted his gaze from me and looked down at the empty floor. Such a coward!

"I love her-- but our friendship is my everything." He lied, that, I could able to read in his voice.

"Hey! I'm sorry. I thought I slept in your bed. By the way, it was so comfy." A sheepish Emiem, who wasn’t aware of the entire situation including the fact of how she ended up in our bed, showed out of nowhere that somehow shut all our heated arguments.

"It's okay baby. You said you had a severe headache, now I could tell you that you were okay." Rakesh kissed her cheeks like he wasn't ready to let her go off in this world, just because I wasn't ready to accept their proposal.

"Ohh." Was she managed to utter before we four had a lovely dinner in our home but we three know this is not a lovely dinner, rather, this dinner is going to tie my life with Heil or take Emiem's life if I won't please Heil.

I deserved this. I should have obeyed them when they warned me to stay away from Heil but I refused to listen to them and now, I'm sinking into my own sins.

I know how to bring everything normal, after all, I'm the one who dragged everyone's life into this hellhole. I don't care but the first thing I do in the morning would be to let them know the truth.


"I can't believe this!" Dacy shook her head in disbelief whereas all my colleagues have me a disappointed look as I pushed them into the ocean where I remained to stay dry in the land.

"It's completely absurd. You can't simply back away from this project. Did you forget how eager you were when you got the permission from the central government? You were running like a maniac, all the while yelling and whistling that you are going to dig your dad's mission." Chole threw her words right in front of my face.

"We agreed to work with you because we know you would finish this project no matter how hart it would trick us." Nichole's teary eyes met my dry ones.

My eyes were dried from the continuous cry I had been drowning since yesterday, and it became plus point for me as not to show them how weak I'm feeling right this moment. I can't save my life, but at least, I could save them. And I don't care how far they are going to hate me from their core, I just wanted to do for the sake of their protection.

"We heard about you that's why we agreed to join with your project, even though plenty of many companies invited us to join with them." Dhanu's statement pierced my heart. I literally spoiled their carriers.

"They even offered us a good payment but we took this project for passion, not for money." Kalai added her point far enough to broke my guts.

"But it all went vain. You proved yourself wrong. You are a coward! Just because you are pregnant you can't leave us alone!!" Priya yelled.

"You simply wasted our time you bitch." Tharani snarled angrily and strode towards me; her hand was raised in the air. Fortunately, Pooja stopped her or else, the big explosion would have happened by Blake or Heil, cause I felt him shaking violently from my behind.

"Did you guys finished?" I folded my arms against my chest. It takes me a good time to mask my face neutral. "Now listen very well. I gave you two options. No.1: You can reopen the project without me, No.2: You are free to leave the place because I already closed the project and sent the copy to the administrative team." I said them casually but every word felt like a sword which cut my soul multiple times.

"I hadn't thought this will end up like this." Finally, Emiem opened her mouth. She was upset with me when I said I'm going to close the project as my baby was my first priority. She tried to convince me but we all know it won't work because I'm not doing this deliberately, he, the son of monster, trapped me in this hole and made me take this decision. I'm not in the situation of judging anyone.

Trust me Emiem, I either don't want to end my chapter like this. I'm so sorry. Words just struggled inside my broken heart but I stayed silent, afraid of, what if my mouth betray me.

"We don't need your fucking project. We will leave tomorrow morning." Natasha wrote the end script which secretly made me let out a sigh of relief. She had no idea how she made everything the way I wanted.

"It would have happened earlier, at least, my hand wouldn't have hurt brutally by Heil." She muttered under her breath before walking out of the hall, followed by, everyone walked behind her including Emiem.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs saying it all is a lie, can’t you see I’m acting like a drama queen, please don’t leave me alone with this monster! I wanted to stop them but I couldn’t. I—I couldn’t stop them.

"You are a bitch!!" I almost would have slapped Rakesh but Blake drew me closer to him by snaking his hands around my waist. I didn't have the strength to fight so I simply gave up.

"Please forget everything. We can have a fresh start." Once again he brought the topic which I have been declined from yesterday. I can't take risk with Emiem's life. He may not a monster but he is not less than the crazy fucker. "I let her go just because you asked." His painful expression made me laugh internally.

"Now stop acting." I felt my surroundings are squeezing me tightly, for that, my vision turned into the shade of black. I then turned towards Blake and asked, "Could you please take me your home. I'm tired." I made a stern face and said those words without any expression.

Whether I like it or not, I’m going to end up there. I didn't feel any pain or pleasure. It was just a plain expression. From today onwards, I'm going to live with this monster and will die one day, probably the day would be the little monster's birthday.


We are at the end…

Hayle Stone is not going to punished by laws nor going to die; Blake simply let him go.

Rakesh respects his friendship, for that, he sacrificed his love. He is not going to get her back. It would be safe for her.

Not everyone is meant to have a beautiful life, sometimes, life is unfair. Reil’s life is forever stuck with Heil’s.

Hope you liked the chapter.

With love,
